How to destroy Western Civilization without spilling your latte

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I think his HOA changed the policy on approved lawn fertilizers.
Tell me. Where can I get me some of that “European colonial aggression?” I can’t seem to find any in this century.
The Crusades and the Inquisition are two favorite weapons a lot of people like to use when trying to bash Christianity specifically Catholicism.

It seems that what a vast majority of people are more familiar with a lot of false ideas floating about than trying to find the truth for themselves.

Such a pity really.
If we include the Islamic holy day of Friday to the Jewish Satruday and the Christian Sunday, we could be looking at a Three Day Weekend every weekend. Be smart. Don’t fight progress. 😎
You know, back in the day, this was said about the Irish, the Italians, the Polish…those horrid Catholics who had their own schools, their crazy statues, and oh, my, all those babies…
Don’t forget the German Lutherans as well. They thought it was okay to speak German and (gasp) drink beer socially.
Don’t forget the German Lutherans as well. They thought it was okay to speak German and (gasp) drink beer socially.
This ^ never died. It survived the 1980’s by hiding in suburbia. It’s now repopulating rust belt cities, but without the Lutheran part.
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Hey, I like beer (although I’m more the “1 craft beer” type than the Joe 6-pack or Joe 12-pack type). I’m also part German.

It was the established WASP Protestants who were pushing temperance who had a problem with the German beer halls and such.
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Hey, I like beer. I’m also part German.
Good, I’ll see you at Octoberfest Zinzinnati this year then. I’ll look for the pink bear.

I expect to see all the other self respecting beer connoisseurs of CAF there as well. Attendance is mandatory.
You’re seriously suggesting fighting terrorism, supporting human rights and supporting middle eastern allies are examples of European colonial aggression? Thank you. The Old Colonel loves a good joke. 🙂
Gaza right now for only one example. Where peaceful protestors (protesting in this instance simply meaning walking & picnicing near their old home) are being mowed down & murdered by people who are mostly European immigrants. Also the funding the State of Israe
Do you realize those “peaceful protester” are launching fire bombs on Israel via kites as we speak? Is arson your idea of a peaceful protest? Just curious. Thanks again. 😉
Because that is the way the world has been and always will be.
And of course Christ came to teach us to lay down and accept the world as it has been and always will be? That, my brother, is what is called being of the world rather than merely in it, and is the opposite of what our call is as Christians.
Not really a fan of the race mixing that is being shoved down our throats in part because it is being shoved down our throats by people with very specific goals.
Who are these “people” that are supposedly shoving “race mixing” down our throats? Could you elaborate?
Cafeteria Marxists are the worst. I blame the fall of the USSR on them.
Hang in there, soldier. It just takes time to learn to ride this mule. Here’s a like for you. Enjoy.
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I wasn’t trying to be mean. I was just saying. Also, I’m a dudette! 😬😬
Single womyn are the biggest supporters of the modern nanny state in all of its stifling “glory”. They also tend to be more accepting of foreigners as well.
Someone is always going to be responsible for taking care of women. That will either be the father and then husband, or the state. That will offend a lot of people, but it is simply true. A reason is women are physically weaker. So you need the physical strength of a man, or the corporate violence of the state to maintain order.

Also, some group will always be on top. It will either be your group or someone else’s. It is better for you for it to be yours. The group on top can be more or less fair to outsiders. Christendom was the most fair to others. The groups replacing it are anything but fair. Knowing this is why I oppose the suicidal treason from within to destroy Christendom.
I am the main bread-winner in my family (this is particularly funny as my husband is a baker; get it, bread?) I am also physically stronger than him as I go to gym and do power lifting. My mother is currently the bread-winner for those two as my father was injured at work and had to take an early retirement. My sister-in-law currently works more than my brother (he’s a good lad but theatre is his calling).
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