Ireland repeals abortion ban!

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So your saying the majority in the US don’t agree with abortion and see it as murder but accept it anyway because your supreme court says so? Tell me now how are we are the weak or dumb ones then? This is now something that affects both our nations, we should be working together not attacking each other
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can’t argue with that

most US states have enacted laws that restrict abortion; in a few US states the practice of abortion has been nearly outlawed

USA is making progress on the pro-life life front, state by state,

pathetic ireland just voted overwhelmingly , as a block, to support death of the pre-born
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A lot of Irish citizens living abroad actually went back there to repeal the amendment… I can’t believe a country with a Catholic majority would favor abortion. Pope Francis should have said something to them before this. There were a lot of undecided voters
Pope Francis should’ve shown up in Dublin & voted pro-life

the irish fly-in returnees voted pro-abortion

the pro-life american christian students that were attempting to rally the pro-life vote were pelted by eggs from the kind irish peoples
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That’s horrible. Yeah I think we need a Pope who’s more prolife…no offense to the people who are big fans of his. Saint JP2 set the bar high
Hey Ireland !

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What’s that speck in your eye?
There’s no longer a practicing Catholic majority in Ireland and has been the case for some time now. Catholic teaching in Catholic schools are a disgrace, I learned the whys behind Church teaching mostly myself. All people got is the dos and don’ts but rarely the reasons why. The Church therefore appeared hard hearted and merely a rule setter. I now live in New Zealand which is the most secular nation I ever lived in though even with such a small catholic population they are starting to engage and teach one another in the richness of Catholic teaching and are heavily counter cultural in that aspect where parishes are doing quite well in engaging their youth and teaching them the whys behind Gods teachings
Weekly church attendance in Ireland plummeted from 81% in 1990 to just 18% in 2011.
This seems to be somewhat weak in comparison with Muslims I know who pray five times every day. And Muslim families around here seem to be quite large with several children. And as well, Muslim women dress quite modestly. Why don’t Catholics follow the example of Muslims ?
The result of the referendum was bad. But the work of the pro-life movement in Ireland goes on. We will not stop standing for life. The Irish people unfortunately have fallen for the propaganda and lies of the establishment. It will be our job to change minds and hearts in the tears ahead. In some ways this will make the work of the church more clear. I don’t think we can go on as we have been.
Just as I predicted… pro-lifers are going through civil war on each other.
i don’t buy that for one second

most americans are pro-life

many of the blue-staters secretly acknowledge abortion is murder

too bad ireland showed her true orange colors in favor of infant slaughter

my belfast relatives WOULD BE ASHAMED

ultimately, who cares about ireland;, a weak, defenseless nation

so long my former irish brethren; welcome to the new world order

i am done caring about your nation

not one dime of my money will ever be spent there
Catholics don’t give in ,we keep praying because prayer is never wasted and we always live in hope.
Ireland needs us more than ever BC. God bless.
That’s horrible!I am proud who my cpuntry Ethiopia still a christian country with true real believer Christians. Irish who vote are not Christians!
Coming from an Irish Catholic family, this makes me deeply ashamed. I think it’s time to ask for the intercession of St. Patrick for this wounded nation.
Christians in Africa and Asia are very religious.I am christian in an african country with true christians.Christians in west Europe and in north America are not very religious.
Recent polling in the U.S. suggests we are getting closer to a 50-50 split, so we ARE changing hearts and minds and luckily, since we are a Republic(and not a Democracy) we can change abortion law state by state. You see in the midwest particularly STRONG prolife laws recently inacted that pretty much eliminate abortion in most instances. Thankfully our President has also helped the prolife cause by eliminating federal funds to clinics that provide abortions and not just actual healthcare.
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Here in the San Francisco Bay area there are many priests from Africa. Very holy priests at that.
We’re all gutted in our house also. I felt quite raw yesterday but feel a bit better today.

I supported the LoveBoth and Save the Eighth campaigns. There was stunned silence in our church at Mass this morning as a result of this vote. So many Catholics are deluding themselves in supporting the ‘Pro Choice’ side. They believe that they can personally be against abortion but vote to legalise it and be right with God.

The abortion industry may have won the battle on Friday here in Ireland but they will not win the war as I trust in Our Lady who has already crushed the serpent’s head. Please pray to St. Patrick that he will once again banish the snakes from our beloved Emerald Isle.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in Thee.
The really scary thing is seeing people who call themselves Catholics…CHEERING the result…surely they must be under the influence of Satan to cheer the murder of innocent babies in their mothers wombs
i was angry yesterday and vented here on CAF. i apologize for that

I attended a very inspiring Trinity Sunday mass, and i, too, feel much better

i am disappointed in the irish people

we suffered a bad defeat on Friday

but we, as pro-life Catholics, can & will pick up the pieces and march on from here

George Washington suffered many defeats, but in the end, triumphed; so shall God’s will triumph
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