How to prepare for Halloween?

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Demons roam the earth every single day of the year. The only way they can affect us is through our sins. If we do not sin, they do not matter to us.
So I suggest that maybe just ignore this Pagan celebration especially since it bothers you so much.
Or use it to pray more?
But it’s no proof of faith to fear demons instead of fearing God.
Jesus told us not to be afraid.
Imagine the Apostles, how many Pagan celebrations were going on around them when they were traveling to convert the nations? Fear only God and put your faith in His love for us.
Demons roam the earth every single day of the year.

“St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
The time is quickly approaching where demons can walk among us…Halloween!
What other things can I do to protect myself and my house from demons??
My preferred method is to contribute to the juvenile diabetes epidemic and hand out candy. Somehow this had kept the demons away form my house for Years! My parents did the same thing and never had a demon problem either. give it a try!
What is Trunk or Treat? Sorry, am not being picky about a possible mistyping.

It’s just that I’ve seen it more than once on this thread. Is it a local name for the more usual Trick or Treat or something different involving cars?

Yes it involves cars. Folks will often decorate their car & park in the church or school parking lot with the trunk popped open & full of candy. Then kids trick or treat from car to car within the parking lot. Some see it as safer or as a good option when neighbor’s aren’t passing out candy.
Honestly, you seem to have fallen for the protestant line about how “Halloween is a Pagan holiday from the ancient celts” and all that nonsense. The reality is that modern “Halloween” stems from a combination of multiple customs that fell in near proximity, foremost being that Oct. 31 the Vigil of All Saints Day. In middle English (ie. Shakespearian times, technically Old English refers to something like Beowulf and is from around the 800-1200s) the term for the Vigil of All Saints Day was “All Hallow’s Eve” Hallow meaning “Holy”, which was gradually contracted to “Halloween”. As such Halloween is in fact, a Holy Day, not a day of evil. The modern customs developed through the blending of French “Danse Macarbe” traditions (partially superstitious), the soul cakes that would be given to children (and perhaps superstitiously put out to appease any passing Ghosts (see the “Danse Macarbe” bit)) and the British Celebrations of Guy Fawkes Day (Nov. 5, where they celebrated the stopping of the Gunpowder Plot in which a group of Catholics plotted to assassinate parliament and the king, and then raise the young princess to be a Catholic Monarch). In the US this mingled to form Halloween as we know it. Assuming you aren’t engaging in worshiping Satan, or any other forms of opening oneself up to evil (such as ouija boards), and aren’t diving too deep into the dark and demonic, you will be fine. Enjoy yourself, it’s fine to dress up as someone, just don’t dive into the dark things (that one shouldn’t do on any day) and there is nothing to fear.
Halloween originated as the Vigil of All Saint’s day or All Hallow’s Eve. Even if Halloween were borrowed and Christianized from a pagan celebration, that is the essence of Catholicism. We find the good that is already present, and bring it into full alignment with the truth. St. Paul in Athens saw them worshiping a god “with an unknown name”, and saw that in truth they were worshiping God, though they knew not who he was, and so he praised their devotion and led them into knowing Christ. Likewise, the common design of the monstrance as a sun with Jesus at the center comes from the Aztec Sun god, who the early missionaries saw as an attempt to find Christ, and bringing things to completion associated with Christ who is “God the Son” and figuratively associated with the sun. Further, Our Lady does this, as when she appeared as “Our Lady of Guadalupe” she appeared on a hill sacred to the Aztecs, requesting a basilica be built there, and the term Guadalupe was the Spanish people’s form of the name of the Aztec’s chief god (or was it their mother goddess) “Quetzalcoatl” which they apparently couldn’t pronounce appropriating that as a way of taking the truth in their culture, and bringing it to the full.
Neither do my wife and I. We generally close up the house and head to McDonalds, then a book store. By 8pm the great majority of the people are no longer out and about. Neither of us has any interest in standing at the door all evening.
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How about praying the rosary instead of burying it?

I honestly don’t get worked up at all about Halloween 🤷‍♀️
What is Trunk or Treat? Sorry, am not being picky about a possible mistyping.

It’s just that I’ve seen it more than once on this thread. Is it a local name for the more usual Trick or Treat or something different involving cars?
Yes it involves cars. Folks will often decorate their car & park in the church or school parking lot with the trunk popped open & full of candy. Then kids trick or treat from car to car within the parking lot. Some see it as safer or as a good option when neighbor’s aren’t passing out candy.

What a wonderfully imaginative idea! Is it just your parish?
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I’m settling in and playing Team Fortress 2 for the Halloween event.

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I just tie a pit bull to the front door.

Rather than turn to practices of dubious heritage, or even lapse into superstition, look into the Christian roots of All Hallow’s Eve.

Take comfort in the Communion of Saints.

Watch out for the evil one’s influence the other 364 days of the year.
That’s a great tradition! One of my favorite movies…such a classic and certain scenes and lines make me laugh EVERY time. 😂
I get into the season (for people who love Halloween, it is a season) I watch movies that took place on Halloween. The Perfect Storm is based on a true story about a crew on a fishing vessel (I will make a seafood dish for supper) but other than the date it doesn’t have anything to do with Halloween. Also, The Crow; the story kind of starts out on Halloween and references Devil’s Night in Detroit and my best friend is from there. Hot dogs are on the menu (it’s in the movie).

And of course Harry Potter; Harry’s parents are murdered on Halloween. The first movie basically starts on Halloween and in The Deathly Hallows you see the stone marking his parents’ grave (and the DOD) plus the inscription on the the stone: The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

There is a common thread other than Halloween.

Memento Mori.
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