How can Jews not believe?

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Unlike clever salespeople, who would try to understand their market, there’s a strong tendency to invent Judaisms to argue against instead of trying to understand the one that exists.
This map is the perfect recipe for a disaster in Middle East politics.
This is glossing over the fact that the Messiah is coming to bring peace to the world and not to expand any modern nation’s borders at the expense of others. This applies to both Jewish and Christian eschatology.
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What’s the matter with you?
Where does “freeing from Rome” become ‘Military conquest’?

Athanasiy finds some Evangelical Protestants who like a bit of Judaica in their lives and I’m supposed to take it seriously?
Orthodox Jews readily admit that the destruction of the First temple was punishment by God for the idolatry of Israel. Not that severe of a punishment when you consider that after 70 years they were back as a nation and to rebuild the Temple. The destruction of the Second Temple, however, was several orders of magnitude more severe, a true genocide of Jews, the Temple has never been rebuilt, and the Jews were not back for 1900 years.
What are you even talking about?
You’re saying that the Jewish view of Messiah was ‘military conquest’ when even the slightest knowledge of the world surrounding the Jewish people makes such a thought nonsensical.

It’s national liberation, not military conquest.
No, I have no doubts. My Church is being constantly infused by the Holy Spirit through miracles and great saints. It is alive.

Besides, did you know that your profile photo seems to represent Mary’s 12 star crown of the Apocalypse?
Their eyes are veiled. The people of Israel have a history of going astray going all the way back to Moses. But the prophets did tell us that the Christ would conquer Israel’s enemies and the nations would flock to him, and he did. He conquered Rome and now over half the human population, over 3.85 billion people, now worship the God of Israel because of him. We know that in the last days, as the prophet Zechariah foretold, that the veil will be lifted from their eyes. Pray for them, God has not forgotten them, they are still his original people.
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In 1987, following the adoption of the flag by the EC, Arsène Heitz (1908–1989), one of the designers who had submitted proposals for the flag’s design, suggested a religious inspiration for it. He claimed that the circle of stars was based on the iconographic tradition of showing the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Woman of the Apocalypse, wearing a “crown of twelve stars”.

One designer suggested a religious inspiration and I’m supposed to care?
If you look at the link, there were 2 designers and one of them revealed the religious symbolism. Isn’t it enough?

Also: Arsène Heitz (27 March 1908 – 1989) was a German-French draughtsman, born in Strasbourg, who worked at the Council of Europe. He is the co-author of the Flag of Europe (in collaboration with Paul M. G. Lévy).
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No, please, it is very nice for me to see a Marian Jew! I love that you choose this to be your image. I don’t know, but you are very active in a Catholic forum, has a Marian avatar… maybe you are more Christian than you think! Jesus loves you, so does Our Lady.
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