this topic has replaced SSPX and EENS and latin Mass as most overworked topic on this forum. beats me why the blue state folks claim conservative Christians are ignorant yahoos.
I also had once a rung up of $6.66. I just looked at it and did not give it a second thought. Another time it was $11.11, and $7.77. How about that?When I worked in the garden at Target, one of the girls rung up a lady with a total of $6.66. The lady freaked, insisting it be rung up again with the price changed, up if necessary, just to get rid of the 666.
:clapping:this topic has replaced SSPX and EENS and latin Mass as most overworked topic on this forum. beats me why the blue state folks claim conservative Christians are ignorant yahoos.
Sure, but the book of Revelation was written to a great number of people who knew the Hebrew language.The original language of Revelation was Greek, and YYY, the Greek equivalent of WWW, does not equal 666, so you need not worry.
Revelation 13:18 Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.John was a Jewish Christian who never really mastered the Koin’e Greek of his day, as evidenced by his serious breaches of Greek syntax. He seemed to think in Hebrew first hand and translate into Greek, plus he had a profound knowledge of the Old Testament through study, and eventually, special interest in the Book of Daniel (Hebrew and Aramaic), both having seen the Beast. …
Benadam said:6+6+6=18
gasp! an exbabtist…I will be advised. hehe
Welcome !
And (4x3)² = 144Incidentally, 4 X 3 + 2 = 14
4 + 3 X 2 = 14
Thank You for that one !!!White Dove is telling the truth! Your American money is marked with the sign of of the Beast. It will only bring you misery! It’s imperative that you gather up all of your currency, stuff it in a box, and mail it to:
Catholic Answers
P. O. Box 199000
San Diego, CA 92159
(not even a single 6 in the address!)
Oriel36, sure! sounds like fun to me, just let me know when and where.Is there any chance that you might wish to drop the connection between the numbers and outside images altogether and just enjoy the number patterns as you expressed it above.Augustine simply counted the numbers from 1 to 17 and came up with 153 which features in the main Johannine texts.The next number is of course 18.
If you count the numbers from 1 to 36 (1 +2+3…36) = the familiar number but you are also looking at a different form of 3 sixes (i,e. 36). Also 18 is half of 36
I would do a great injustice to the Johannine author if I restricted it to the variations of 3 X 6’s as numerical patterns (1260,153,666 ect) even if it is an exquisite and enjoyable facet which is fairly easy for all to enjoy but the Book Of Revelation has a very organised geometric structure for those responsible enough to investigate further.
A lead in to the Book Of Revelation is best appreceated via the genealogical format of Matthew 1 ,v 1 -17.
The 3 divisions of 14 generations,the reversal of the chronology of Christ,David and Abraham,the absence of a generation from the 3rd section is a highly developed form of older structures based on 432 which are common to many beliefs.
Incidently, 4 X 3 + 2 = 14
4 + 3 X 2 = 14
So,if you are up to it,divide 432 into 3 divisions and you will see another familiar value of Revelation emerge and perhaps we can refine all this in an open forum without too much fuss an no amount of enjoyment.
If you cannot follow the simple instructions then you had best let it be.Oriel36, sure! sounds like fun to me, just let me know when and where.
6 6 6 6
6 3 3 6
6 3 3 6
6 6 6 6
12 6 6 12
12 6 6 12
One of the best commentators and a good place to start with the material is with Joseph Campbell who collected different versions of the use of 432 from different beliefs.oriel36: Why not start a new thread for your topic.
And (4x3)?= 144
And (4+3)?+ 1 = 50
The author of Revelation does request wisdom of the reader however there is presently far too much randomness in approaching the neat geometric structure of the text or resorting to outside images where none are required as evidenced by the replies in this threadIt is interesting to note that 1+2+3+…+36 = 666. And 6x6 = 36.
And I liked reading about the 153 fish (1+2+3+…+17) and the message that St. Augustine wrote (10 + 7 = 17).
And 3x50 + 3 = 153.
So are you calling the human writers of the bible, Saints Augustine, Boneventure, Thomas Aquinas (to name just a few) silly and possibly immoral??An absolutely silly thing for people to get excited about. Numerology (or letterology???) is not only silly, but may be immoral if one takes it seriously.
I had only expressed my desire to participate with an inquiry of which defined that I was not under the impression that I was engaged in the governed activity.If you cannot follow the simple instructions then you had best let it be.