Le Fannu: Essentially, Intelligent Design is Creationism.
It’s simple. Since the Biology textbook relies on purely natural - non-God - causes for the development of life, God is automatically excluded. The reader/student is persuaded that purely non-God forces went from single cell organisms to man. That is not the same as saying that Biology textbooks should add God, it only means that the Biology textbook’s ‘nothing but natural forces led to you and me’ represents a pillar of support for non-theists. From that worldview, anyone saying God was involved is simply dismissed. Divine providence and other religious claims are nonsense. That’s the primary point of these pseudo-debates. Different words, same basic divisions, over and over.And no one who believes God hasn’t played a direct causal role has explained why He is excluded…
He did believe in God. He didn’t believe in the standard Trinitarian God. He was a non-Trinitarian.Some people try to pretend Newton didn’t believe in God either.
So? What’s your point?He did believe in God. He didn’t believe in the standard Trinitarian God. He was a non-Trinitarian.
But he believed that Scriptures held the key to prophecy of end times.He did believe in God. He didn’t believe in the standard Trinitarian God. He was a non-Trinitarian.
Yes and he certainly didn’t pray to Buddha!But he believed that Scriptures held the key to prophecy of end times.![]()
Come on, give Dawkins a break. I mean, Jim Carrey can’t be the only true comic, I mean with Buddy Hacket and Rodney Dangerfield gone, we need all the laughs we can get.Soon after Darwin (even during his lifetime) a whole school of atheistic evolutionism developed that found justification for atheism in the supposed dismissal of God as an explanation for how life was created and evolved. This breed of fundamentalist atheism is still going strong, with Richard Dawkins as it present day High Priest. It is fundamentalist because it is founded on a belief, not a proof, that God explains nothing because there is no God. There being no God, there cannot possibly be an explanation for Creation based on Intelligent Design. Make no mistake about it. It’s not that atheistic evolution wants to ban God from all scientific inquiry; it’s that atheist evolution is so fundamentalist it wants to ban God period. The new Bible of this fundamentalism is The God Delusion, and Richard Dawkins is the prophet who wrote it.
Sure, everything is, it has to be.You do realise that HGT is known and has been incorporated into the theory of evolution, don’t you?
Hmm. Then why was he on TV calmly telling people that a being he claims does not exist did not do certain things as recorded in the Bible? Why does he rail against a being that is a delusion? I think your definition of nobody takes Dawkins seriously does not explain why the God Delusion was on the New York Times bestseller list for 22 weeks.Come on, give Dawkins a break. I mean, Jim Carrey can’t be the only true comic, I mean with Buddy Hacket and Rodney Dangerfield gone, we need all the laughs we can get.
Seriously, nobody takes Dawkins seriously, if they have a mind anyway, his ideas are so radical, that they offend the evolutionist as much as the Creationist.
youtube.com/watch?v=GlZtEjtlirc Dawkins the clown on God, being humiliated by Ben Stein.Hmm. Then why was he on TV calmly telling people that a being he claims does not exist did not do certain things as recorded in the Bible? Why does he rail against a being that is a delusion? I think your definition of nobody takes Dawkins seriously does not explain why the God Delusion was on the New York Times bestseller list for 22 weeks.
That is the way science works. If something is real, and there is observational support for it, then it is incorporated into the relevant scientific theory. Both HGT and the precession of the orbit of Mercury have changed the relevant theories.Sure, everything is, it has to be.
Let me answer your simple question.Let me ask you a simple question. Irrespective of whether you think that ID is associated with creationism, there is no doubt that it is (just see the quote above from one of your supporters). Would you prefer that it wasn’t?
So evo theory is unfalsifiable?That is the way science works. If something is real, and there is observational support for it, then it is incorporated into the relevant scientific theory. Both HGT and the precession of the orbit of Mercury have changed the relevant theories.
Well yes, I think he is a sad clown who means to entertain, but his quote from Bertrand Russell gives him away. He admits as Russell admitted, that if some day he has to encounter the God he mocks, and this God asks why he could not see God beyond his unbelieving nose, he will just have to ask God why he did such a good job of hiding himself from view.youtube.com/watch?v=GlZtEjtlirc Dawkins the clown on God, being humiliated by Ben Stein.
Dawkins is a comic, until you find him teaching your children…Well yes, I think he is a sad clown who means to entertain, but his quote from Bertrand Russell gives him away. He admits as Russell admitted, that if some day he has to encounter the God he mocks, and this God asks why he could not see God beyond his unbelieving nose, he will just have to ask God why he did such a good job of hiding himself from view.
It never occurred to Russell or Dawkins, I suspect, that God was not hiding from them, but that they were fleeing the presence of God. Think Francis Thompson’s poem “Hound of Heaven.”
Your particular preference is irrelevant, but the question is central to the whole discussion. You are saying that we should look at the evidence, but the evidence is inadmissible.What I “prefer” is completely irrelevant.
By aliens? The Borg perhaps? You can’t even bring yourself to say ‘God’ when you talk about it. It’s always ‘an intelligent designer’. Not that it makes the slightest bit of difference. You even list people who you claim are atheists who back you up in some laughable attempt to convince everyone that it’s some sort of secular movement – nothing to do with us Christians, no siree.Either the cosmos and life ARE intelligently designed or they ARE NOT.
Oh my word, I really do not see how you can type a sentence like that and think that you can maintain any credibility. The sheer effrontery to suggest that we should not pre-judge the matter when literally everything than anyone has done in pushing ID has been based on the fact that they know that the designer is God. The DI even trumpets it as one of its goals:Now, it may be that the question of intelligent design is, in principle, not one that can be settled by science. That determination, however, cannot be made by presumption before the fact, but rather only after pursuing all the evidence to the final determination of where the actual evidence leads us in the end.
Your particular preference is irrelevant, but the question is central to the whole discussion. You are saying that we should look at the evidence, but the evidence is inadmissible.
Peter Plato;12578883:
Actually intelligent designer is a better term that God, because God has far to many meanings, that change completely, with the religion.Either the cosmos and life ARE intelligently designed or they ARE NOT.
Peter Plato;12578883:
By aliens? The Borg perhaps? You can’t even bring yourself to say ‘God’ when you talk about it. It’s always ‘an intelligent designer’. Not that it makes the slightest bit of difference. You even list people who you claim are atheists who back you up in some laughable attempt to convince everyone that it’s some sort of secular movement – nothing to do with us Christians, no siree.
It’s creationism, Peter. You know it, I know it, the DI knows it, the people they fund know it, the people you list that are meant to be supporting your views are quoted saying it and even people writing in this thread who have been arguing against it end up admitting it.
Oh my word, I really do not see how you can type a sentence like that and think that you can maintain any credibility. The sheer effrontery to suggest that we should not pre-judge the matter when literally everything than anyone has done in pushing ID has been based on the fact that they know that the designer is God. The DI even trumpets it as one of its goals:
GOALS: To replace materialistic explanations with the theistic understanding that nature and human beings are created by God.
What happened to the Intelligent Designer in that phrase? Where’d he go? Well, I don’t where he went but I can tell why he’s not there because the document from which that quote comes from was never intended to be released. And it gives the lie to whole farce. The very people who are front running this whole smoke and mirror exercise have already decided the outcome. Maybe you should write to them and tell them that ‘that determination, however, cannot be made by presumption before the fact, but rather only after pursuing all the evidence to the final determination of where the actual evidence leads us in the end’.
Tell me why you shouldn’t do that, Peter. If you are so keen on zero presumption before the fact, why can’t you hold the DI to that standard?
Although God is an intelligent designer the title diminishes Him. He is our loving creator.Your particular preference is irrelevant, but the question is central to the whole discussion. You are saying that we should look at the evidence, but the evidence is inadmissible.
Peter Plato;12578883:
Either the cosmos and life ARE intelligently designed or they ARE NOT.
Actually intelligent designer is a better term that God, because God has far to many meanings, that change completely, with the religion.