Inside Rudy Giuliani's attempt to sow chaos on behalf of Trump and steal the election

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The closest I ever came was when I was in grade 2… and Her Majesty came to Prince George to open the University of Northern British Columbia… big crowd… but that wasn’t even for a politician. As an adult I would never go to any sort of political rally. I’m not even sure if they really exist in Canada?
Rudy Giuliani is an American hero. He deserves better than to be treated like this in the media.
Well seeing as the Democrats never accepted President Trump and were actively working his entire four years to undermine and resist his every move, you can’t expect the Republicans to play nice. Especially with the Democrats’ godless and anti-american agenda.
That’s how partisan politics works. If you’re opposed to that, then I’m pretty much 100% in agreement with you.
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The only upside of Biden hanging on to the election, is that after four years of socialism under Democrats, i
The Democrats are not socialists. They may be progressives, but not socialists. I live in Canada, and the Democrats would even be considered to the right… of our Conservative party. Seriously. And Canada isn’t even close to socialist. The means of production are not in government hands, but in the hands of private and publicly traded corporations just as in the US.

What we do have are, IMHO, better social programs, a better social safety net. You won’t catch me complaining about that as I enter my old age.

People need to get a grip and stop exaggerating. Here’s a humble prediction. When (not if) Biden becomes president, the sun will still rise in the East and set in the West, and there won’t be any more abortions than under the Trump presidency. And assuming the run-off senate elections in Georgia go Republican, plus with a 6-3 conservative SCOTUS, you can safely put your feet up, relax, and enjoy a nice cold beer. The US won’t crumble before your eyes.
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Biden can and will expand abortion access, leading to more abortions, without the senate. Trump did a lot of restricting and defunding by himself. Biden will have taxpayers funding planned parenthood like nobody’s business and will be going after the little sisters of the poor again to force them to pay for abortion and contraception coverage (not just them specifically but all who would claim a moral or religious exemption from sinful policies).
Biden/Harris didn’t campaign or at the least, it was minimal.
How many times was Biden in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? Didn’t he go to AZ too?

Saying that Biden did not campaign is just inaccurate.
Wonder why a majority of Democrats have not accepted the truth that Trump did not collude with Russia to win the last election?
They accept that Russian collusion with Republicans was not proven. However, Russian interference on behalf of Trump was proved. That’s a fact.
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Giuliani was a more than decent Mayor of New York and a noteworthy prosecutor. Now he is sacrificing his legacy to antics unworthy of his past accomplishments.
Totally agree. He was brilliant after 9/11 and was a globally known and respected figure. Why he hitched his wagon to Trump will remain to be seen sadly.
It’s probably the money. Right now he’s reportedly getting $20,000 per day.
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Biden can and will expand abortion access, leading to more abortions, without the senate. Trump did a lot of restricting and defunding by himself. Biden will have taxpayers funding planned parenthood like nobody’s business and will be going after the little sisters of the poor again to force them to pay for abortion and contraception coverage (not just them specifically but all who would claim a moral or religious exemption from sinful policies).
Agreed. Most of us know this all to be true yet are somehow not worried about it.Just worried about getting rid of President Trump whatever the cost. They are willing to trade more abortions and the little sisters of the poor for it. Very sad indeed. Might as well go setup auto payments with Planned Parenthood. But these people will also tell you they are against abortion. It doesn’t make sense, but somehow they can rationalize it.
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Wonder why a majority of Democrats have not accepted the truth that Trump did not collude with Russia to win the last election?
Largely it is because Trump refused to cooperate with the investigation, possibly to the point of criminally obstructing justice. The “attempt to sow chaos” now is a continuation of that same kind of behavior, where courts are meant for stalling.
It was proved to be a false narrative but still persists as a reason they distrust the President. Wonder if msm’s reluctance of reporting anything in favor of DJT has anything to do with that???
It was not proven to be a false narrative. The only msm involved with this problem is Fox News, who obscured the truth in order to keep in the President’s favor. Other outlets followed, some quite disgracefully inverting the story for their own political and financial gains.
Well seeing as the Democrats never accepted President Trump
That just isn’t true. Hillary conceded and congratulated the new President the day after the election. The Democratic politicians opposed Trump’s policies, as you might expect, but they did not file a blizzard of lawsuits and call for their supporters to deny that Trump was the President. That just didn’t happen. This thing Trump is doing is unprecedented.
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Biden can and will expand abortion access, leading to more abortions, without the senate.
I doubt he will materially affect the number of abortions at all. Trump didn’t. Yes, Trump did defunding and encouraged restrictions, but the numbers did not change significantly because of that.
and will be going after the little sisters of the poor again to force them to pay
They never were forced to pay. The contraceptive coverage was provided at no additional cost to them.
They are willing to trade more abortions and the little sisters of the poor for it.
Fear mongering.
That’s ridiculous. The Sisters weren’t forced to pay, just to provide it. That’s a violation of their faith and their 1st Amendment Rights. But, then again, democrats only care about the constitution when they can use it to their political gain. Otherwise they pretend it doesn’t exist.
You like semantics don’t you. Do you really justify forcing nuns to violate their faith and first amendment rights? . . .
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You like semantics don’t you.
I like truth. If you meant to say “the nuns will be forced to provide coverage that costs them nothing” you should not have said “the nuns will be forced to pay for it.”

And yes, I like semantics. Without it, nobody knows what anybody means.
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