Joe Turner - Save Our State -
In the bizarre world that we live in, merely opposing illegal immigration and all the peripheral issues that go along with it is justification for being labeled a racist, bigot or a vigilante.
In countless interviews, I am asked my thoughts when our opponents accuse us of being a racist organization. I constantly wonder why reporters simply regurgitate unsubstantiated claims and in the process perform the devil’s bidding.
Yet, as evidenced by today’s happenings, it is so crystal clear that our opponents are projecting their bigotry and hatred onto us. Today, we saw some of the most vile hatred and bigotry expressed towards us by the Mechistas.
Everything that we argued the monument stood for was reinforced by the hundreds of activists who opposed our presence in Baldwin Park. Numerous times we were told that this land is Mexico and that they were taking it back. Numerous times racist epithets were hurled away. One person even hurled a full water bottle at our side and sent one of our activists to the hospital with bleeding in the brain. Unfortunately, she is now in the intensive care unit and we are all praying and hoping for the best.
What started as a rather peaceful and uneventful protest on our side ended in sheer hostility. The counter demonstrators were supposed to rally at the other end of the metrolink station, but proceeded to outflank the Baldwin Park Police Department and traveled through a local neighborhood so that they could formally confront us at the intersection allocated to us for our protest.
In waves they came. Soon outnumbered 500-50 in a community that is 85% Hispanic, crowd control soon became an issue. Rants, chants, and Mexican flags filled the air. They spit on, dragged, and kicked an American flag over the ground. It is imperative to note that that was the only American flag displayed by our opponents.
At the conclusion of the rally, a twenty year veteran of the force shared that today’s rally was the most intense and largest he has seen in his career. And intense it was, for at one point, I was informed by BPPD that they could no longer ensure our safety. Mind you, there were upwards of 70+ officers on duty in riot gear. Emergency reserves were summoned from various local agencies. A police helicopter circled above for the entire duration. Officers with sniper rifles rested on a roof above.
In fact, we were told that a credible source of intelligence suggested that violent attack on our group was in the making and that two hundred more demonstrators may be en route (which would have presumably overwhelmed the already taxed resources). Surrounded by hostile forces on all sides, we were evacuated by the police department to the police station one block away until the crowd dispersed.
We did not hurl racist epithets or make bigoted hate-filled comments. We did not throw objects at our opponents or resort to violence. Yet, we are racist vigilantes!
It is of utmost importance to emphasize one singular point. Everything that we stated that monument stood for, embodied, and represented, was reinforced and confirmed by the actions of those opposing us today. To suggest that the monument doesn’t reinforce the reconquista of Aztlan and hatred toward whites is simply delusional.
To say that all of the Hispanic participants in this rally were ALL legal is lunacy. Even if these people WERE legal…they have a deep hatred for this country…and the citizens who live here. The racist hatred they exhibited for the white anglo citizen is every bit as much detestable as the racist hatred for brown skinned Hispanics. Neither serve us well in this country. They were defacing American flags and waving Mexcian flags. Where is their allegiance?** No one can actually believe that all these people were legal and it is patently dishonest for that statement to be made. I am not saying they were all ILLEGAL…but none of you here can make the comment that they were all legal.