These are huge numbers. If the illegal aliens were content to just use these cards to obtain employment would be one thing, but to use them to borrow money and obtain credit cards is another thing entirely. Lost in this discussion is that using an illegally obtained social security card is a felony and for good reason. Lives can be destroyed by the improper use of these cards.
“We’ve had this ridiculous situation where, theoretically, this information could be shared and we could identify these people and repair the situation,” said Marti Dinerstein, a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, a nonprofit organization that supports tighter restrictions on immigration. “Falsely using a Social Security number is a felony. Our own federal agencies are working against those laws. The I.R.S. says privacy laws prevent them from sharing information. So we know who the guilty employers are. The I.R.S. knows who the guilty employees are. And nothing’s being done about it.”
The law which disallows the IRS from sharing this information with the proper authorities needs to change. As the following paragraph shows, people’s lives are being damaged by the illegal use of social security numbers.
When the numbers belong to children, the problems can start when they turn 18, said Jay Foley, a founder and director of the Identity Theft Resource Center in San Diego, a nonprofit organization that helps victims and proposes legislation. “Now the child goes for student loans or jobs, and the companies say, ‘You’ve got a problem of bad credit. We aren’t going to touch you.’ ”
From now on, my daughter will have these falsely obtained credit cards and debt on her credit history and there is not a thing she can do about it.
Without going into the issue of how the illegal aliens broke the law to enter this country, what does all of this mean? It means that illegal aliens are not just depressing wages, they are not just absorbing social funds intended for Americans for welfare, for hospitalization and to educate their children. Illegal aliens are also using illegally obtained social security cards and are ruining lives by borrowing money with an assumed identity with no intention of paying the debt. When most illegal aliens are using these illegally obtained social security numbers, this is not a victimless crime. This is yet another reason to oppose illegal immigration.
From the link in the above post…sure Tex…just good old illegals wgo are trying to get “honest” work…no matter who they defraud and whose lives they hurt.