That’s right!
Be a good Catholic because the world needs good Catholics.
Be a good Catholic because the world needs good Catholics.
Schiff is anything but a patriot. This has been nothing more than a political power grab. The democrat party is putting the party before our country!! They are abusing theit power. Assumptions, hearsay and innuendo is what they based their case on.This was an exercise in calling out what’s harmful to the Republic when it became apparent Mueller wasn’t a deterrent. They couldn’t win and they risked their power and it took courage.
Schiff became a Patriot. He did what he could.
okay, you have convinced me we are in the TwilightTrump did it. And Democrats knew they couldn’t win before they began. So all the power grab talk is a way to work yourself into a rage. It is what I said. And the polls show America knows it
Trump did nothing. Democrats can’t even come up with a real crime to charge him with. Win what? Is this what the Dems objection is to win? Thanks for admitting that. Yes, they won’t convict Trump of what they claim but they sure are hoping they can win in 2020 with their false narrative and their new conspiracy theory.Trump did it. And Democrats knew they couldn’t win before they began. So all the power grab talk is a way to work yourself into a rage. It is what I said. And the polls show America knows it
Oh give me a break. Now playing the poor victim card. Anyone who testifies are all now poor sufferers and victims but yet in the same sentence Patriots. Yes they are really suffering.You realize these people who came forward to testify will all suffer. Some badly. It is a hell of a choice. So I have no problem calling them Patriots.
Nothing new with denying people how to cast their vote with the Democrats. There the party of super delegates after all, not the Republicans. Just ask Bernie about it.If we deny her right to choose how to cast her vote, what does that say about our respect of the Constitution ?