Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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Help me slay some ignorance, YKohen. I checked on one of the links you provided above, and it explains that some of the information disseminated in Venezuela about Jewish people depicts Jews as wanting to take over the world, and that powerful Jews do so with their international banking, etc. I never know how to respond to this charge, because I cannot find an accurate, unbiased article on the topic.

It is understandable that people would come to resent a self-serving banking system that controls currencies and acts independently of the needs of the populace, and is foreign-controlled, pulling wealth away from citizenry. Even if all the talk about some very wealthy Jewish people controlling the world’s banks is true, that such truths lead to prejudice against the Jewish fellow on the street is ridiculous. Indeed, if such truths lead to resentment against the bankers themselves, then forgiveness and understanding on the part of the Christian person who resents is certainly called for, not dissemination of information that provokes anger and resentment.

Have you run across a good article on the topic?
Sorry. Can’t help you with that one beyond this:

All I can say is that obviously, we have no desire to “take over the world”. As you know, we don’t even believe that everyone has to be Jewish in order to be a good person- a saintly person. Similarly, not all Jews are good.

In terms of the banking thing, obviously it isn’t true either. If it was, then I would be out protesting now that they forgot about me and not posting here.
Oh look, this is almost on topic!

Presumably you mean Spanish imperialism rather than Argentinian imperialism, as there has never, ever been an Argentinian population on the islands, the population of which is not from Argentina and predates the existence of Argentina, as well as Argentina’s protracted expansionist slaughter and annexation of the surrounding area.
  • or do you mean the Argentinians’ precipitation of an illegal war on land that they have no legitimate claim to, against a culture older than their country, to overrule the self-determination of the entire population there, to try and mitigate internal political problems? If so, then yes the lead is well taken.
Note the proximity to Britain.:rolleyes:
Sorry. Can’t help you with that one beyond this:

All I can say is that obviously, we have no desire to “take over the world”. As you know, we don’t even believe that everyone has to be Jewish in order to be a good person- a saintly person. Similarly, not all Jews are good.

In terms of the banking thing, obviously it isn’t true either. If it was, then I would be out protesting now that they forgot about me and not posting here.
I always wonder why the world has it out for 12 million people?

You’re blamed for everything from controlling banking to brainwashing the masses through Hollywood.:rolleyes:

Did you guys have something to do with those Area 51 UFO’s too?😃 lÃ* trang web trò choi Gunny có phiên b?n Gunny 2 m?i nh?t v?i các tÃnh nang t?t nh?t, uu vi?t nh?t, d?y d? nh?t trên th? tru?ng hi?n nay. du?c xây d?ng nh?m mang d?n m?t sân choi vui v?, lÃnh m?nh cho t?t c? các b?n tr? thanh, thi?u niên sau nh?ng gi? h?c t?p cang th?ng. V?i d?i ngu Ban V?n HÃ*nh chuyên nghi?p, s? mang l?i cho các b?n 1 d?ch v? ch?t lu?ng t?t nh?t.

OpenBeta 8h18 ngÃ*y 8/3/2013
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War boss

OpenBeta 8h18 ngÃ*y 8/3/2013
When he kissed the cross with tears in his eyes, I felt such pity and compassion for him. 😦 I hope God does too.
I always wonder why the world has it out for 12 million people?

You’re blamed for everything from controlling banking to brainwashing the masses through Hollywood.:rolleyes:

Did you guys have something to do with those Area 51 UFO’s too?😃
Please desist or I will be forced to report you to the Elders of Zion. They might then be inclined to give you bad weather, and you wouldn’t want that.

Thank you for your cooperation.
I hope it is true that he did receive the sacraments…may God have mercy on him

(Yes, I did change my tune a little. Let’s just hope his successor does not do anything that goes against the Church)
Sorry. Can’t help you with that one beyond this:

All I can say is that obviously, we have no desire to “take over the world”. As you know, we don’t even believe that everyone has to be Jewish in order to be a good person- a saintly person. Similarly, not all Jews are good.

In terms of the banking thing, obviously it isn’t true either. If it was, then I would be out protesting now that they forgot about me and not posting here.
Thanks for trying, anyway. Yes, the “taking over the world” part has a comic-strip ring to it. When you do find something about who actually owns/controls central banks and whether they are truly globally connected, let me know.

Unfortunately, the lack of information on the issue leads to a lot of wild speculation, and the lack of counterpoint allows information disseminated all over to be seen as the truth.
Thanks for trying, anyway. Yes, the “taking over the world” part has a comic-strip ring to it. When you do find something about who actually owns/controls central banks and whether they are truly globally connected, let me know.

Unfortunately, the lack of information on the issue leads to a lot of wild speculation, and the lack of counterpoint allows information disseminated all over to be seen as the truth.
Each country’s central bank is independent of others, with the European Central Bank (ECB) belonging to the European Union.

In the US, there is the Federal Reserve System:

Here in Israel, we have the Bank of Israel:

Many, like ours here, operate independently within the respective governments so that they are both accountable, yet able to operate in the best interest of the country without being subject to the whims of the political party/parties in power.
I wrote “may have”: And for your part at least, it seems my list seems not very far from your own POV.

I personally do not think I have stated anything that could be described as hatred for America.

In fact, I think it is most uncharitable to do so.

I am disappointed that you have decided to infer my opinion on all of these seven points above before I gave them and I would be happy to explain my own actual views on them on another thread should you decidede to learn what they really are.

In the meantime, perhaps we should return to topic
If I have misunderstood you, then by all means, please tell me your positions. I enjoy
exchanging ideas. And for the sake of charity, if I have misrepresented you, I apologize.🤷
Yeah, perhaps you would feel differently if you were a Falkland Islander and looking down the barrel of a repeat of the last invasion by a brutal military dictatorship. Perhaps you would have withheld this facile rubbish and your roll of the eyes if it was your village which they had shot people in and were obviously wanting to do again. Pretty easy to sell someone else up the river, huh?

Are you familiar with the history of the Falklands and their people? Mexico has a much better claim to the land the USA is on, than Argentina has to the Falklands. The whole shebang started about the same time, but unlike the USA, there was not actually any native American living there. That is, unlike both the USA and Argentina, no natives had to be slaughtered in their millions for the nasty “imperialist”, “colonialist power” Falkland Islanders to live in their homes - what a complete joke for either to use those precise terms to describe the continued peaceful life on the Falkland Islands by the only people who have ever lived there.. No genocide, no butchery of all neighbours, just a bit of scrub (that nobody else claimed or lived on) in the middle of the sea farmed and a bit of dodgy weather endured.

Perhaps you are American - if so maybe somebody should do a map with arrows showing you how close Mexico is to the USA and you would move out of your house out of decency. “:rolleyes:

In all seriousness though, proximity is not a reason for a territorial claim on a land and people that pre-date your country’s existence - certainly not against the votes and wishes of the first and only population to live there.

I suggest you look into the history of the Falklands and the situation as it now stands rather than such a map. When you have read the Argentine state versions, go and look at some differing opinions (especially those contrary views from Argentina) and note what the Argentinian state omits that firmly establishes the opposite of what they are saying in each instance. The reason much of the international community, and even the academic community in Argentina itself consider Argentina’s claim to the land of the Falklands nonsense is that it in fact is. It is widely viewed as a political scratching-post to draw attention away from internal problems.

Further: contrary to what you seem to be saying, there is no interest in “empire” to be whipped up in Britain now, it is not a big expansionist military power now and the primary/only reason to prevent Argentina from invading and occupying, is that Britain has a responsibility to protect the first and only population of the place from being killed and displaced by an invading military force from a country with a proven expansionist record itself, that has begun to exist since it was claimed and settled.

Wilful, fashionable endorsement of the scapegoating of the Falkland Islanders by the Argentinian government to mask its internal problems is going to get innocent human beings killed at the point where the Argentinian government feels it has enough international support to bring down its military fist and start killing innocents in the Falklands again.

I would take care before you lend your voice to that particular hubbub, and see people dead for a bit of scrub in the middle of the sea that has only ever been wanted by the people living on it for about 320 years, that a country born in 1810 now decides it has always owned.

Luckily, Britain, the USA, the Falklanders and some other bits of the international community do not agree with Argentina and Sean Penn that a war would be preferable to referenda among the Falkland Islanders and peace.

I pray it stays that way, and so should you.
Please desist or I will be forced to report you to the Elders of Zion. They might then be inclined to give you bad weather, and you wouldn’t want that.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Yeah, perhaps you would feel differently if you were a Falkland Islander and looking down the barrel of a repeat of the last invasion by a brutal military dictatorship. Perhaps you would have withheld this facile rubbish and your roll of the eyes if it was your village which they had shot people in and were obviously wanting to do again. Pretty easy to sell someone else up the river, huh?
More people died when Britain divided India than live in the Falklands. If Europeans here want to accuse America of Imperialism they need to look at themselves as the grandest of teachers.
More people died when Britain divided India than live in the Falklands. If Europeans here want to accuse America of Imperialism they need to look at themselves as the grandest of teachers.
Oh well, that’s alright then, if there was historical murder before, it’s OK to flippantly support other people’s plans to murder and displace human beings who are alive in the world now.

Obviously your concern about imperialism and military expansionism is why you think we should have more of both, and the Falkland Islanders truly to deserve to be displaced or killed on the basis of that.

Will you still voice your support proudly when that happens? Will you show us your map again as the reports come in of casualties (I remember the last time, don’t know about you)? People in foreign countries are still human beings, you know, and public support of wars can encourage them.

I should be wary of contributing to internet chatter that makes it seem like people have the go-ahead to start wars, even if our contribution is hopefully not that great.
A tangent on a tangent indeed.:eek:😃

The question you are responding to was

If this is not true, then why did Churchill beg both Roosevelt and Stalin. If Britain didn’t need America why did he ask?

But that was in response to my post that suggested that some Americans “may have learned”

1) You were responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany.

This in no way suggested that America’s aid was not needed.

So his response is a non-sequitor and a creation of a strawman argument.

America was one of the allies and along with The British Commonwealth (Australia etc), Russia and beyond the “big three” were over a dozen other allied countries.

It is NOT ungrateful to say that America was only part of the effort that saved the world from the Third Reich. In fact it acknowledges the sacrifice mad by all the allied nations.
You claim that I uncharitably attacked you, and yet you say that my first response
is a non-sequitor and a strawman argument. May I point out that I was responding
to your original post that Americians think that they were the only victors of WW II.
Perhaps I was too brief in my response. So here it goes one more time, I said both
Roosevelt AND Stalin. My point being Americans and Russians were the bulk of the fighting force. 60% Americans in Europe 80% in Asia. My point being that Americans
did not win WW II ALONE. but made up up the bulk of allied forces in both theaters.
I think alot of anti-Americans try to minimize American contributions in both world wars
and the cold war.
I hope that we will all be willing to offer prayers for “el diablo” when his time comes.
You claim that I uncharitably attacked you, and yet you say that my first response
is a non-sequitor and a strawman argument. May I point out that I was responding
to your original post that Americians think that they were the only victors of WW II.
Perhaps I was too brief in my response. So here it goes one more time, I said both
Roosevelt AND Stalin. My point being Americans and Russians were the bulk of the fighting force. 60% Americans in Europe 80% in Asia. My point being that Americans
did not win WW II ALONE. but made up up the bulk of allied forces in both theaters.
I think alot of anti-Americans try to minimize American contributions in both world wars
and the cold war.
I think a lot of anti-Americans have never forgiven you for the help you gave us during the Second World War.

On the other hand, if you could hear how big-mouthed and arrogant (and downright disrespectful to everyone else who fought in the war) some of the “we saved the world” and “you should be humbly grateful” stuff sounds sometimes, you would understand how even people who aren’t anti-American can take real exception to it.
Please desist or I will be forced to report you to the Elders of Zion. They might then be inclined to give you bad weather, and you wouldn’t want that.

Thank you for your cooperation.
More people died when Britain divided India than live in the Falklands. If Europeans here want to accuse America of Imperialism they need to look at themselves as the grandest of teachers.
But WE know it’s wrong now - not acceptable any more…do you?!
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