Understand that since this is a Catholic forum and I am a Catholic. This means that you will get answers to the question with a Catholic point of view.
There are many different reasons why there are different religions. However, if we look at the options for religions, we don’t have many. We have ones that believe in a single God (Judeism, Christianity - with all its sects, Islam, and a few others) and the ones that don’t, either ones that believe in a multiple gods,ones that believe in the world/universe as God, and ones that put the self as God. I believe that numerically, most religions believe in one God, and most of those believe in the same God. So if we just look at why there are so many different monotheistic religions, we can see that it is not that they disagree with the message that there is God, but they disagree with the procedure of how best to live their lives following him. Why this is has been covered by myself and many other posters.
Now the Catholic view, (held by many Christian denominations) is that there are multitudes of fallen angels, each having fallen by means of their own free will after facing God and having received from him, in person, the specific knowledge of what it means to follow him. Their free will allows them to do many things, including sending false messages about God. This can lead to the beliefs that there are different numbers of Gods, leading to the poly/pan-theistic religions. Therefore, it really is by free will that we have so many religions. Remember that it isn’t just you and I who have free will, but also those who wish to lie.
This does not lead to damnation of all souls, as many feel. Without knowledge of the Divine Law, there is no damnation, meaning if you truly get it wrong through no fault of your own, but truly wish to follow and understand God, you get a pass. However, you must seek good and truth. This is because God said (in the most publicized fashion we have today) that he and he alone is truth.
If you are truly seeking God, study not just religion, but logic, science, and history. Each will lead you to him and, as one who is on that journey even though I’ve made some serious mistakes on the way, I know that you will come home to the Catholic Church, the only religion in the world that manages to be logically consistent, scientifically based, and supported with the weight of history. it is, I fully admit, a long and hard journey, but study these concepts to better understand God. One of my previous posts on this thread mentions a place to start. Many of the questions about the logic supporting our beliefs can be answered with the books sold on this site, or even asked about separately in the forums.
There are many different reasons why there are different religions. However, if we look at the options for religions, we don’t have many. We have ones that believe in a single God (Judeism, Christianity - with all its sects, Islam, and a few others) and the ones that don’t, either ones that believe in a multiple gods,ones that believe in the world/universe as God, and ones that put the self as God. I believe that numerically, most religions believe in one God, and most of those believe in the same God. So if we just look at why there are so many different monotheistic religions, we can see that it is not that they disagree with the message that there is God, but they disagree with the procedure of how best to live their lives following him. Why this is has been covered by myself and many other posters.
Now the Catholic view, (held by many Christian denominations) is that there are multitudes of fallen angels, each having fallen by means of their own free will after facing God and having received from him, in person, the specific knowledge of what it means to follow him. Their free will allows them to do many things, including sending false messages about God. This can lead to the beliefs that there are different numbers of Gods, leading to the poly/pan-theistic religions. Therefore, it really is by free will that we have so many religions. Remember that it isn’t just you and I who have free will, but also those who wish to lie.
This does not lead to damnation of all souls, as many feel. Without knowledge of the Divine Law, there is no damnation, meaning if you truly get it wrong through no fault of your own, but truly wish to follow and understand God, you get a pass. However, you must seek good and truth. This is because God said (in the most publicized fashion we have today) that he and he alone is truth.
If you are truly seeking God, study not just religion, but logic, science, and history. Each will lead you to him and, as one who is on that journey even though I’ve made some serious mistakes on the way, I know that you will come home to the Catholic Church, the only religion in the world that manages to be logically consistent, scientifically based, and supported with the weight of history. it is, I fully admit, a long and hard journey, but study these concepts to better understand God. One of my previous posts on this thread mentions a place to start. Many of the questions about the logic supporting our beliefs can be answered with the books sold on this site, or even asked about separately in the forums.