Which was it? Athiest or Secular Humanist? As there are thiests whom are secular humanists. Or did you mean Athiest AND Secular Humanist?
As far as I’m concerned, anyone who claims once to have been an athiest and then “converted,” was never an athiest in the first place, an agnostic maybe.
I was athiest until about 11 years ago then I got into new age paganism which is a form of secular humanism.
I was definitely an athiest, or more accurately an anti-theist, my thoughts were not only is there no God but you are a moron for believing it in the first place. I believed religion was a crutch for those that couldn’t handle reality. Pretty prideful huh?
Would you consider sharing your conversion story?
Remeber I said a few posts ago those that do not humble themselves will be humiliated? Well a drug and alcohol addiction will humiliate a man. After squandering the advantages I had been given: an upper middle class upbringing and a college education I wound up homeless and broken in a treatment center run by the Salvation Army at the age of 23 (this was 1993). I was, at that point, given the greatest gift of my life - desperation.
The program offered to me for recovery from my addiction was spiritual in nature (Alcoholics Anonymous) and at first I wanted nothing to do with it. I refused to go to the chapel offered at the SA treatment center and did some “ethics worksheets” instead (required to do one or the other).
I was finally convinced to open my mind just a little, so I went to a nearby Unitarian church, the people were very kind and they gave me this cool sea-shell necklace. They didn’t ask alot of questions and offered no judgments, so I went back a few times. It was the first time anyone had been kind to me in a long time.
AA asks you to find a “power greater than yourself” and a “God of your understanding”. The program was written by Christians in a Christian country were no other religions were even discussed (America of the 1930s), so the bias is there but it’s not today a Christian program.
I didn’t go to the Unitarian church for very long, I moved from the treatment center and didn’t have a car for a while. I just held on to the concept of the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous as my higher power, after all they could do something I could not on my own - stay off drugs.
That worked for awhile but I’m an intellectual kind of guy, I like to understand things and my concept of spirituality at that point was so vague there was nothing to understand, it was just a feeling.
So I got interested in religion on an intellectual level. Interestingly enough I read about dozens of religions but not Christianity, wouldn’t touch it. I don’t even know that I was aware of my bias at the time. I just managed to read everything else.
I stumbled across new age paganism, Wicca to be precise. It appealed to me - I’m a fantasy buff, I had a girlfriend in college that was a Wiccan and it’s very non-dogmatic. Essentially you can make it up as you go along but it gives you a framework to work from.
I read everything I could about it, I still have some of those books. I thought I was following some ancient, pre-Christian belief system. I came to believe Christianity was just a tool of social control, it didn’t make any sense to me since I refused to study it in any way. To be frank I thought it was ignorant and simplistic and I was so much smarter than that.
I have to go to work now, I’ll finish when I get there.