Holding that the taking of the life of the unborn or that marriage is a lifelong commitment between only a man and a woman has been consistently taught by the Church and reinforced by its Catechism (and likewise in keeping with my own “internal compass” since you ask.) Voting for a candidate who holds otherwise is permissable “for truly grave moral reasons” and when “guided by a well-formed conscience” according to the USCCB’s guidelines.Again, this is not an attack. Just think this through:
So, after searching your “conscience” you can HONESTLY reply to everyone here that even though Biden has openly admitted to being pro abortion, pro gay marriage (even presiding over one), pro stem cell, pro contraception (and these are already three of the non-negotiables listed by the USCCB), and other ideas, that your conscience is “okay” with Biden? Seriously? None of those things are against the USCCB’s voting guidelines, the RCC’s Catechism, or your internal compass? None?
In the end, as the bishops statement continues, each Catholic must make his/her decision accordingly, as I have done. I would resent any implication that in doing so I have not “searched my conscience” or am somehow being “DISHONEST” here if it were not for the fact that we are two stranger trying to state our beliefs accurately and somewhat concisely by typing on the internet no less.