Nancy, sometimes we can speak very loudly and never use words. Your body language may be a problem.
When you said “how can I minister to my husband”…it may be seen as condescending…I know you didn’t mean it that way, but I think JeffAustralia picked up on a negative there. And your husband my feel like you seem superior to him. Your silence can be misunderstood as well.
Saying the ‘f’ word in the middle of lovemaking is a complete turnoff to most, if not all, women. Having said that, I don’t think your husband meant to offend you. And you said “I just didn’t like what you said”…I think you left him feeling very low, like he doesn’t know how to make love to his wife. Can you tell him you are sorry about the way that came out? And tell him that word caught you off guard and you didn’t mean in any way to hurt him or offend him. And let him know he is very attractive to you. And maybe make him some of his favorite food…
This is hard stuff…I understand…marriage is where we learn to die to ourselves, isn’t it? I’m still learning, too.
I am going to offer up a few things as well, I can truely see your side of this issue, and I can see a potential for his. I am one of those that gets extra Heated up sometimes when “dirty words” are thrown into the mix, I use them myself sometimes.and most of my friends are the same way as well. Its possible he was "testing the wtares so to speak to see if maybe he would get a good response from you, maybe a friend of his has a wife that goes bannanas when talked to in that way, I have a friend that goes over the edge everytime her husband talks “nasty” to her.
everyone has there own lil nitch, some people “dress up” for extra spice and get rid of the same old same old routines.
heres something that could help you out…
Make a really nice candle lit dinner for no apparent reason.
sit down to dinner and conversation.tell him how you feel about the dirty words, maybe add in you deeply appreciate how he tries to enhance your feelings during lovemaking,but tell him the words just dont do it for you, then tell him something that DOES for you.
ask him what does it for him,Its possible the terms prude and priss come from you and he not sitting down and discussing something so natural as sex, Remember nothing about sex is dirty, some of us have been brought up to believe it is,but its not.
Its the most special gift we as humans have been given.
if you think or feel its dirty talk to someone,if not thats great ,tell your man what flaots your boat, the old saying everyone has a fantasy! thats a great place to start, he will find you are not the prude he thinks you are.
I would love to say oh he is just treating you bad and wants to control you, but not knowing him,or you. I have to assume that he had all the best intentions,even with the terms prude and priss I would like to think he was just trying to maybe get you to look at yourself ,your actions,and maybe see something, and dont get me wrong i am not saying he is just in the words, but men can be crietons, esspecially when following a friends possible advice.
in closing remember Communication is the key to success
I have some more things I would also like to share with you but will do so in a private message,things that could possibly be causing these terms to be used towards you, that possibly havnt been thought about…
all the best and God Bless you