Sorry but you’re way off! One thing does not excuse or justify the other. Crossing the border without permission has not yet nor is it be likely to be criminalized. Currently we “Catch” and “Return”. The “illegal” have Human Rights including “legal” Rights in this country. To Dehumanize them for wanting to survive and provide for their families is contrary to Catholic principles. But, one need not be Catholic or even religious to realize how “unfair” our current system has become. Your current tactics go beyond what any reasonable person can consider “Civil”. The problem is that you don’t seem to realize that you say these things because you can’t legitimately defend your position. Our Immigration system is broken. It does not allow for sufficient “Legal” immigration to meet our needs. The fact that they are absorbed into our labor pool where they add economic growth while unemployment remains low is evidence of this. Please these are serious considerations. I have no desire to follow you along the path you are taking this discussion. The question was raised and it was anwered appropriately and more than adequately through an Encyclical of a former Pope The document is direct, clear and authoritative. I am aware of no Church document that invalidates or contradicts ‘Pacem In Terris’ (Peace On Earth). If you have such documents that invalidate the one cited, please provide them. Or, perhaps you can explain how your extreme measures and proposals are consistent with this document.You should make sure what you are referring to is clearly stated.
At any rate… if they don’t try to come over the border illegally… there wouldn’t even be this disuccion.
Trying to sneak over the border thru a desert does not keep women children and the elderly from harm.
The illegals should try to make changes in thier country. Not sneak over here illegally.