Hugo Chavez, fiery Venezuelan leader, dies at 58

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I am not saying ALL Europeans are anti-american, but alot are. I blame the European media,
academia, and just plain ungratefulness.
I think expecting gratitude on a one-sided basis might be one of the contributing factors to Europeans and much of the rest of the world being less than receptive to American rhetoric.

You may have learned at school. at home and through your media the following:
  1. You were responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany.
  2. You were responsible for the break up of the USSR
  3. You are Gods Own Country
  4. You are the bastion of freedom and a shining light in the World
  5. You are the home of democracy
  6. You gave the world most of its technoligical advances
  7. One day all countries will come to resemble America and adopt the American Way.
I can assure that this is not what is taught across the rest of the World.

And to think that by denying any of the above is to “hate” America is quite absurd.
I think expecting gratitude on a one-sided basis might be one of the contributing factors to Europeans and much of the rest of the world being less than receptive to American rhetoric.

You may have learned at school. at home and through your media the following:
  1. You were responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany.
  2. You were responsible for the break up of the USSR
  3. You are Gods Own Country
  4. You are the bastion of freedom and a shining light in the World
  5. You are the home of democracy
  6. You gave the world most of its technoligical advances
  7. One day all countries will come to resemble America and adopt the American Way.
I can assure that this is not what is taught across the rest of the World.

And to think that by denying any of the above is to “hate” America is quite absurd.

Leave them to wallow in their ignorance, They know no better, Northumbrian.
Veronica cannot held accountable for another’s post.


I press for more charity in this thread.:gopray2:
She asked why the post got off topic, I showed how limerickman highjacked the thread with
anti-american screed.

Leave them to wallow in their ignorance, They know no better, Northumbrian.
What ever happened to love thy neighbor as yourself? How about pray for your enemies? Didn’t Jesus say something to that effect. As far as Hugo Chavez is concerned, prayers have already been said, for him and his people.
I think expecting gratitude on a one-sided basis might be one of the contributing factors to Europeans and much of the rest of the world being less than receptive to American rhetoric.

You may have learned at school. at home and through your media the following:
  1. You were responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany.
  2. You were responsible for the break up of the USSR
  3. You are Gods Own Country
  4. You are the bastion of freedom and a shining light in the World
  5. You are the home of democracy
  6. You gave the world most of its technoligical advances
  7. One day all countries will come to resemble America and adopt the American Way.
I can assure that this is not what is taught across the rest of the World.

And to think that by denying any of the above is to “hate” America is quite absurd.
Nice non-response to my post. (#120) I like the way you caricature what you erroneously
assume what believes Americans hold. I will indulge you and give MY answers.
I wouldn’t DREAM of tiring to speak for my follow countrymen.

1.If this is not true, then why did Churchill beg both Roosevelt and Stalin. If Britain didn’t
need America why did he ask?
2.Not just us but Thatcher and Pope John Paul the II.
3.Abraham Lincoln said that Americans were the “almost chosen people”.
4.Would you rather live in Iran? oh I get it we are “just one nation among many”. Don’t agree with you, but I understand where your coming from.
5.We are NOT a democracy, we are a representative republic or can’t you tell the difference?
6.I don’t know I think yes, but maybe you could tell me which country gave us most
of the worlds tech improvements.
7.If Britain,France,Germany,Russia and Italy are what your talking about, the answer
is NO. however,I would like to see countries abiding by the rule of law and not having nut jobs like the LEADERS of Iran and North Korea having nukes.

You really seem misinformed about Americans,some of the worst haters I’ve met
were English are you and Limerickman English? :confused:
Left, right and centre?
Are you taking the **** here?

The only non-Jewish/zionist publication you listed in your post above appears to be Forbes (and even then it’s not clear if Forbes is a Jewish/zionist supporting publication).

The rest of the links are either Jewish publications or owned by Jewish publishers.
Ignorance is very sad. Willfull ignorance is worse. Let’s try again:

The first link, for instance, is from a liberal blog. The editor and founder isn’t Jewish as far as I know, and it is an instrument of The Center for American Progress, a progressive public policy research and advocacy organization led by Neera Tanden (parents were from India), who worked for the Obama and Clinton administrations and for Hillary Clinton’s campaigns.

The Forbes article was written by Michael Rowan and Douglas E. Schoen, political consultants and writers who have lived or worked in Venezuela since 1993.

Michael Rowan was a political consultant for Democrats from 30 states from 1970 to 1990 including Senators Gravel of Alaska, Metzenbaum of Ohio, Riegle of Michigan, Moss of Utah, Cranston of California, Pell of Rhode Island and Moynihan of New York; and Representatives Lantos of California, Swett of New Hampshire, Skelton of Missouri, Carr of Michigan and Manton of New York.

Douglas E. Schoen has been one of the most influential Democratic campaign consultants for over thirty years, graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, and is a graduate of Harvard Law School. He has his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University in England.

He has lectured at Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute of Politics at the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government, and the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.

Yeah: Right, left, and center.

Forbes is an American business magazine owned by Forbes, Inc., with the Editor-in-chief being Steve Forbes.

Oh right! Silly me. because it deals with financial issues (among others), it is “Jewish”- because you know those Jews and their money…

Any search will turn up tons of articles about it. See also:

"Why Hugo Chávez hates Jews: New book explores roots of anti-Semitism in Venezuela", by Alexander Nazaryan, a review of Claudio Lomnitz and Rafael Sánchez’s book, “Chávez, Jews and the Left”.

Another one? Sure: “Venezuela’s Jews Fear More Attacks As Chavez’ Anti-Israel Campaign Intensifies”, by Fabiola Sanchez in the Huff Post.

And this one:

And why not look here too?

And follow the links.

Do you deny any of this? Can you prove it?
Are you a Jew?
Yup, as it clearly says in my profile. Why do you ask?
Ignorance is very sad. Willfull ignorance is worse. Let’s try again:

The first link, for instance, is from a liberal blog. The editor and founder isn’t Jewish as far as I know, and it is an instrument of The Center for American Progress, a progressive public policy research and advocacy organization led by Neera Tanden (parents were from India), who worked for the Obama and Clinton administrations and for Hillary Clinton’s campaigns.

The Forbes article was written by Michael Rowan and Douglas E. Schoen, political consultants and writers who have lived or worked in Venezuela since 1993.

Michael Rowan was a political consultant for Democrats from 30 states from 1970 to 1990 including Senators Gravel of Alaska, Metzenbaum of Ohio, Riegle of Michigan, Moss of Utah, Cranston of California, Pell of Rhode Island and Moynihan of New York; and Representatives Lantos of California, Swett of New Hampshire, Skelton of Missouri, Carr of Michigan and Manton of New York.

Douglas E. Schoen has been one of the most influential Democratic campaign consultants for over thirty years, graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, and is a graduate of Harvard Law School. He has his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University in England.

He has lectured at Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute of Politics at the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government, and the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.

Yeah: Right, left, and center.

Forbes is an American business magazine owned by Forbes, Inc., with the Editor-in-chief being Steve Forbes.

Oh right! Silly me. because it deals with financial issues (among others), it is “Jewish”- because you know those Jews and their money…

Any search will turn up tons of articles about it. See also:

"Why Hugo Chávez hates Jews: New book explores roots of anti-Semitism in Venezuela", by Alexander Nazaryan, a review of Claudio Lomnitz and Rafael Sánchez’s book, “Chávez, Jews and the Left”.

Another one? Sure: “Venezuela’s Jews Fear More Attacks As Chavez’ Anti-Israel Campaign Intensifies”, by Fabiola Sanchez in the Huff Post.

And this one:

And why not look here too?

And follow the links.

Do you deny any of this? Can you prove it?

Yup, as it clearly says in my profile. Why do you ask?
You maybe wasting your time, I think I am, both of these guys don’t address your the content of your post, but will continue posting European leftist talking points.😦
You maybe wasting your time, I think I am, both of these guys don’t address your the content of your post, but will continue posting European leftist talking points.😦
In general, I’m not really addressing that guy. Those who are too far gone are too far gone. The European extreme left (which is NOT all of Europe) is too far gone.

I’m really addressing others who may not have been aware and who have an open mind.

I think you are too when you post.

All the best.
I like the way you caricature
I wrote “may have”: And for your part at least, it seems my list seems not very far from your own POV.
You really seem misinformed about Americans,some of the worst haters I’ve met were English are you and Limerickman English? :confused:
I personally do not think I have stated anything that could be described as hatred for America.

In fact, I think it is most uncharitable to do so.

I am disappointed that you have decided to infer my opinion on all of these seven points above before I gave them and I would be happy to explain my own actual views on them on another thread should you decidede to learn what they really are.

In the meantime, perhaps we should return to topic
What ever happened to love thy neighbor as yourself? How about pray for your enemies? Didn’t Jesus say something to that effect.
I agree. And when one considers that Hugo Chavez’s funeral was only hours ago, and since Venezuala has annoinced it will be officially in mourning for seven days, then now is the time, howver one feels about him or his country, to do so.
The US has some issues with Imperialism, I won’t deny that. But just imagine what we could do if we were nearly as evil as you are attempting to portray…just about anything of value could be in our possession.As another poster pointed out…we tend to give back the lands we conquer…
Good thing for Western Europe that we do or Paris might be State Capital, along with most of the other large cities. Cuba would be back to being a comfortable little resort island, and the Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf would have long ago been pacified.
There are times, I believe, that we are too nice for our own good.
CONQUERED?? I hadn’t noticed that we in Western Europe had been conquered by the US??!
And do you really think that if the US had ‘conquered’ the Arabian Peninsular and the Persian Gulf everything there would be ‘pacified’?
I love visiting all my friends in the US and by no means think you are the ‘most evil empire’! But there WAS an American plot to kill Chavaz after all, and the American(and British) government support the most nasty regimes when it suits them politically ( eg Saddam Hussein).
I don’t think any government can allow itself the luxury, or hubris, to think they might be too nice for their own good!
But Europe loved Colonialism.

Europe is to blame for most of today’s problems. We’re mopping up your mess.😉
Haha! But didn’t half the ancestors of US citizens come from Europe? You can’t prove they were all leaving because they didn’t approve of Colonialism as a good many of them had a go at it as Americans!! (and the Native Americans might have had something to say about nicking land!!!)
Ho hum…we’re all just human…
You do know those private companies paid billions to Venezuela for those oil rights, billions more to build the infrastructure and created tens of thousands of jobs filled by Venezuelans. Right? You know that?🤷
Squeaky clean eh?? Dream on!!
If the US were into that we would still own the Philippines, Mexico would be patrolled by US soldiers, France, Germany and Italy would be our European States and Japan would be out Asian State. Iraq would also be under the US’s thumb.
To imagine that Europe would have allowed itself to become American states even if America had wanted that, is a pointless argument.
Iraq is different…The US, along with poodle Blair, DID want control of that. The old fashioned notion of ‘colonialism’ may be unacceptable in modern times, but the practicalities are much the same…economic and strategic interests. The plans were thwarted. The US could no more have Iraq under it’s thumb than it has Afghanistan.
Yes, but if what you consider “better” is not to our liking as a whole, then you respect our freedom to live a non-American way, right?
Nothing I said could even vaguely be construed otherwise, so I don’t know why the question, really. 🙂

Surely you can generally assume people respect your freedom to live as you wish until something suggests otherwise. 👍
Your “America and it’s corporations are evil” schtick is old, tiresome and simply untrue.😃
It’s not as black and white as you like to portray. The whole US and it’s citizens are not evil, obviously. But some of the activities of its big corporations are questionable. Sometimes with good intentions but misguided (as in proposed sugar cane production in Mali - I have no space here to expand) But some of the machinations of some of it’s big corporations most definitely ARE evil…and I’m not on any anti- American agenda here.
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