My argument was not an evasive response instead pretty in the line of my reasoning. I stand my position and argue the same: We have different state of minds/believes about God since we were not convinced. Isn’t it simple for God to convinced us? It is since he is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He could convinced us in a instant that he exist. How this could be human failure? You know that I am a human being since I present myself to you. It should be very simple. So we have two options here: either God didn’t intended to present himself to us or he failed.
It is evasive because you do not attempt to refute my proposal. You assume God is guilty first off and refuse to even consider that humans can be wrong. Whether God is guilty or not is yet to be proven by you. All you are saying is there are many religions therefore God is at fault. Obviously it does not follow. And I am asking you why didn’t you consider man at fault instead. And you don’t even attempt to answer. That is evasive. Your personal beliefs are not being challenged here. You can believe in whatsoever you wish. What I am asking you is why Man can not be the answer to the problem you posed. And you present only 2 alternatives out of a population set of many. That is engaging in fallacious reasoning. If you stand firm on not responding to valid counterclaims, then why post at all? It just show lack of sincerity on your part to engage in serious debate on this topic. After all you are the OP and not just a bystander.
Anywhere! The same place that Jesus is or maybe higher or lower. How could we know?
Basically you don’t know the answer. You have no idea where she is, what she has done, what she has taught, what she is capable of. All you have shown is that you have seen a movie made/shown in 2007.
Yeah lots of people claim different stuff. Ironically what is claim about Jesus divinity are as same as hers. Why number of people who believe something should be measure of truth?
Jesus is a historical person. I am not sure who Mithra is. Do you know who she is? What did this “god” teach us humans? What message did this “god” convey? When did she appear? How was she born? Who are her parents? How did she know she is deity? How did she prove she is deity? Did she die? Why could a deity die? What happened to her after she passed on? Is she reigning in Heaven now? How many years did she live? Who are currently/previously her worshipers?
If Mithra is real and Top God, she would be reigning. I didn’t say it is based upon the number of people. And if she is reigning, who is worshiping her currently? If you do not know what or who she is, why bring her into this discussion? Exactly who is claiming Mithra to be a deity? Where is your historical support?
That is not a good argument since people could be simply mislead by Satan!
And if people are misled by Satan, then 2 parties are involved. One is Satan and the other “People”. One is guilty for misleading and the other for following. God is not involved. And yet your finger is pointing at God! Just typical of certain people who is ready to find fault in others but not in themselves. Again I ask you, why can’t man be at fault? And why is Satan not on your list of possible culprits? Your post omits Satan completely from the list of contenders. Are you still standing by your position that only God is at fault? How can that position of yours be fair after you have presented that people can be misled by Satan.
There is a documentary
movie about this.
You proffer the work of Peter Joseph, an advertising and private equity trader on Wall Street as historical evidence for Mithra? , a challenger to the deity of Jesus??? Because he made a movie in 2007? Have you verified the claims in the movie?
And all you have is a movie made by an advertising man and that is enough for you to form your beliefs? And that is enough for you to use to attack God? Surely you don’t expect anyone to take your arguments seriously? I was hoping at least to see some writings of reputable historians who has done proper research.
Perhaps I am some what incredulous. May be I should cut some slack for Peter Joseph assuming he may have done some proper homework on Mithra. Do you know his historical sources he relied on to make this documentary? Do you have a basis for relying on his work? I am not terribly impressed by his credentials. His other work being (from wiki) a “short-film” music video for the heavy metal music group Black Sabbath, entitled “God Is Dead?”