How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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I am very grateful for Fox news. If we had to get all our information from the networks, CNN, and PBS this would be a very bad place to live. I just wish they had never fired Bill O’Reilly.
I think Catholics should not vote for Joe Biden because he is obviously in mental decline. We are talking about the most demanding job on the planet. It is absolutely cruel to vote him to a position that he is no longer equipped to fulfill. Jill Biden has a lot to answer for.
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Its not flawed, it is just another step towards Nationalism, which is conservative, you actually agreed with it in regard Patriotism. The reasons are not important what is important is that it is happening.
What are you talking about? Academia is full of leftist ideology.
That’s the point that conservatives are changing it, more like remodeling to suite their own needs.
With all due respect, you are doing a terrible job of making your point.
This happens because we look at the the situation with one eye closed & by using terminology like left, right & socialism only highlights the need to justify our own cause by quoting only the negative aspects of another. I apologize if I have made a poor point but I can not help what you can not see. No disrespect as I am also guilty of not understanding your point fully.

As we keep using the negative aspects of others, we seem to forget the negative aspects of our own. There are many facets of conservatism that are simply exaggerated propaganda but yet we haven’t even named one of them. I do also acknowledge that progressives also suffer by using the same type of exaggerated propaganda.
I don’t see anything comparable coming from conservatives. And no I do not consider white supremacists or Nazis to be conservative. They are just crazy.
I like this statement & I agree with you to some extent. However I do acknowledge the fact that any form of white supremacy & Nazism is an extreme form of right wing fascism. To be balanced I will also say that black supremacy & Maoism is also an extreme form of left wing fascism.

What people cant not seem to acknowledge & or accept, is when either ideology is given free reign it risks becoming fascism & extremely dangerous. I say free reign lightly as I know neither side will get free reign because of the balancing actions of the opposing voices (no matter the side). It is hard to deny that if given the chance they would both ultimately develop to the extreme ends.

This is the most important aspect of our our political system & rings true across all democracies on the planet, whether we like it or not. The two or more opposing sides, through dialogue & compromise, should always land somewhere in the middle.

Surely neither side truly believes they can ever convince all to one cause & history has taught us that with no opposing voice things can quickly get out of control. It should never be the goal of any political party to totally eliminate their opposition or to silence the alternative voices. This is exactly what those extreme fascist countries already do, it becomes tyranny.

It is extremely hard for anyone side to convince hearts & minds by analyzing, studying & only pointing out the negatives of their opposition. Surely they have a lot to learn from each other, point being, we as a society may have a lot more to gain by acknowledging the positives as well.
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Surely you don’t see NBC, CBS, CNN, and PBS as critical thinkers. They just follow the democrat talking points.
I agree as they seem to follow democrat ideology because they themselves are progressive, but we can also say that FOX, LIMBAUGH & HANNITY seem to follow republican ideology because they themselves are conservative. It also seems that the overall media in the USA are more liberal progressive than not.
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No. Stop right there.

People have very legitimate issues with Trump and others in the Republican party that have nothing to do with “feelings” and cannot be summarily dismisses with “regardless”.
^ this should be on every election thread on CAF.
We all accept that people can be one issue voters, but many would also accept that a decision to vote one or the other is based on many issues not just one. Just a thought, to be so narrow we may be ignoring other serious issues that are also contrary to catholic ideology.

It is perfectly acceptable to vote in accordance with one single principal as it displays passion for a cause & an honorable one at that. However there are many competing issues, when put together can be easily seen, as out weighing any single issue. This is also perfectly acceptable & honorable, as it only depends on personal perspective & again both strategies have their positives & negatives.
Trump described himself as “very pro-choice” and said “I believe in choice.” (NBC News, October 24, 1999)

“I’m totally pro-choice" (Fox News, 12/1/1999

Abortion should be “removed from politics. I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors.” (Ibid)
1ke is right as I have seen the interviews that he mentions. He was always a pro-choicer all the way up to his first sniff of the white house. It seems very convenient that he changed his mind once he was in the running, it smells more like telling us what we want to hear more than what he actually believes. He is now a pro-lifer with caveats & still only wants to ban abortion after 20 weeks.

May god bless them both & trust that with all their strengths & weaknesses, we get the best possible leader for all concerned. Good luck & respect to both of them.
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Once that crowd has total power (with or without having to win either elections or court cases) it is WE who will have to justify our NOT voting for him.

For all will be known, remembered and dealt with politically, correctly, and with the utmost dispatch.

😫 - “Show trials … get ‘cher seats now … fer th’ SHOW trials!”
I don’t like either of them and I’m only voting for one of them because I like one more than the other, which isn’t really much in either case. They both will mold and conform to whatever they think will get them more votes. I don’t find either of them to be even remotely believable on any topic and both of them fail in many areas that I look to as a Catholic. Both of them have lived in the public eye and have supported, done, or said things that repulse me. I can’t discount anyone who has a valid concern about one person or the other. Our nation continues to be ripped apart and the two party system is the wedge that is causing it. Use your conscious and vote. Make an attempt at trying to understand that the same fear and concern you feel about one person winning is just as legitimately felt by somebody else on the other side. Vote and work on lessening the divide between the two sides because the current trend of one party not doing something solely because the other party did it will only push future candidates further apart.
the same fear and concern you feel about one person winning is just as legitimately felt by somebody else on the other side. Vote and work on lessening the divide between the two sides because the current trend of one party not doing something solely because the other party did it will only push future candidates further apart.
👍 👏 Extremely well said, this sentiment is held by many. I just wish & pray that exaggerated propaganda that only focuses on the negative, from both sides, may come to accept these very grounded principals that you have described.
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Perhaps like me, Trump saw an ultrasound of a baby trying to get away from the abortionist during an abortion. I too used to believe the lies of Planned Parenthood who said a “fetus” was nothing more than a mass of cells… like a wart. When I saw it with my own eyes during that ultrasound, I changed my mind. But more importantly, I changed my heart!
We are allowed to change our mind for one reason or another, however when it comes to politics it is always about gauging the mood of your supporters & portraying what ever it takes to win.
They both will mold and conform to whatever they think will get them more votes.
It is exactly what history shows us about our politicians & systems of government not only in the USA but around the world…
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Hmm… I have to disagree a little with this. Trump has kept all his promises but Biden has flip flopped on many things. Trump has only been a politician for three and a half years so he’s not politically savvy, as you can tell by his tweets. Thats one of the reasons I like him, its like sitting across the table from my uncle having a robust conversation. I live in Pa and this constant flip flopping of Biden over fracking and getting rid of fossil fuels is a huge worry, especially to working class people. But my biggest worry is turning this country into a socialist “utopia”. It never works and socialism is a system of pure envy. Its evil in my humble opinion. People of faith need to be aware of what will happen to our country and what do we leave to our children?
A very good point that he does what he says & as an inexperienced politician he seems to hold to this moral much better than other well experienced ones.
People of faith need to be aware of what will happen to our country and what do we leave to our children?
Yes this is the main driving factor for all concerned not just us people of faith. It is a guiding principal of all, when ever any nation participates in voting for their leaders.

The only problem I find when rejecting any ideology that comes from within us, such as the large majorities of a 2 party system, we often fail to consider the opposite is also part of us & must also be respected. In a true democracy where the leaders are voted by majority, we must believe, that it is also what our people want & this principal should always be upheld not matter whether we like it or not.

I understand the concerns we might have regarding Socialism, but it would be reasonable to think that many also have concerns with Capitalism. I share both concerns when either seems likely to become radical as they are both dangerous at their extremes.

I think fear & a lack of knowledge plays a big part, as extreme socialism historically shows its tyranny, however I trust that our balanced mixture of both may work very well. It is only our education & the way we have been taught that keeps us blind to any positives it might bring. For example any legitimate government elected by majority, that owns & operates critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, energy & water production, achieves a good balance for their people. By its very nature it is a socialistic function, that would seem to do more good than harm.

My view is that we must reject & eliminate the negatives of both ideologies, at the same time as embracing & enhancing the positives of both ideologies.
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The only problem I find when rejecting any ideology that comes from within us, such as the large majorities of a 2 party system, we often fail to consider the opposite is also part of us & must also be respected.
This is the reason I finally stopped listening to Rush/Hannity/Levin. It was cathartic at first but it ultimately wasn’t good for my soul. You can only think “That’s not what the caller said though!” before you realize it doesn’t matter what the caller says when they’re a liberal. They are to be steamrolled for the listener’s (my) enjoyment.

That didn’t sit right with me after a while. I don’t like getting steamrolled and not heard. I’d like it even less if it was for the entertainment of others. Just because someone is wrong doesn’t mean they’re still not made in the image and likeness of God. Levin was easy to drop because of the name calling. Rush took the longest because he didn’t yell much.
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You say any government elected by majority that owns and operates critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, energy and water keeps a good balance. Have you seen what happened to Venezuela? The duly elected government took over everything and those poor people have tumbled down into poverty. Go to South Florida and talk to some of them, you’ll know the truth.

God help us all (truly) if the government gets control of hospitals or our healthcare. Imagine ten thousand reassigned dmv agents controlling your healthcare. The government will say what kind of treatment you can have based on your age and illness. Death panels will be formed. Now before you say “thats ridiculous”, think about what happened to Terri Schiavo. A judge ordered her death for the sake of her “husband”. Why? Because he wanted the life insurance money and he got it. So even though her parents and brother were ready, willing and able to care for Terri, the judge said no. So those poor parents had to stand by and watch their beloved daughter not only starve to death but die of dehydration. She wasn’t a vegetable., she laughed when she heard her Mom’s voice and her head and eye movements followed her Mom around the room. And don’t forget about that baby in England. In a “government” hospital, refused treatment despite the parents desperate desires. Catholics rallied around them and found a hospital and doctors who were ready to take care of that baby. But because the baby was under the control of the government, they said no. And let the baby die.

You may be against capitalism, but more people have been lifted out of poverty because of capitalism and more people have been driven into poverty because of socialism. Again I say, socialism is a product of envy and it’s evil.
No I am not against Capitalism at all neither am I against Socialism as I said it is the heart of our system, both of them act to keep each other in balance. I am only against the extreme forms of both.
Have you seen what happened to Venezuela? The duly elected government took over everything and those poor people have tumbled down into poverty
Yes I agree but if we take an unbiased view we can see that the main contributing factor to its downfall & ultimately its rejection of Capitalism was in large part because of International Sanctions for being disobedient. Another resource rich nation sent broke because of its failure with Capitalism, in a sense it had no choice but to return to the bad old days of extreme socialism.
God help us all (truly) if the government gets control of hospitals or our healthcare. Imagine ten thousand reassigned dmv agents controlling your healthcare. The government will say what kind of treatment you can have based on your age and illness. Death panels will be formed
In many countries with social democracies it functions very well, besides what you suggested is already happening accept it comes down to income & wealth that is currently dictating what treatment you get. If I had to choose I would rather a death panel voted & accepted by majority rather than one accepted by private individual profiteers.
people have been lifted out of poverty because of capitalism and more people have been driven into poverty because of socialism. Again I say, socialism is a product of envy and it’s evil.
I would say the balance is the same as with the growth of wealth also comes the growth of poverty. We already have a form of socialism, which occurs whenever a government owns anything on behalf of its people & in particular critical infrastructure. We live in a world with finite resources & as the balance of those resources shift so does wealth & poverty.
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i wonder what God will have to say to those who vote for them.
That is between God and them, a point you seem to miss. If you really want an answer to your question, you could read the voter’s guide the Catholic Church has put out about what people need to form their conscience about and how to vote their own conscience. The key being their conscience, not yours. And how will God judge? The Catholic Church teaches that we must follow the certain judgement or our conscience. Again, that is our conscience, not yours. You do not want an answer to your question. If so, you could see it. You would listen, not preach. One can only learn by hearing what another has to say with a desire to understand, not formulate a response.

The Church has never said voting for someone is a sin, unless they vote in order to advance something sinful. You and your ilk go waaayyyy beyond Church teaching this year, threatening with sin and Hell where the Church does not. You are a spiritual bully.

You also do not gain any credibility when you insult the Pope in your first post. In his own words, in an interview in 2019, he states he is a conservative. Your re-labeling is again quite wrong.
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