How can you be Democratic and also be Catholic?

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That type of obedience is not blind. It is humble. It is a recognition that God knows more than we do, and that He reveals truth. Then there is a recognition of Church authority. Let me give you and example. I became Catholic only because I understood that Jesus was the Son of God first. Then I understood and accepted that His intention was to leave behind a living body that would be guided by the Holy Spirit, and that He entrusted to Peter to feed and guide that body.

That was the foundation. It was not blind by any stretch, as it was a hard fought understanding. Once the foundation was laid, I have to take my own, one person, limited intellect and education, experience with a grain of salt. It is humility, not blindness, that guides my desire to understand the mind of the Church, not define it.
This has an answer. It is why I claim to be Catholic, though still a sinner. None of us here have crossed the finish line. None are perfected. We all still struggle. This is why we have to be a little more charitable with each other than those who are of the world. I have had my own struggle with the Church’s teaching on capital punishment, so I understand that learning is a process.
We must address this. We are all sinners. A practicing Catholic can accept church teaching and yet still fall to the teaching of the church. However, when a Catholic rejects a church teaching, they have put themselves outside the faith and are not considered a Catholic. We are all sinners but rejecting church teaching is a whole different thing than falling to a sin.
However, when a Catholic rejects a church teaching, they have put themselves outside the faith and are not considered a Catholic.
That is not what the Church teaches.
Pope Pius XII in his encyclical Mystici Corporis:

"Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith, and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the Body, or been excluded by legitimate authority for grave faults committed. ‘For in one spirit’ says the Apostle, ‘were we all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free.’ As therefore in the true Christian community there is only one Body, one Spirit, one Lord, and one Baptism, so there can be only one faith. And therefore if a man refuse to hear the Church let him be considered - so the Lord commands - as a heathen and a publican. It follows that those who are divided in faith or government cannot be living in the unity of such a Body, nor can they be living the life of its one Divine Spirit. "
I became Catholic only because I understood that Jesus was the Son of God first. Then I understood and accepted that His intention was to leave behind a living body that would be guided by the Holy Spirit, and that He entrusted to Peter to feed and guide that body.
Well said. I wholeheartedly agree. But you see you did use your intellect to come to that conclusion. As you said, “I understood… You can only understand when you think, when you use your mind.
And there is an aspect not often talked about. I call it actionable proximity. Why vote for a person because he or she might have an opportunity to maybe do one thing when there are thousands of other horrendous things he or she can do immediately and frequently.
If we’re using those criteria neither major parties are worthy of a single vote. One need only bring up the numerous military interventions that have resulted in needless death, ethnic cleansing, and even genocide to darn this country into the dustbin of history.

Or one can roll out neocon liar war criminals like Colin Powell who have switched to Biden.
You cannot exactly be a Catholic and Democrat. Especially, with how the Democrats have been promoting socialism or flirting ever dangerously close to it.

HOWEVER, There is one party in the election that Catholics should vote for as it could be considered to do some of the works of mercy. The party is the American Solidarity Party.
The Party doesn’t just have catholics but other faiths but it is rooted in Catholic Social Teaching including some Vatican encyclicals as well as the ideals of Chesteron, Belloc, as well as some liberal icons such as Dorothy Day and Peter Maturin. Not to mention, the party’s logo is a pelican, which is (I’m not sure the right term) a creature used by St. Thomas Aquinas in his Adoro Te Devote.

Now I mentioned how voting for the ASP would be thought of as a few works of mercy. It would be instructing the ignorant who tell you a vote for the ASP is a vote for Trump or Biden. In addition, it would admonish the sinners in that it would send a message of rejection to Trump for his quotes especially about women and not wanting forgiveness from God and rejection to Biden for his abortion views as well as how he is distorting freedom of religion and freedom of worship. Finally, it would instruct the ignorant of both parties’ leaderships such as the Democrats on how to be more pro-life and the Republicans to be more for social justice.
Here in the US, abortion has a near zero chance of being outlawed.
One Supreme Court appointment away. It’s not good to counsel despair, ever, let alone when there’s hope.
The Republican Party more than the Democrats need abortion on the books for fear of losing a large chunk of their constituents if it was already illegal
It’s the other way around. I don’t oppose abortion because I vote Republican. I vote Republican because I oppose abortion. I was a Democrat, and a dedicated one too, until I realized that party’s dedication to abortion was growing stronger and stronger. I could not simultaneously be an obedient Catholic and a dedicated Democrat.

I’m not alone in it either. Catholics used to be Democrat, almost to a man. Now, the majority of native born Catholics vote Republican. As fallen-away Catholics return to the Church, I think we’ll see that change accelerate.
Someone on the inside has to be there if you ever want to change the platform.
The Dem party has already announced that it does not want prolife people.
I appreciate your ideals. But voting for some party that has no chance only aids the abortion cause. Failing to vote effectively is the same as not voting at all.
In addition, it would admonish the sinners in that it would send a message of rejection to Trump for his quotes especially about women
So you would vote for killing children because you don’t approve of Trump’s manners? Really?
f you don’t want to believe the bible, then you really are in your own religion.
I never said that.
When I read the Bible I premise Gods attributes: All good, All loving, All truth.
Then when I read something that contradicts these attributes I question it.
It could be the writers assumptions, an allegory, etc…
Killing children is not on the ballot.
As the U.S. bishops have said, it’s the preeminent issue in this election. So it is on the ballot. Voting for Biden/Harris is exactly voting for abortion.
There are many more reasons than just execrable manners to vote against DJT.
Opinions. But when it comes to the actual facts, and actual policies there really aren’t.

I do understand that the main reason Dems oppose Trump and have done so is because he has followed prolife policies, while their party is utterly pro-abortion. I entreat you not to share in the guilt of a million murders per year.
Voting for Biden/Harris is exactly voting for abortion.
But when it comes to the actual facts, and actual policies there really aren’t.
So a complete lack of leadership ability (bullying is not leadership) is not a reason?
Cozying up to dictators and showing signs of wanting to join their ranks is not a reason?
An apparent inability to recognize reality or tell the truth is not a reason?
No evidence. Just opinion.
This statement puts me in mind of Jeremiah 5:21

And what is the basis (evidence, in your words, for this bald assertion?
the main reason Dems oppose Trump and have done so is because he has followed prolife policies, while their party is utterly pro-abortion
Most Dems, some Repubs, and some independents oppose Trump for a large list of reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with his superficial claim to being pro life (or at least pro birth).
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