Hi dcdure,
Was Moses alive at the time, Was Elijah alive at the time. Yes and Yes, Did they pray to Abraham ,No way. For all you have said not once have you quoted a scripture passage to support praying **to **those saints who are in paradise. But you have seen passages where praying to "dead’ people has not been fruitful.
Christ be with you
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One step at a time.
Next we must establish what the Church means by “praying to the saints”. If you look in the Catechism, or even the simple Baltimore Catechism, we “pray” to the saints for two reasons,
- To ask their intercession
- To honor them.
When we ask their intercession, they pray to God for us, just as Moses did. When we honor them, we honor God, because it is only through His grace that they were able to do the things we honor them for. And whenever we honor a member of the body of Christ, we honor Christ Himself. Look in Corinthians for this teaching.
In the places where the bible condemned “talking to dead people” it was because the person was not praying to them, that is, he was not asking their intercession,(asking them to pray to God for them), nor honoring them. He was trying to by pass God and get information from them. That is why it was condemned.
Now, since when James teaches the necessity of intecessors, he says,
------------- James 5:16 -------------
“The prayer of a righteous man has great
power in its effects.”
And he gives the example of Elijah, who was righteous
That was why God answered the prayers of Moses, when he interceeded for the people, for he was righteous.
And similarly, God told the friends of Job, to go to Job, and he would pray for them, for Job was righteous, and also Jesus changed water into wine for Mary, because she was holy, righteous and His mother, whereas, He certainly would have not done it for anyone else, except Joseph, if he was there.