Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

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That was then… this is now… pnewton is right… it doesn’t help the illegals cause.

If ppl are here illegally… deport them. Something that happened hundreds of years ago…is of no matter now.
OH, that’s convenient!
Sure is… even better because its the truth. Punish not the son for his fathers sins.
They’re referring to those who call indigenous peoples “foreigners”. I’m glad to hear that you’re not among them.
OH, that’s convenient!
Why is what happened hundreds of years ago relevant now? It isn’t. It is history, pure and simple. Tell ya what! If the hispanics want this country back…then they will have to pay the price for the improvements made or to have it set back to the way it was when you said we shoved them out. Because it was alot of good old European settlers, immigrants from all over the globe that has made this country what it is today. What would be a good price for us to selll this country back to those who you say have the ULTIMATE right to be here? What cost per life for those AMERICAN men and women who have fought in all the wars WW1, WW2 Vietnam and Iraq…to keep us FREE?! If they can come up with the money…maybe I would approve of them having it. The Hispanics coming illegally through the border today have done NOTHING to make this great country what it is. All they want to do is have a share of the good life that they are not entitled to IN THIS LAND. Maybe Mexico will pay the price for the improvements made to this country…oh no…that’s right…the illegals here today help subsidize the mexican economy by sending back millions and millions of dollars back to family in Mexico.

Ituyu…what would be the price the Hispanics would want to pay to have this country set back to the way it was circa 1500 or before? If all they want is a big plot of ground…let em have it.

If you aren’t born in the USA… you are not indigenous to it.
They’re referring to those who call indigenous peoples “foreigners”. I’m glad to hear that you’re not among them.
Why is what happened hundreds of years ago relevant now? It isn’t. It is history, pure and simple. Tell ya what! If the hispanics want this country back…then they will have to pay the price for the improvements made or to have it set back to the way it was when you said we shoved them out. Because it was alot of good old European settlers, immigrants from all over the globe that has made this country what it is today. What would be a good price for us to selll this country back to those who you say have the ULTIMATE right to be here? What cost per life for those AMERICAN men and women who have fought in all the wars WW1, WW2 Vietnam and Iraq…to keep us FREE?! If they can come up with the money…maybe I would approve of them having it. The Hispanics coming illegally through the border today have done NOTHING to make this great country what it is. All they want to do is have a share of the good life that they are not entitled to IN THIS LAND. Maybe Mexico will pay the price for the improvements made to this country…oh no…that’s right…the illegals here today help subsidize the mexican economy by sending back millions and millions of dollars back to family in Mexico.

Ituyu…what would be the price the Hispanics would want to pay to have this country set back to the way it was circa 1500 or before? If all they want is a big plot of ground…let em have it.

Blyss, will you please stop making things up? When did I say Hispanics wanted this country back? For most Hispanics in this country, this country is already theirs just like it’s yours. My drift has been that we need to be reasonable and fair. Is that so hard for you to comprehend? What happened back then was wrong. The wars of this nation have been fought with the service and blood of many brave and highly decorated heroes of Hispanic ancestry. They helped make this country what it is. Mexican labor in the wars was extremely important in our war effort. Who do you think helped keep the troops fed? Our Mexican labor that worked the fields! Our reliance in our armed services on “immigrants” is growing because our own native sons and daughters are less and less interested in serving. There is no way anybody could buy this country nor should anyone offer to sell it. Selling it back to the indigenous is not possible and setting a price would not be possible because while we have “improved” this land how do we put a price on genocide and loss they suffered then and have suffered thoughout our history at our hands. No Blyss, the only thing we can do is act fairly now and in the future. WE can’t change the past but we shouldn’t forget it. There is no good reason to continue to stygmatize these people with the “illegal” brand or use them in the same sentence as “terrorists”. These are people, our neighbors, the descendants of the First Americans, God’s children. Why are you in such favor of criminalizing a group of people because they want to work the jobs we want them to do? What valid reasons can you give for not wanting our laws to relect our reality, our needs? What gives you the right to attack Americans of Hispanic ancestry?. You keep attacking Hispanics in one sentence and in another you say that they are just as American as you. Make up your mind, which is it? Why do you consider that you have any more right to be here than an indigenous person. Some Mexicans may be of mixed blood but they are still descendents of indigenous peoples. Didn’t God make this land for them too? We have the power and might but does that mean we have more right to be here than they? Does might make right? Do you think God made this land only for his American children?
It appears you have NO facts either. It also appears we are at a stalemate because you do not read the links I have posted and you make ridiculous claims and I see no further reason to debate you because you are not logical and verge on the irrational. You really should get your head out of the sand and get some fresh air…👍

Are you really saying the truth about what ***you see ***is unspeakable?
Thoise protestors are wrong. And those signs are not historically accurate.

They should’ve had ICE there… had a check point…bet they woulda found lots of illegals.
What is incorrect on the signs? What to ***you see ***in those pictures that leads you to believe these people are illegal?
That was then… this is now… pnewton is right… it doesn’t help the illegals cause.

If ppl are here illegally… deport them. Something that happened hundreds of years ago…is of no matter now.
Maybe what happen hundreds of years ago left a continuous trail of these problems?
I am not a squatter… a racist… its quite the opposite.
Maybe but you an Blyss both claim to see evidence of illegals, so tell us what you see that justifies your knowledge of illegals.
Sure is… even better because its the truth. Punish not the son for his fathers sins.
What sins would that be? Do you believe no dark complexion person in the SW to day is discriminated against? Do you watch the jokes on TV about that? Do you read the posters on this form giving personal accounts?
If you aren’t born in the USA… you are not indigenous to it.
Again what do you and Blyss see that tells you these people were not born in the USA
how do we put a price on genocide and loss they suffered then and have suffered thoughout our history at our hands.
Do I sense another maudlin tangent springing forth from this thread? Maybe a separate thread could be started to rationally examine this claim. (hey, it could happen)
There is no good reason to continue to stygmatize these people with the “illegal” brand
except that they are here illegally.
If you think immigration law is unjust, are you so different from people who think the law is unjust that says babies born here should automatically receive citizenship? Your opinion of what should be does not make it so, and it also does not necessarily spring from some great virtue or vice, but from your opinion and experience, which affects which “facts” you will trust.

For example, when the Mexicans in my old apartment complex (not sure if they were legal or not, but they certainly weren’t assimilated or assimilating) stole my car right from my own assigned parking spot outside my apartment on CHRISTMAS EVE, trashed it, then laughed when the cops helped me get the decimated shell of a car back, I then began to form an opinion about Mexicans (particularly Mexican men) and Mexican culture.
Why are you in such favor of criminalizing a group of people because they want to work the jobs we want them to do?
Again, they are already criminalized by current law. And the rest of your sentence is a little hazy to me (see next paragraph).
What valid reasons can you give for not wanting our laws to relect our reality, our needs?
It seems you have gotten this wording from the US Bishops statements, which I find to be seriously flawed and here is why: I work in the low-wage restaurant industry. I love my job and I don’t mind working with hispanics as long as they can show me common courtesy which they usually do (although it is not lost on me that they often show me this respect only after I demonstrate my proficiency with Spanish to them). However, to say that I would not be making substantially more money if Mexicans and other Latinos were not grappling for my job is, to me, “not reflecting reality”. Those dollar double-cheeseburgers are incredibly cheap, aren’t they? Guess why?
Why do you consider that you have any more right to be here than an indigenous person. Some Mexicans may be of mixed blood but they are still descendents of indigenous peoples. Didn’t God make this land for them too? We have the power and might but does that mean we have more right to be here than they? Does might make right? Do you think God made this land only for his American children?
God placed the secular government in charge of the land. Like it or not, wars and such do determine who gets to make the laws. The indigenous Aztecs understood that long before the Spanish got here. Perhaps you also picked this up from the US Bishops: in one breath they will say “of course the US has the right to enforce borders and immigration policy” and then they make no further indication that they actually believe this in anything else they say.

I don’t know if the title of this thread is precisely true. As others have already said, the government does not even keep track of the number and types of crimes illegal aliens commit. (WHY NOT???) But whether the number is 12 a day or 1 a day or whatever, I don’t find it unthinkable that it is indicative of a problematic reality.
What is incorrect on the signs? What to ***you see ***in those pictures that leads you to believe these people are illegal?
What is incorrect? … I think that would be another thread.

But I conclude from those signs that the sentiments they express are the sentiments of some illegal aliens, whether the ones holding the signs are themselves illegal or not.

I see that they feel that past or present injustices, whether actual or perceived, justify their being here illegally now.

And I disagree.
If this country had been left in the hands of the Mexicans and the Natgive Americans and had not been settled by the Europeans this country would be the disaster that Mexico is but on a much larger scale. It would be a country rife with poverty, crime such as what is going on in Mexico and corruption. It was the European settlers and other immigrants since that have made it what it is. Like I said…the illegals coming through illegally have done NOTHING **to make this the great country it is today.

If this country had been left in the hands of the Mexicans and the Natgive Americans and had not been settled by the Europeans this country would be the disaster that Mexico is but on a much larger scale. It would be a country rife with poverty, crime such as what is going on in Mexico and corruption. It was the European settlers and other immigrants since that have made it what it is. Like I said…the illegals coming through illegally have done NOTHING **to make this the great country it is today.

That is the most hateful thing I have ever heard!

Thank you Blyss for showing us all here on CAF what a bigot you!

todays readings
1 Cor 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27
Brothers and sisters:
As a body is one though it has many parts,
and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body,
so also Christ.
For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body,
whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons,
and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.
Now the body is not a single part, but many.
If a foot should say,
“Because I am not a hand I do not belong to the body,”
it does not for this reason belong any less to the body.
Or if an ear should say,
“Because I am not an eye I do not belong to the body,”
it does not for this reason belong any less to the body.
If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be?
If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be?
But as it is, God placed the parts,
each one of them, in the body as he intended.
If they were all one part, where would the body be?
But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body.
**The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you,”
nor again the head to the feet, “I do not need you.”
Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker
are all the more necessary,
and those parts of the body that we consider less honorable
we surround with greater honor,
and our less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety,**whereas our more presentable parts do not need this.
But God has so constructed the body
as to give greater honor to a part that is without it,
so that there may be no division in the body,
but that the parts may have the same concern for one another.
If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it;
if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.
Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it.
Some people God has designated in the church
to be, first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers;
then, mighty deeds;
then gifts of healing, assistance, administration,
and varieties of tongues.
Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers?
Do all work mighty deeds? Do all have gifts of healing?
Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?
I think this reading is saying that we are all one and not one is better than the other.

I love the part in red. The eye cannot say to the hand I do not need you.

Lets think about this before we start to spout hate!

I believe God will help those who suffer from hate.
If this country had been left in the hands of the Mexicans and the Natgive Americans and had not been settled by the Europeans this country would be the disaster that Mexico is but on a much larger scale.
I do not know if this statement is true or false, but some apparently are convinced it is false. So I have a question.

Why is there such a huge disparity between the standard of living in the US and Mexico if not the system of government? If there is no other difference, then Blyss is right.
They’re referring to those who call indigenous peoples “foreigners”.
If any individual is indigenous to the US, then they are US citizens. Those not born here are foreign-born. I think the semantical difference is slight.

If if you do believe that the history of previous centuries has a bearing on today’s issues, then what would that be? I do not see it.
That is the most hateful thing I have ever heard!

Thank you Blyss for showing us all here on CAF what a bigot you!

Watch the name calling Lucy!! Facts are facts and what makes you think if this country had been left in the hands of the Mexicans from long ago…that it would be any different than what modern era Mexico is today? Stop and think about it before you throw around names

What a bunch of ignorant people; how quickly they forget that there primary language is European and almost all of them have European blood in them.
Oh I don’t know Wabrams. Seems to me they have a pretty good handle on the American language.

How do you know that almost all have “European” blood and how does that negate their indigenous blood?

The question on one of the placards was “Who is ILLEGAL?” Did God break the law when he made “Illegal” humans? Or, is there no such thing as an “illegal” child of God?
If this country had been left in the hands of the Mexicans and the Natgive Americans and had not been settled by the Europeans this country would be the disaster that Mexico is but on a much larger scale. It would be a country rife with poverty, crime such as what is going on in Mexico and corruption. It was the European settlers and other immigrants since that have made it what it is. Like I said…the illegals coming through illegally have done NOTHING **to make this the great country it is today.

And, your comment is based on…?
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