This is also this very convincing blog post with the following paragraph:
He makes a good point. Fr. John Whiteford: Stump the Priest: Is Universalism a Heresy?Those who advocate for universalism argue that this is only a condemnation of Origen’s universalism, not the universalism supposedly expressed by other Fathers, because they had different theological and philosophical reasons for their universalism. But that is a bit like arguing that the Church hasn’t anathematized Jehovah’s Witness Christology, because they have different theological reasons for denying the divinity of Christ than the Arians did. This anathema states, without equivocation, that “we have ascertained from the entire Old and New Testaments, that the torment is unending and the Kingdom everlasting…” and there is no indication that we would ascertain anything differently if people were universalists because they saw a documentary on the history channel, read pseudo-Isaac’s writings, and agreed with it, or agreed with Origen.