Internet "WWW" == Sign of the Beast?

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this topic has replaced SSPX and EENS and latin Mass as most overworked topic on this forum. beats me why the blue state folks claim conservative Christians are ignorant yahoos.
Now that you mention it, why don’t we look at the puzzling Mystery of who the Anti-Christ is. That is also at It is not a who, but an ism according to ccc:675. Clearly identified as the Web empowered Anti-Christism whereby man glorifies himself instead of God and the Messiah come in the flesh. Psuedo-Messianism. Oh, but of course the Beasts and the Mark are tied in…enjoy! IHS Daryl
When I worked in the garden at Target, one of the girls rung up a lady with a total of $6.66. The lady freaked, insisting it be rung up again with the price changed, up if necessary, just to get rid of the 666.😃
When I worked in the garden at Target, one of the girls rung up a lady with a total of $6.66. The lady freaked, insisting it be rung up again with the price changed, up if necessary, just to get rid of the 666.😃
I also had once a rung up of $6.66. I just looked at it and did not give it a second thought. Another time it was $11.11, and $7.77. How about that?

I went to a membership store, Sam’s, twice in one day. On the first visit I bought all sorts of groceries. But later in the day I found out I needed more things for the coming week and went back a second time that same day. On the second visit I bought totally different items than on my first visit. Each time the total of my bill came to $71.29.
I have 666 as part of a password sign in on one of the forums that I am using (footcare). My husband’s number plate is 667.🙂

There was one place where I worked and the human resource officer had the extension 666 😉 . It took a while for her to understand why we were having a go about the number 😃 .

Now if 666 is not Nero, do you think it might be Ellen Gould White? :bounce:

this topic has replaced SSPX and EENS and latin Mass as most overworked topic on this forum. beats me why the blue state folks claim conservative Christians are ignorant yahoos.
Hi, 👋

Come on, do people really believe that?. :confused:

I suppose most would ask that about what I have asked here, :o and I may be a bit confused about some things right now, but I know this…
If that were true, my husband, myself and my daughter would be doomed because our first, middle and last names all have six letters in them.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :bigyikes:

(His mother was a C.C.D teacher for 25+ years, and was very religious. His mom died in “94”. Also I married my husband when my daughter was 6 yrs. old, so I could not have planned the pattern of her name).

So I suppose, it could be said, it is a good thing we have confirmation names to break up the string. Now I am 6, 6, 9, 6 and daughter is 6, 6, 9, 6, my nine being Elizabeth and hers Albertine. Wait, hubby doesn’t have a confirmation name, so he (one of the the most devout Catholics I know) must be a wolf in sheeps clothing right?. No Way!!!. :nope:
Let me give the definition of devout before anyone gets upset…
de·vout ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d
adj. de·vout·er, **de·vout·est **

  1. *]Devoted to religion or to the fulfillment of religious obligations. See Synonyms at religious.
    *]Displaying reverence or piety.
    *]Sincere; earnest: devout wishes for their success.

    Like the fictional character Damian Andrew Thorne in some 70’s or 80’s movie I vaguely recall. I remember that name scaring me as a child, (a little fyi …at the time my last name had 5 letters in it) and I also remember wondering if I was evil somehow. The fact that I was abused did not help matters any, I already thought I was somehow a temptress or something rediculous like that. **I also know that most fears are born of lonliness and fatigue and can be debilitating. **

    I would have to agree with something I read here which went something like this, *(I cant seem to find it again, arghh!)…*A person has to freely accept the devil and denounce God and therefore cannot be simply marked and tricked into worshiping Satan.

    God bless us all!
By the way, I did intend this as a serious post and not as a laughing matter. Of course, none of us is certain that the mark 666 means the www of the Internet. But I began to think of it as a serious possibility several years ago.

Remarks about the number of letters in somebody’s name really are off-topic of this post. There are only a few serious replies to this thread. This reminds me of the days of Noah when people ridiculed Noah’s building an Ark. However, note that since I am only in RCIA – you may just go ahead and laugh at me if you like.

If anyone cares, please pray for me. I have a hospital appointment for what should be a simple procedure a week from Monday and I am presently still unable to partake in the sacraments of the Catholic Church.

And if somebody wants to make fun of my lack of intelligence, please note that my name appears under the heading “SOME LAPSED MEMBERS” at this web site:

Calbreese: Thank you for pointing out the web site – I was unaware of it. So I appreciate that somebody else has also seen what I have seen.

This is curious, my computer has been quite difficult to work with in making this post. Just like the original post I made at the end of August.
The original language of Revelation was Greek, and YYY, the Greek equivalent of WWW, does not equal 666, so you need not worry.
Sure, but the book of Revelation was written to a great number of people who knew the Hebrew language.

And note: "Contact Us":
John was a Jewish Christian who never really mastered the Koin’e Greek of his day, as evidenced by his serious breaches of Greek syntax. He seemed to think in Hebrew first hand and translate into Greek, plus he had a profound knowledge of the Old Testament through study, and eventually, special interest in the Book of Daniel (Hebrew and Aramaic), both having seen the Beast. …
Revelation 13:18 Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.
Perhaps part the wisdom needed is a knowledge of Hebrew.

A good question to ask might be “So where is the person?”
As the web site points out, computer programmers have long been working on artificial intelligence. One very old program, ELIZA, was done in the 1960’s. I remember talking with ELIZA in the 1970s.


And note that much of the research and technology that drives the Internet is sinful. There is a lot of money being spent on fulfilling people’s evil desires. Pornography. And Computer gaming (Doom, and other games that allow people to want to kill an opponent, or to virtually do other evil acts). Filmmakers in Hollywood would probably know more about where the leading edge of technology is than the rest of us. I take seriously.

Interesting to note that it may someday be difficult to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. Most brick-and-mortar retailers now have become brick-and-click retailers. (Brick-and-click means the retailer has storefronts and web-sites).

Sample of “talking” with Alice.

Human: Hello Alice.
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: Where are you from?
ALICE: I am originally from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Now I live in Oakland, California. Where are you?
Human: in manassas virginia
ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in manassas virginia.
Human: I’m married and I have children.
ALICE: Tell me more about your marriage. Cool. I have a collection of gossip.
Human: I used to do computer programming.
ALICE: By now you do not do it anymore?
Human: Correct.
ALICE: I knew I was right.

Several things should be somewhat obvious. When people talk to a computer, they may be fooled into thinking there is some anonymity. However, a cleverly programmed computer will remember everything in the conversation. Such information is likely to be useful in a business sense. The computer can quickly learn of somebody’s likes and dislikes. And demographic details.

God reacted to the tower of babel with a confusion of human language. Because everyone on earth could talk with each other. And understand each other and help each other. The technical progress was great. And people could pursue their goals (good or evil).

The www Internet has overcome the confusion of human language. See the Babelfish translation tool at and also know that there are other similar web sites. Once, I used the Babelfish translation tool to translate a very technical Korean web site into English. It really worked OK.

I guess I know why so many instructions for products from China have such lousy instructions in English. Perhaps they used Babelfish or a similar tool and didn’t pay anything for the English translation.
Benadam said:

gasp! an exbabtist…I will be advised. hehe
Welcome !

Is there any chance that you might wish to drop the connection between the numbers and outside images altogether and just enjoy the number patterns as you expressed it above.Augustine simply counted the numbers from 1 to 17 and came up with 153 which features in the main Johannine texts.The next number is of course 18.

If you count the numbers from 1 to 36 (1 +2+3…36) = the familiar number but you are also looking at a different form of 3 sixes (i,e. 36). Also 18 is half of 36

I would do a great injustice to the Johannine author if I restricted it to the variations of 3 X 6’s as numerical patterns (1260,153,666 ect) even if it is an exquisite and enjoyable facet which is fairly easy for all to enjoy but the Book Of Revelation has a very organised geometric structure for those responsible enough to investigate further.

A lead in to the Book Of Revelation is best appreceated via the genealogical format of Matthew 1 ,v 1 -17.

The 3 divisions of 14 generations,the reversal of the chronology of Christ,David and Abraham,the absence of a generation from the 3rd section is a highly developed form of older structures based on 432 which are common to many beliefs.

Incidently, 4 X 3 + 2 = 14
4 + 3 X 2 = 14

So,if you are up to it,divide 432 into 3 divisions and you will see another familiar value of Revelation emerge and perhaps we can refine all this in an open forum without too much fuss an no amount of enjoyment.
This note is off-topic. But to let oriel36 know that I read his posts and I find St. Augustine’s writing to be very interesting. I hope to be among the good fish, but I have spent time swimming with some very bad fish (my own fault). And yes, I’ve been a bad fish myself. Pray for me.

oriel36 also writes more of the same at

What St. Augustine wrote – see is also very interesting.

But it does not negate my hypothesis of internet www == 666.

It is interesting to note that 1+2+3+…+36 = 666. And 6x6 = 36.
And I liked reading about the 153 fish (1+2+3+…+17) and the message that St. Augustine wrote (10 + 7 = 17).
And 3x50 + 3 = 153.

I am fairly new in the Catholic faith, and still learning how to pray the rosary. If you pray 15 decades of the rosary (joyful, sorrowful and glorious), do you pray the “Hail Mary” 153 times? 5 decades + faith + hope + charity?

oriel36: Why not start a new thread for your topic.
Incidentally, 4 X 3 + 2 = 14
4 + 3 X 2 = 14
And (4x3)² = 144
And (4+3)² + 1 = 50

As St. Augustine noted “…we know that it was on the fiftieth day after our Lord’s ascension that the Holy Spirit was sent”.

And isn’t it also 50 days from the start of the Exodus until Moses went up Mt. Sanai to get the ten commandments.
Paul W:
White Dove is telling the truth! Your American money is marked with the sign of of the Beast. It will only bring you misery! It’s imperative that you gather up all of your currency, stuff it in a box, and mail it to:

Catholic Answers
P. O. Box 199000
San Diego, CA 92159

(not even a single 6 in the address!)
Thank You for that one !!!
Is there any chance that you might wish to drop the connection between the numbers and outside images altogether and just enjoy the number patterns as you expressed it above.Augustine simply counted the numbers from 1 to 17 and came up with 153 which features in the main Johannine texts.The next number is of course 18.

If you count the numbers from 1 to 36 (1 +2+3…36) = the familiar number but you are also looking at a different form of 3 sixes (i,e. 36). Also 18 is half of 36

I would do a great injustice to the Johannine author if I restricted it to the variations of 3 X 6’s as numerical patterns (1260,153,666 ect) even if it is an exquisite and enjoyable facet which is fairly easy for all to enjoy but the Book Of Revelation has a very organised geometric structure for those responsible enough to investigate further.

A lead in to the Book Of Revelation is best appreceated via the genealogical format of Matthew 1 ,v 1 -17.

The 3 divisions of 14 generations,the reversal of the chronology of Christ,David and Abraham,the absence of a generation from the 3rd section is a highly developed form of older structures based on 432 which are common to many beliefs.

Incidently, 4 X 3 + 2 = 14
4 + 3 X 2 = 14

So,if you are up to it,divide 432 into 3 divisions and you will see another familiar value of Revelation emerge and perhaps we can refine all this in an open forum without too much fuss an no amount of enjoyment.
Oriel36, sure! sounds like fun to me, just let me know when and where.

6 6 6 6
6 3 3 6
6 3 3 6
6 6 6 6

12 6 6 12
12 6 6 12
Oriel36, sure! sounds like fun to me, just let me know when and where.

6 6 6 6
6 3 3 6
6 3 3 6
6 6 6 6

12 6 6 12
12 6 6 12
If you cannot follow the simple instructions then you had best let it be.
oriel36: Why not start a new thread for your topic.

And (4x3)?= 144
And (4+3)?+ 1 = 50

One of the best commentators and a good place to start with the material is with Joseph Campbell who collected different versions of the use of 432 from different beliefs.

Masks Of God, Vol 111’ that provides some background.
" …The coming of Patrick to Ireland is traditionally set at 432
AD,but the date is suspect,and particularly so since when multiplied by 60 (the sumerian sexagesimal soss) it yields the number 25,920,which is precisely the sum of years of a “Great” or “Platonic year”,i.e., the sum of years required for the precession of equinoxes to complete one cycle of the zodiac.I have discussed this interesting figure …where it
appeared that in the Germanic deity Odin’s warrior hall there were 540 doors through each of which 800 warriors fared to the " war with the Wolf" at the end of the cosmic eon.540*800 = 432,000,which is the sum of years ascribed,also in India to an cosmic eon( Kaliyuga cycle =432,000
yrs).The earliest appearance of this number in such
association,however,was in the writings of the Babylonian priest
Berossos, c 280 BC, where it was declared that between the legendary date of the " descent of kingship" to the cities of Sumer and the date of the Babylonian Flood,10 kings reigned for a period of 432,000 years.I have remarked that in Genesis, between the creation of Adam and the time of Noah’s deluge,there were 10 Patriarchs and a span of 1656 years. But
in 1656 years there are 86,400 seven-day (i.e.
Hellenistic-Hebrew)weeks, while if Babylonian years be reckoned as days ,432,000 days constitute 86,4000 five-day (i.e. Sumero - Babylonian)
weeks.And finally,86,400 /2 = 43,200,all of which points to a
long-standing relationship of the number 432 to the idea of the
renewal of the eon…" ’ Masks Of God’ p 459.

Joseph Campbell
It is interesting to note that 1+2+3+…+36 = 666. And 6x6 = 36.
And I liked reading about the 153 fish (1+2+3+…+17) and the message that St. Augustine wrote (10 + 7 = 17).
And 3x50 + 3 = 153.

The author of Revelation does request wisdom of the reader however there is presently far too much randomness in approaching the neat geometric structure of the text or resorting to outside images where none are required as evidenced by the replies in this thread

On a compass,half of 360 degrees is 180 degrees,half of 36 is 18 so if you are paying attension to the Johannine author’s use of 144,000 people and 144 cubits you should have enough wisdom to accept how he wishes to treat the numbers.

Similarly half of 432 is 216 or 6 X 6 X 6 just as 18 is 6 +6 + 6 but at this stage the joy of relating just how clever and spectacular these mathematical facets are is lost for those who are either irresponsible with the texts or so dull that it is better not to speak on the matter further.

Ultimately,don’t associate 666 with any transcient image or person which is the province of gematria for it does not play a role in the text and never has.
An absolutely silly thing for people to get excited about. Numerology (or letterology???) is not only silly, but may be immoral if one takes it seriously.
So are you calling the human writers of the bible, Saints Augustine, Boneventure, Thomas Aquinas (to name just a few) silly and possibly immoral??
If you cannot follow the simple instructions then you had best let it be.
I had only expressed my desire to participate with an inquiry of which defined that I was not under the impression that I was engaged in the governed activity.
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