I’ll agree that these are the numbers that matter most… right now… on one particular issue…
As has been my cry throughout this thread, people choose political parties far a myriad of reasons and current party leadership can and does change.
But to your point: Trump is undeniably a “Rockefeller (liberal) Republican”. If you think he’d sign something that came across his desk that actually moved the needle against his progressive east-coast social class in a genuinely material way, I think you’d be sorely mistaken. As such, we’ve yet another Republican administration that isn’t going to do anything material about abortion in this country, but will continue to dangle it in front of you so they maintain your much-needed vote.
Nonetheless, there are several on these boards who think it is reasonable to ask pro-life Democrats to forsake their views on monetary policy, taxes, international relations, national defense and a host of other issues and just register/vote Republican for the sake that maybe, possibly, fingers-crossed, SCOTUS might someday reverse itself on Roe v. Wade, despite current Republican appointees like Gorsuch saying he wouldn’t do it…
That is insane.