Inside Rudy Giuliani's attempt to sow chaos on behalf of Trump and steal the election

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They never were forced to pay. The contraceptive coverage was provided at no additional cost to them.
But they were forced to “provide” it in their plans. An option they claimed was against their faith. And the SC upheld them. Biden has said he will force them to provide it anyway.
Rudy is a lawyer and friend of the president who believes significant voter fraud took place. That neither makes him a hero nor a traitor.
I meant with regard to his leadership in the wake of 9/11. By all means let’s have fair coverage of his performance as a lawyer. But I think he deserves better than to be attacked for a hairstyle. Also, it was despicable what they did to him in the new Borat movie.
Trump is not attempting a coup. He was winning the night of the election and ahead. His fears have come true. Al Gore challenged the results in 2000 for 37 days. I guess it was okay from Gore, but not for Trump.

He has every right to do what he is doing.
I am sure many people feel like you do and will choose never to vote in another election
again. I might never vote again either
That would be a shame. Everyone should participate.
If the elections are fraudulent, why bother voting?
And yes, I like semantics. Without it, nobody knows what anybody means.
I love semantics! It is essential for communication, and a tool of truth and reason.
I guess it was okay from Gore, but not for Trump.
Exactly! One state less than a thousand votes is vastly different needing four states with 10k - 150k votes each. But even at that, this incumbent has challenged, and I do not think anyone objected at first. Now, however, since his challenges have been lost for lack of evidence he is trying to use political cronyism to ignore the result based on feelings he just should have won. Gore never once tried that stunt, nor has anyone ever been so brazen.
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I guess it was okay from Gore, but not for Trump.
Exactly! One state less than a thousand votes is vastly different needing four states with 10k - 150k votes each. But even at that, this incumbent has challenged, and I do not think anyone objected at first. Now, however, since his challenges have been lost for lack of evidence he is trying to use political cronyism to ignore the result based on feelings he just should have won. Gore never once tried that stunt, nor has anyone ever been so brazen.
Not to mention it was Gore himself who stopped the challenge before exhausting all his legal options - something I would really like to see Trump do.
Fox News: ‘2020 Election ‘Most Secure in American History’ Federal Elections Security Officials Say’ by Brittany De Lea, published November 12.
I meant with regard to his leadership in the wake of 9/11. By all means let’s have fair coverage of his performance as a lawyer. But I think he deserves better than to be attacked for a hairstyle. Also, it was despicable what they did to him in the new Borat movie.
I absolutely agree on all points here
If the elections are fraudulent, why bother voting?
That question reminds me of the kinds I used to ask my mom (and my kids in turn asked me). Why should I make my bed, it’s just going to get messed up tonight? Why should I wash the dishes, they are just going to get dirty again?

About the tenth time, rather than say because I said so, I told them that since I was the mom, it was one of those things I was required to make them do, it’s in the Mom’s Book of Rules.

So, I am going to say that it is in the USA Citizen’s Book of Rules that you are supposed to vote. The fact that too many don’t is neither here nor there. Please continue to vote. Think of it as a way to cancel out my vote 🙂
He has every right to do what he is doing.
I think after the thirtieth case being rejected he has lost that right. Not from a legal sense, but from a practical sense. He’s just wasting everyone’s time trying to subvert the election.

There is no credible reason to think that Trump won, and there is no credible path for him to overturn the number of states he needs to to flip the election. He’s just fundraising off of this now.
Well, seeing as you live in Canada, you don’t vote in our
elections. And since you don’t vote here you don’t
really have a say in the matter because you don’t know what it feels like to vote in an election that was rigged.
Surely, voting is a more serious issue than making a bed or washing dishes!!
Well, seeing as you live in Canada, you don’t vote in our
elections. And since you don’t vote here you don’t
really have a say in the matter because you don’t know what it feels like to vote in an election that was rigged.
Neither. do. you.
Well, seeing as you live in Canada, you don’t vote in our
elections. And since you don’t vote here you don’t
really have a say in the matter because you don’t know what it feels like to vote in an election that was rigged.
Neither. do. you.
I most certainly do.
Well, seeing as you live in Canada, you don’t vote in our
elections. And since you don’t vote here you don’t
really have a say in the matter because you don’t know what it feels like to vote in an election that was rigged.
I am certainly entitled to my opinion and I certainly won’t let you silence it. As a Canadian I have been deeply affected by some of Trump’s policies since we’re your next door neighbour and largest trading partner. As Prime Minister Trudeau the Elder once quipped:
Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.
I will add, that you don’t know what it’s like to vote in a rigged election, in spite of what you believe. The US is not Venezuela. Biden won fair and square.

Be careful what you wish for though. Stop voting, and keep letting demagogues like Trump have free rein on your country, and. you’ll soon enough know what it’ like to have rigged elections, or worse, no elections.

BTW I do know something of rigged elections: in the 1995 separatist referendum, the number of spoiled ballots was far higher in Anglophone/federalist leaning ridings than in separatist/Francophone leaning ridings. Go figure. Some of the rejected ballots were on very very sketchy grounds, such as the pencil mark being just a millimetre outside the circle.

The very future of my country hinged on that vote, and we won by only 50,000 votes. The separatists tried hard, but they didn’t quite make it.

So go cry me a river…
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