Actually, we as a race, will also be moving off the Earth soon, and the Mars base, will likely succeed at engineering life to live on mars, some photosynthetic organism perhaps. And the first person to do this on Mars, will be bringing life to Mars…Which is what all theology says that God did here. So the reality, is a lot more down to home, and no ET is needed, just the image of God, looking for himself in the cosmos.I have been in a corporate environment for many years, although many years ago I was in law enforcement. I think this is simply a political move, and nothing more. Here’s how I think it works: the Church is covering the possibility of intelligent life being found on other planets one day, perhaps in the near future, and is covering the liability of being made irrelevant by such a discovery by including the acknowledgement of this possibility up front, and assimilating it into it’s theology before it happens rather than later. Doing it beforehand secures a lot more credibility than doing it afterward. That’s all.
As far as the Vatican knowing some secret about aliens, well, the Vatican is just a big organization. Big organizations can’t keep track of themselves, much less big secrets. If the Vatican knew something, so would we.
Ok, what is at area 51 then.