How God could be omnipresent if He is spiritual?

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Please read post #143.
See #213: “The passive intellect retains the quiddity of things and not their concrete objects. For the intellect to consider the temporal context it needs the sentient part of the soul which remembers that it was sensing at a past time and that it was sensing a man.”
Memory is sort of information. Information has shape so you need space to accommodate it through wiring inside the brain. Any mental state is the result cohesive firing of neurons. No neurons firing results in dead brain.
You’ll have to provide some studies that demonstrate that memory is ONLY stored in the brain.

(I always find the non-Catholic either/or to be so peculiar. Why, oh, why, do people insert ONLYs where none are required?)
Or they were not convinced.

Committing sins is partially due to our nature and the reset is due to society that we live. Why we should live here when God is all powerful? Why we should have be given a nature to sin?

I don’t think so if that is true if you hurt someone?
Sorry forgot to address this last one. Yes they are all forgiven. God is good.🙂
That is not true. I accomplished a lot.
Only with what you have been given by God.
I said that knowledge, logic and wisdom are only tools I have in disposal to understand the truth and find what is right and what is wrong. You can call that god, I call is simple human being.
A simple human should have the humility to understand that they are not the cause of themselves and that their is such a thing as truth.
Obviously, he cannot. Empiricism will reveal only what is happening materially unless we expand it as they do in the field of Psychology, to include meaning.

The Internet, the computer, the monitor, the photons, the retina, optic nerve, mIdbrain and cortical structures including the occipital lobe and motor cortex, the spinal cord, muscles of the arm and hand, the keyboard, and back to the computer, we can isolate this series of physical events from the rest of time and space, breaking them down into molecular processes. This would tell us what the matter is doing in terms of the electrochemical and physiological structure involved.

It would tell us nothing of what it is truly about, communication. There is meaning and a relational quality to what is happening right here that will be missed when we put on the intellectual blinkers that allow us to see only brain. It’s sort of mindless as the saying goes.
Please see post #216.
I think that you have had this question answered already but I will repeat the answer for our lurkers out there.

We have been given the gift of free will, the gift of being able to choose the will of God for our lives or to not. This is a choice of either to love God or not to love God. Only those with free will can make the free choice of love. Thus we have the ability to engage in sin (selfish behavior) or the ability to do good for “the other” (self giving behavior).
Can you show me that we have free will? To me we are only rational being choosing the best option among a set prioritized option. This also means that we are responsible for our action.
Can you show me that we have free will? To me we are only rational being **choosing **the best option among a set prioritized option.
Ummm, Bahman? If we can choose (which you acknowledge we can), then that’s…



You have given nothing more and nothing less than the definition of free will. 🙂
Angels (including fallen angels like Satan) have intelligence and will and can communicate with rational souls.
You didn’t answer my questions. How angels could have intelligence and being able to communicate with each other without bodies and a medium? How Satan and other falling Angels could possibly enter our minds so they would be able to tempt us?
Our brains are informed by the senses and by the intelligence of the rational soul.
How soul can be intelligent when it is immaterial? I mean, the intelligence has to do something with information. Information however requires shape hence we need space. This has a conflict with the definition of immaterial.
Aquinas: “since the soul is united to the body as its form, it must necessarily be in the whole body, and in each part thereof.”
So we have the same problem as past. How soul could present in whole body if it is immaterial?
Obviously, he cannot. Empiricism will reveal only what is happening materially unless we expand it as they do in the field of Psychology, to include meaning.

The Internet, the computer, the monitor, the photons, the retina, optic nerve, mIdbrain and cortical structures including the occipital lobe and motor cortex, the spinal cord, muscles of the arm and hand, the keyboard, and back to the computer, we can isolate this series of physical events from the rest of time and space, breaking them down into molecular processes. This would tell us what the matter is doing in terms of the electrochemical and physiological structure involved.

It would tell us nothing of what it is truly about, communication. There is meaning and a relational quality to what is happening right here that will be missed when we put on the intellectual blinkers that allow us to see only brain. It’s sort of mindless as the saying goes.
Please read post #216.
You’ll have to provide some studies that demonstrate that memory is ONLY stored in the brain.

(I always find the non-Catholic either/or to be so peculiar. Why, oh, why, do people insert ONLY where none are required?)
Did you pay any attention to my argument? What do see wrong with it?
Did you pay any attention to my argument? What do see wrong with it?
I already told you. What’s wrong with it is that you insert an ONLY where none exists.

That’s the problem with so many fundamentalists. Inserting ONLYs where none needs to be inserted,
Ummm, Bahman? If we can choose (which you acknowledge we can), then that’s…



You have given nothing more and nothing less than the definition of free will. 🙂
This was discussed in a long thread in here.

The argument is very simple. You have a set of options and you turn it to a set of prioritized options. You then rationally pick up the best option.
I already told you. What’s wrong with it is that you insert an ONLY where none exists.

That’s the problem with so many fundamentalists. Inserting ONLYs where none needs to be inserted,
I have no idea what you are talking about. Could you please say what is wrong with my argument?
I have no idea what you are talking about. Could you please say what is wrong with my argument?
That you say that memories exist in the brain ONLY.

That’s like saying, “We need to speak English ONLY” or “We need to go by the Bible ONLY” or “We have to ride by uber ONLY”.

Those are fundamentalist demands which have no standing with reasonable folks.
This was discussed in a long thread in here.

The argument is very simple. You have a set of options and you turn it to a set of prioritized options. You then rationally pick up the best option.
And yet you have the examples of all of humanity. Not a single one has ever (ever!) followed an algorithm of “rationally” picking the best option.

To wit:

I am not materialist. I just don’t know what is the use of soul when all functioning can be described by wiring and firing of neurons?
Wow Bahman, not too long ago you were claiming to be a physicists and now you are pontificating in Neurobiology. If all functioning can be described by wiring and firing of neurons perhaps you can explain qualia for us and please don’t use the word “emergence”; I’ve been down that phony road; it’s the intellectual equivalent of the materialist’s pejorative retort “God Did It”. In other words “I don’t know!”
Originally Posted by Vico
Angels (including fallen angels like Satan) have intelligence and will and can communicate with rational souls.

You didn’t answer my questions. How angels could have intelligence and being able to communicate with each other without bodies and a medium? How Satan and other falling Angels could possibly enter our minds so they would be able to tempt us?

Originally Posted by Vico
Our brains are informed by the senses and by the intelligence of the rational soul.

How soul can be intelligent when it is immaterial? I mean, the intelligence has to do something with information. Information however requires shape hence we need space. This has a conflict with the definition of immaterial.

Originally Posted by Vico
Aquinas: “since the soul is united to the body as its form, it must necessarily be in the whole body, and in each part thereof.”

So we have the same problem as past. How soul could present in whole body if it is immaterial?
Mind St. Thomas, who represents the general scholastic usage, derives mens from metior (to measure). He identifies mens with the human soul viewed as intellectual and abstracting from lower organic faculties. Angels, or pure spirits, may thus be called minds (De Veritate, X, a. 1).
Maher, M. (1911). Mind. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
New Advent:

Collins Dictionary: Information (noun) the act of informing or the condition of being informed.
Collins Dictionary: Intelligence (noun) an intelligent being, esp one that is not embodied.
Collins Dictionary: Immaterial (adjective) not formed of matter; incorporeal; spiritual.
Collins Dictionary: Form (noun) (philosophy) essence as opposed to matter.

A. Angels can inform man the same way as God can.
A. Intelligent beings is immaterial.
A. Because the soul is united to the body as its form.
That you say that memories exist in the brain ONLY.
That true because of the fact that people with Alzheimer, aged or brain damage simply lose their memory. So what soul has to offer?
That’s like saying, “We need to speak English ONLY” or “We need to go by the Bible ONLY” or “We have to ride by uber ONLY”.
That is not true in my case. I simply don’t understand what is the use of soul.
That true because of the fact that people with Alzheimer, aged or brain damage simply lose their memory.
This is a nonsequitur, Bahman.

BTW: people with Alzheimers have great memory recall for some events in the past.
And yet you have the examples of all of humanity. Not a single one has ever (ever!) followed an algorithm of “rationally” picking the best option.
Sorting the prioritized options is done in our subconscious minds based on what we have ever experienced in our lives, needs, etc. I don’t know whether what is done in subconsciousness is algorithmic or not. We then pick up the best option consciously.

Do you think that we have free will? How it works?
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