Just so you know where I am coming from here, I have probably lived pretty similarly to the way that you have, and all that I have accomplished is to spoil my husband. I certainly haven’t brought him any closer to God. In fact by allowing him to treat me in such an unloving and disprespectful manner, I have probably done just the opposite. I never shared any of his treatment of me with my family because I didn’t want to damage him in their eyes. They saw enough to disturb them, but there was a whole lot more that they had no idea about. I didn’t want to go to counseling, because I knew I would be told to leave.
Finally, I did get to the point that I knew something had to be done, and started asking for counseling and for my husband to give up drinking. He wouldn’t do this. Finally, we had a blow up, and I made plans to move out. Like your husband, mine had threatened to leave me for years. Well, when he saw that I really was going to leave, he made me every promise to change, and he did try, for a couple of weeks. That was almost a year ago. Our old patterns reestablished themselves, and he is just as abusive as ever. Last December though this all came up in confession, and my priest told me I have to leave him since he is not willing to get help and this is a situation that is harming me and harming my children. I told him I really wasn’t ready to do that, and my priest actually gave me a deadline to do it, no later than June. I do feel like that was the Holy Spirit talking to me, telling me what I already knew deep down inside. I am working with my parents and plan to meet that deadline. I really do hope that is what it will take to wake my husband up, because my strategy of being loving and forgiving certainly wasn’t working. I’m not telling him about these plans because I think he could be dangerous if he knew that he was losing control over me, and also because this is not just a threat. I AM leaving with no intention of coming back.
I am not telling you all this not because I think you have to do just what I am doing, I’m just letting you know that what you are doing is not effective. It is not going to bring your husband any closer to God, and it is not a healthy life for you or your children. You are going to need to DO something. I think talking to a priest about your particular situation would be a good starting point.