How could a moral God allow suffering?

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Just FYI - your post is formatted poorly.

Really.I wasn’t aware that we had a great writer among us. Tell me, How has your publishing career gone? Mine has been most satisfactory.
Of course, it is a bit hard to respond to nearly incomprehensible ramblings. Plus, if you’ll note, the formatting comes mostly from your post.
The US bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki were purely human events with which I happen to agree. To the best of my knowledge we received no orders from any almighty and we did not eradicate any civilization. Therefore, the analogy is a poor one.
I believe you will find that to be the case with any modern human events. We gave up on writing fictional encounters with some god as our justification long ago.
God created hell, obviously, as a punishment for evildoers.
Hell is not a place but a spiritual state of self-inflicted isolation and frustration.
This doesn’t mean that God wanted anyone to go to hell, only that they end up there because they do evil. We come back again to the fact that actions have consequences and that God’s foreknowledge is not responsible for someone’s deliberate choice to do evil.
Foreknowledge does not = responsibility. In any case, you certainly have not shown (or even begun to show) that it does.
You seem to believe that “all-loving” means that there is no wrath or judgment. I think you have your definition of “love” wrong. In any case, we could both agree that the God of the Bible (and reality) could in no case be considered “loving” by the standards of human nature, so I wouldn’t be surprised that you would find the extermination of a civilization (or all of humanity) to be “unloving.”
There are definitely circumstances where the extermination of a society is justified. I pointed out earlier how the U.S. dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan during WWII which killed men, women, children, and infants. This was done in a desperate attempt to end a war with an unrepentantly antagonistic society. The exact same principle applies when we consider the fact that God is going to have to exterminate the human race from the planet (and already has in the past).
I’ll ask again: explain what God is supposed to do with an unrepentantly evil civilization, other than destroy it.
There is no such thing as “an unrepentantly evil civilization”. Evil is the result of choices by **individuals.

**God is the Creator not the Destroyer. He does not mete out unjust and indiscriminate suffering on men, women and children like some ruthless members of the human race.

God is an infinitely loving Father who cares for all His children even when they reject Him:

“Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no, it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand’ring bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken." **- **William Shakespeare
Hey, OldCelt. I’ll meet you in the peanut gallery for a beer while these two sort things out.
Originally Posted by Achilles6129 View Post
Just FYI - your post is formatted poorly.

God created hell, obviously, as a punishment for evildoers. This doesn’t mean that God wanted anyone to go to hell, only that they end up there because they do evil. We come back again to the fact that actions have consequences and that God’s foreknowledge is not responsible for someone’s deliberate choice to do evil.

Foreknowledge does not = responsibility. In any case, you certainly have not shown (or even begun to show) that it does.

Clever beginning, and I don’t see ypu offering anything approach proof. But I will offer proof from the human race…Foreknowledge of faulty item + creation of faulty item = responsibility. Now, let’s put it in deity terms…Deity knows people are doomed before creating them + He still creates them = He is responsible for those souls in hell
Originally Posted by Achilles6129 View Post
Just FYI - your post is formatted poorly.

God created hell, obviously, as a punishment for evildoers. This doesn’t mean that God wanted anyone to go to hell, only that they end up there because they do evil. We come back again to the fact that actions have consequences and that God’s foreknowledge is not responsible for someone’s deliberate choice to do evil.

Foreknowledge does not = responsibility. In any case, you certainly have not shown (or even begun to show) that it does.

Clever beginning, and I don’t see ypu offering anything approach proof. But I will offer proof from the human race…Foreknowledge of faulty item + creation of faulty item = responsibility. Now, let’s put it in deity terms…Deity knows people are doomed before creating them + He still creates them = He is responsible for those souls in hell
Because the good God is being good to them by giving them what they want…away from him.

Even at the end of a life, God offers forgiveness and peace. So it is never too late as far as God is concerned. But when a person sees God as a strange person, or as being unethical, at the end of his life, then why would a man chose God whom he doesn’t admire or think in friendly terms with. A man is going to go the way he is convinced of…that God offers no meaning.

May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.
The Christian God? Not create humans for the slaughter…that pesky omniscience. So far as exterminating humanity, it hasn’t happen yet, why would it in the future?
Good news: God didn’t create humans for slaughter.

As far as exterminating humanity is concerned, God did exterminate all of (evil) humanity in a global flood thousands of years ago. He also exterminated all of the civilizations in the land of Canaan as well as the civilizations of King Sihon/Og outside of Canaan. And, he will do so again in the book of Revelation.
Really.I wasn’t aware that we had a great writer among us. Tell me, How has your publishing career gone? Mine has been most satisfactory.
Of course, it is a bit hard to respond to nearly incomprehensible ramblings. Plus, if you’ll note, the formatting comes mostly from your post.
This forum has formatting issues that need to be fixed. It’s not easy to format posts here which was why I was giving you a heads up.
The US bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki were purely human events with which I happen to agree. To the best of my knowledge we received no orders from any almighty and we did not eradicate any civilization. Therefore, the analogy is a poor one.
You eradicated an entire society filled with men, women, children, and infants. God’s eradication of humanity (or the civilizations in Canaan, or the Amalekites, or whatever) is merely an expansion of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima/Nagasaki. The same principle that governs those bombings applies here as well.

To claim that God is evil because he exterminates civilizations filled with men, women, children, and infants, and then to turn around and do the same is the height of hypocrisy.
Clever beginning, and I don’t see ypu offering anything approach proof. But I will offer proof from the human race…Foreknowledge of faulty item + creation of faulty item = responsibility. Now, let’s put it in deity terms…Deity knows people are doomed before creating them + He still creates them = He is responsible for those souls in hell
So here are your points:
  1. God had foreknowledge of the faulty item
  2. God created the faulty item
  3. God is responsible for the faulty item going to hell (from 1,2)
Unfortunately, point #2 is not correct. God did not create the faulty item; they made themselves faulty by rebelling against God. Hence, the line of reasoning fails.
Because the good God is being good to them by giving them what they want…away from him.

Even at the end of a life, God offers forgiveness and peace. So it is never too late as far as God is concerned. But when a person sees God as a strange person, or as being unethical, at the end of his life, then why would a man chose God whom he doesn’t admire or think in friendly terms with. A man is going to go the way he is convinced of…that God offers no meaning.

May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.
This is how I see things:
If God acts as you believe He starts the whole process with many unwilling subjects; a major violation of free will. He then holds them guilty of sins that were committed thousands of years ago, sends his word during a time when communication was virtually non-existent, to only one small area of the world, in obscure and often difficult to understand prose. All the while knowing precisely what will happen to each and every one of these people. Along the way He directly orders or commits what can only be described as atrocities.
Admitting that the first attempt was a failure, He tried another tact that was rejected by the vast majority of the people who were present. Then He supposedly inspires others to write of these events in an obscure and generally unused language (Aramaic), creates a church headed, well, you know all that.
None of this makes much sense to me when I observe history and day to day life. Suffering among the most innocent is rampant and there is no logic to it.
We need a creator to start the process, but the father-figure concept has been a major failure, in my opinion. I believe it to be a type of historic fiction, much as Thomas Jefferson did…though we vary on some key points.
There it is. I believe in a God who began creation and is still out there. Perhaps He has shown us greater love by simply leaving us alone.
Hell is not a place but a spiritual state of self-inflicted isolation and frustration.
I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree. Scripture paints a much different view of hell.
There is no such thing as “an unrepentantly evil civilization”. Evil is the result of choices by **individuals. **

Individuals make up a civilization.
God is the Creator not the Destroyer. He does not mete out unjust and indiscriminate suffering on men, women and children like some ruthless members of the human race.
You’re correct, he doesn’t. He destroys civilizations when they become unrepentantly evil, like Sodom/Gomorrah, the ancient Egyptians/Israelites/Canaanites, and the people in the book of Revelation.
God is an infinitely loving Father who cares for all His children even when they reject Him:
Note that those that disobey God’s commands are not called God’s children in Scripture; rather, they are called the children of Satan:

“41 You are doing the deeds of your father.” They said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father: God.” 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but [l]He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand [m]what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks [n]a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of [o]lies.” Jn. 8:41-44 (NASB)
Good news: God didn’t create humans for slaughter.
My belief goes one better…God didn’t create humans at all. He began the universe and observed the result. He didn’t blame us for the sin of two people we never met. etc., etc., etc.
My belief goes one better…God didn’t create humans at all. He began the universe and observed the result. He didn’t blame us for the sin of two people we never met. etc., etc., etc.
So he’s never going to intervene to end all evil, eh?
I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree. Scripture paints a much different view of hell.
The Jews often used images and hyperbole to emphasize a point. Only Fundamentalists interpret everything in Scripture literally.
Individuals make up a civilization.
And each one is responsible for his or her own destiny.
You’re correct, he doesn’t. He destroys civilizations when they become unrepentantly evil, like Sodom/Gomorrah, the ancient Egyptians/Israelites/Canaanites, and the people in the book of Revelation.
Civilizations include innocent individuals, particularly children:
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Matthew 19:14
Note that those that disobey God’s commands are not called God’s children in Scripture; rather, they are called the children of Satan:
“41 You are doing the deeds of your father.” They said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father: God.” 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot hear My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Jn. 8:41-44 (NASB)
Does “you” include young children? :eek:
The Jews often used images and hyperbole to emphasize a point. Only Fundamentalists interpret everything in Scripture literally.
In this case the strongest statements possible are given in Scripture to make us believe that hell is a place of torture. If Christ wanted to make it clear he was using hyperbole, he would have. He did not.
Civilizations include innocent individuals, particularly children:
Only God can know if they’ll grow up to be like their parents or not. In addition, we’re not talking about children in the context of eternal damnation in hell; we’re talking about them in the context of God totally destroying a civilization. So if someone’s truly innocent then they aren’t really destroyed by God at all, since the righteous can never see death (Jn. 8:51, etc.).
Matthew 19:14
Does “you” include young children? :eek:
Like I said, only God can know whether or not they will grow up to be like their parents.
In this case the strongest statements possible are given in Scripture to make us believe that hell is a place of torture. If Christ wanted to make it clear he was using hyperbole, he would have. He did not.
Then why aren’t you scared witless about the possibility of ending up there? Or do you somehow know that you won’t. In which case, what makes you different?
Like I said, only God can know whether or not they will grow up to be like their parents.
Are you saying that He created them knowing that He was going to kill them?
Then why aren’t you scared witless about the possibility of ending up there? Or do you somehow know that you won’t. In which case, what makes you different?
Those who obey God’s commands will never go to hell.
Are you saying that He created them knowing that He was going to kill them?
God foreknows everything, so obviously if he’s going to destroy a civilization then yes, God created them knowing he was going to kill them (physically, at least). The same applies to eternal damnation in hell; obviously when God creates someone he knows whether or not they’re going to hell.
Maybe, just maybe, we have a choice as to whether or not we go to heaven or not!

Having free will, we have a choice to mend our ways? Maybe God has 2 roads mapped out for us and a crossroads where ultimately we decide where we go by our choices in life? Heaven or Hell!
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