How can Jews not believe?

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I’m savouring a cup of Earl Grey tea 😏.

Just kidding I’m hating it. Was reading someone’s post and added a bit too much milk, which means the whole thing is just hot milk now.
Jesus commanded that we baptize all nations. We are just obeying God by praying and acting for their conversion. It would be incredible uncharitable to exclude Jews from God’s communion.
I think the Jews have had more than enough Christian mercy over the last 2000 years
Welp there’s Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and a few others like the Baha’i and the Druze and Rastafari and such. The number of Christians and Muslims combined puts that well over half the human population with Christians making up almost a 1/3
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True to my half-Italian descent, not only do I go for coffee, it’s espresso, ‘doppio’ for me.

Seriously, I do like a good Assam, without milk or sugar/sweetener, of course.
Our Jewish friend demonstrated how he was taught that Jesus was not the Messiah and had Jewish apologetics to debate any presentation we would put forth. Just like we learn our apologetics as Catholics. With the internet it’s pretty easy to pursue and strengthen your point of view.
Since God apparently has send no prophets or messages in the last 2,000 years
Mohammed claimed to be a prophet and founded a religion which is now the world’s second largest. Joseph Smith claimed to be a prophet and founded a religion which has grown from small beginnings and has lasted and prospered to this day.

How do you define “prophet”?
I don’t think you can or should regard Jewish people as a monolith when it comes to their beliefs.
I am aware of Jewish people who are very firmly Jewish, work for Jewish organizations, openly self-identify as Jewish, work against any form of persecution of Jewish people…but they don’t believe in God. It’s not just a case of not believing in Jesus, they are basically agnostics or even atheists.
Their Judaism is a cultural identity, not a religious one.
Well Muslims say they worship the God of the Bible, and Christians say they do too. Some Christians may not think Muslims do but Muslims say they do. Ultimately both Christianity and Islam are based off of Hebrew religion. Christianity more directly since Jesus was a Jew and Christianity began in Judaism, whereas Islam is more indirect but arose in an Arabian milieu when Judaism and Christianity were exerting great influence on the religious attitudes in the region, so along comes Muhammad claiming to be a prophet in the same tradition as Abraham to be the successor to Jesus.
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Really, don’t you think a Jew having the 12 stars crown of the Apocalypse just a little bit ironic? I can’t imagine myself having a Shiva for my avatar and saying it is very normal to a Catholic to do so!
Added to everything else, I’m now engaged in the important role of cat-shelf.
I’m a current cat-shelf, too. She’s fast asleep on my lap…I’m also typing…and listening to the TV (‘Shrek Forever’)…Multi-tasking?..Easy-peasy 🙂
No, please, it is very nice for me to see a Marian Jew! I love that you choose this to be your image. I don’t know, but you are very active in a Catholic forum, has a Marian avatar… maybe you are more Christian than you think! Jesus loves you, so does Our Lady.
While I am sure that Jesus and Mary love the person, that avatar appears to be the flag of the European Union to me.

I really don’t think the non-Catholic countries of the EU see it as having to do with our Mother Mary…
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Islam is irrelevant to the Orthodox Christian faith. What Orthodox Christians believe about Islam is up to them so you’re correct there. But Muslims say they worship the God of the Bible and I take them at their word, I have no reason to doubt they really believe that and, I mean, they do accept all the Abrahamic figures including Jesus despite being extremely wrong about him and the nature of his message. It doesn’t really matter what anyone else says, it is objective fact that Muslims believe they worship the God of Jews and Christians and that they are categorized as an Abrahamic religion next to Judaism and Christianity.
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