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Good point anti, are you proposing to host all 10 billion people on this planet in YOUR back yard? If immigrants have unlimited rights to immigrate, there is no limit to how many we will have.
After reviewing Jimmy Akins web, why is thier insurection in the Catholic Church. The Church has ordained the soverign nation with the privillege of establishing her own immigration laws.

WHERE IS THE ARGUMENT? The state has every write to deport thes mexicans. Lets do it!
After reviewing Jimmy Akins web, why is thier insurection in the Catholic Church. The Church has ordained the soverign nation with the privillege of establishing her own immigration laws.

WHERE IS THE ARGUMENT? The state has every write to deport thes mexicans. Lets do it!
But not the Canadians, the Irish, the Italians, the Scotch, the Norweigans, the Britons, the French, the Germans, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and so on.

Gotta start somewhere… but yes… ALL illegal immigrants have to be deported.
But not the Canadians, the Irish, the Italians, the Scotch, the Norweigans, the Britons, the French, the Germans, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and so on.

Gotta start somewhere… but yes… ALL illegal immigrants have to be deported.
And please, tell me how you plan to accomplish this without deporting US citizens by “mistake” or otherwise violating the rights of Americans and legal residents? Racial profiling? Trains? Soviet-style checkpoints? It is unreasonable to expect to do what you propose.
My letter to my senators:

Dear Senator:
I am writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 4437, the “Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act” and urge you to stop it from becoming law.
This legislation will result in *mass violation of civil rights * and create huge obstacles to genuine legalization reforms that would benefit our communities.
Sensenbrenner’s immigration enforcement proposal will not work and only result in more migrant deaths at the U.S.-Mexico border and lead to the erosion of our civil liberties and civil rights.
This is a very badly thought-out and unAmerican bill. Please do your utmost to put an end to it.
My letter to my senators:

Dear Senator:
I am writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 4437, the “Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act” and urge you to stop it from becoming law.
This legislation will result in *mass violation of civil rights * and create huge obstacles to genuine legalization reforms that would benefit our communities.
Sensenbrenner’s immigration enforcement proposal will not work and only result in more migrant deaths at the U.S.-Mexico border and lead to the erosion of our civil liberties and civil rights.
This is a very badly thought-out and unAmerican bill. Please do your utmost to put an end to it.

Can I use this? 🙂
Thats too bad. 😦
My letter to my senators:

Dear Senator:
I am writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 4437, the “Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act” and urge you to stop it from becoming law.
This legislation will result in *mass violation of civil rights *and create huge obstacles to genuine legalization reforms that would benefit our communities.
Sensenbrenner’s immigration enforcement proposal will not work and only result in more migrant deaths at the U.S.-Mexico border and lead to the erosion of our civil liberties and civil rights.
This is a very badly thought-out and unAmerican bill. Please do your utmost to put an end to it.
Not at the wages they are offering. Thats because a lawbreaking illegal will work for far less… in effect stealing jobs.
Are you guys going to pick tomatoes?
Not me, thanks.
Thats too bad. 😦
So, you seem to be saying that changeable law (immigration statutes) are more important that the Constitution (the legal foundation for our country). Is this true?
Are you guys going to pick tomatoes?
Not me, thanks.
As someone who has been out of work, has lost a home, and has eventually been to the point of having nothing, you are darn right I would have picked tomatoes, even at the substandard wages they pay these people to do it.

I think people are cutting the saying short…

The illegal immigrants do work that americans won’t do… for the low cheap wages that the greedy industries want to pay.
Exactly, we need to know who is coming in and why. We need to know that they have the means to get a job and not become a drain on our welfare system, that they are not bringin some disease and that they are not coming here to harm us. We need good immigrants but they need to follow our rules. If they can not do that they should stay home.
Good thing the Native Americans did not have the means to enforce these policies. 😉
As to the question around illegal immigrants doing work Americans won’t at cheaper wages - just how much is anyone willing to pay for a tomato so the pickers (of whatever nationality) can get better wages?
The bottom line on this whole deal is safety. One of the ways that you make sure something like 9-11 does not happen again is by knowing who is in your country and why. We are the ONLY major country in the world with this issue. I want to see you try this in Europe. If you jump the border there…you get shot. Why do they take it so serious? Well, they know that it is the number one way of insuring domestic security.

The other kind of security that we need to protect is economic. I understand that Mexico is not doing very well, and that there are a lot of hardships down there. My heart and my wallet go out to them. But they are not the only counrty in the world with poor people in it. American is the land of opportunity, but you have to pursue that opportunity legally.

The bottom line is, no matter how you want to slice it…there is no defense for this illegal action. There is nothing that will be written here that will make it legal to jump the border of a country, make this kind of action secure for this nation, or make it a financially sound decision for us.
Are you guys going to pick tomatoes?
Not me, thanks.
As to the question around illegal immigrants doing work Americans won’t at cheaper wages - just how much is anyone willing to pay for a tomato so the pickers (of whatever nationality) can get better wages?
The economy is a self-regulating system. If we didn’t have a flood of illegals driving down labor prices (because they are able to be exploited), wages would go up and alot of Americans would be willing to do the work. Haven’t you noticed that alot less American teenagers work nowadays? Illegals are doing these jobs (seasonal ag work, cutting grass, baby sitting, etc).

Prices would also go up, but I think this would be counterbalanced by the stabalization of health costs, which are skyrocketing because we are subsidizing millions of uninsured illegals.

It amazes me that such humanitarian liberals are so in love with our current system, in which big business and agriculture use illegals as wage slaves because they can’t defend themselves. That’s true exploitation. But I guess this is too complicated for Cardinal Mahoney.
Good thing the Native Americans did not have the means to enforce these policies.
Chris, if we don’t do something about this, we may share their fate…
Good thing the Native Americans did not have the means to enforce these policies. 😉
Firstly, THEY ARE INDIANS. THE TRAVERSED THE BERING STRIAGHT FROM INDIA. So can we cease all of the poltically correct ****! Too much to tolerate!

We demised all of the killing, rape and murder between the Indians. Our presence was a benifit to thier society. I am digressing. The fact is, you must transistion from the PAST to the PRESENT. The greatest nation upoun this earth must make a vital descision. A wrong choice could incite its ebb. Can we please not malinger upoun this “Liberal manifest”. CAN WE SEE SOME NATIONALISM. STOP HILIGHTING THE FAULTS OF THIS NATION and focus upoun its greatness.
God bless
Firstly, THEY ARE INDIANS. THE TRAVERSED THE BERING STRIAGHT FROM INDIA. So can we cease all of the poltically correct ****! Too much to tolerate!
Ok fine you European! :rolleyes:

Native Americans it shall remain, as I will not insult the people of India.

Edit: There’s a difference between the caucasian’s of India (Aryans and dravidians) and the Native Americans, who came from central Asia (China, Mongolia etc…)

And the above, ie crossing the land bridge, is still a theory - Why? Because if you, yourself, believe in the creationist theory, how then does that fit? Also, there are other theories: They are from an area which corrisponds to today’s southwestern France, another states that they came from Oceania.

And your theory still doesn’t explain Columbus’ mistake, thinking he reached India. :rolleyes:
The bottom line on this whole deal is safety. One of the ways that you make sure something like 9-11 does not happen again is by knowing who is in your country and why. We are the ONLY major country in the world with this issue. I want to see you try this in Europe. If you jump the border there…you get shot. Why do they take it so serious? Well, they know that it is the number one way of insuring domestic security.
Eh? Who has been shot in Europe recently jumping a border? The Cold War ended years ago, you know. The Berlin wall has come down. Much of Europe doesn’t even have active borders with each other now, due to the EU - we are free to live and work in any EU country we wish.

Additionally, knowing who was in our country wouldn’t have mattered a jot for the London bombings last year. The people who did that were British citizens.

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