One of the things I find most annoying are that many (not all) of the people complaining in the most shrill manner about illegal immigration aren’t even that affected by it. Pew did a survey not too far back and determined that the less immigrants lived in a zipcode the more people from that zipcode disliked the idea of illegal immigrants. I believe the people along the border (Arizona, Texas, New Mexico) have legitimate issues as far as concerns about crime and the coyotes go. I know that Chicago is far more affected by immigration (illegal or otherwise) than Wisconsin, but you don’t hear Chicagoans complaining all that loudly (well we have a “patriots” group but they’re viewed as cranks that write into the paper).
I live right next to Cicero IL. Spanish is the majority language there. There are probably 9 native Spanish speakers there for every 1 native English speaker. I don’t see a problem however. There are Spanish language newspapers, TV and radio stations (as well as Korean, Polish and Chinese); go down Cermak Ave (alas not named for me but for our dear martyred mayor) and see Spanish language bankers, insurance brokers, grocers, butchers, bakeries, dentists, clothing stores… And who do you think owns these places? It’s largely the immigrants who live there. Recently a Spanish movie house opened (it was an empty theater for a long time) that shows Spanish language films. I fail to see how this impacts my right to speak English, or my neighbors’ right to speak Polish.
Fifty years ago Chicago had ethnic neighborhoods (it still has some) that were uniquely Irish, Polish, Greek, Ukrainian, Jewish, Italian… Today it has ethnic neighborhoods that are uniquely Southern Indian (Hindu), Pakistani, Russian Jewish, Mexican. I honestly don’t see a problem.
As far as border security, we wouldn’t have all these undocumented folks if we had a decent allowance for letting people in legally. Like an insta-check at the border and then just let them in if they’re not criminals.
I live right next to Cicero IL. Spanish is the majority language there. There are probably 9 native Spanish speakers there for every 1 native English speaker. I don’t see a problem however. There are Spanish language newspapers, TV and radio stations (as well as Korean, Polish and Chinese); go down Cermak Ave (alas not named for me but for our dear martyred mayor) and see Spanish language bankers, insurance brokers, grocers, butchers, bakeries, dentists, clothing stores… And who do you think owns these places? It’s largely the immigrants who live there. Recently a Spanish movie house opened (it was an empty theater for a long time) that shows Spanish language films. I fail to see how this impacts my right to speak English, or my neighbors’ right to speak Polish.
Fifty years ago Chicago had ethnic neighborhoods (it still has some) that were uniquely Irish, Polish, Greek, Ukrainian, Jewish, Italian… Today it has ethnic neighborhoods that are uniquely Southern Indian (Hindu), Pakistani, Russian Jewish, Mexican. I honestly don’t see a problem.
As far as border security, we wouldn’t have all these undocumented folks if we had a decent allowance for letting people in legally. Like an insta-check at the border and then just let them in if they’re not criminals.