Ireland repeals abortion ban!

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The really scary thing is seeing people who call themselves Catholics…CHEERING the result…surely they must be under the influence of Satan to cheer the murder of innocent babies in their mothers wombs
Just understand, because it’s obvious you don’t, that nobody cheers when an abortion is carried out. Nobody would want to have an abortion. Nobody is pro abortion. They are pro choice.

People either seem to not know the difference or deliberately want to misrepresent the issue.
Northern Ireland hasn’t been mentioned at all .

Politicians in the Republic of Ireland and in parts of the UK outside of Northern Ireland are now putting pressure on the Protestant Ulster Unionist politicians for them to bring Northern Irish abortion laws into line with the rest of the UK .

The photo shows Dublin yesterday . “The North Is Next” says the poster .

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If you are pro-choice, you are at least neutral about abortion. The pro-life movement wants also to save the lifes of the mothers, while, as you say, the pro-choice consider abortion a “necessary evil”. Between the 2, one can have the same attitude towards the issue, but with the pro-life at least you are not supporting it legally.
Interesting facts about Ireland

_1922 Guns Banned _

1964 Capital Punishment Banned for crimes accept murder

1990 Capital Punishment Banned even for murder

2018 Killing of unborn legalized

In Ireland, violent criminals are now safer than babies.
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the colonel, “knocks” it out of the ballpark (pun intended), as usual

Our Lady of Knock may finally, some day soon, speak on this horrible outrage
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This is what happens when elitist beurocrats and Governments replace the role of the family. You see it in England and now…in Ireland. They can decide when your born child should die against your parental rights because “dignity” but they will allow you to kill your unborn healthy child up til 6 months, and your unborn unhealthy child up til birth. Secularism is a disease.
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I am utterly heartbroken. The drastic change in the Culture worldwide over the last 20-30 years can be traced directly to Satan’s favorite tool…The Internet. The ideas that humans are their own God, that there is no Right or Wrong, that every behavior is equal except for any that might acknowledge the One True God as our Creator and Divine Authority, etc., these have spread like wildfire throughout the world, but most directly to so-called forward-thinking Western cultures that only exist in a prosperous way today BECAUSE of Christianity, yet turn its collective back on it. It is truly sickening what is happening, but I can only assume that this is in some way working by God’s Plan, that which we could never understand. The Chafe is separating itself from the Wheat, and it is doing so blithely and in a most ignorant fashion. I can only put my Faith in God, yet I will weep for the suffering of every lost soul, as well as for each lost, innocent life that was created in God’s own image, cast away without a care by those lost souls. Forgive them Lord. It is hard for me to add that they know not what they do, but perhaps that is also the case.
i was listening on the radio and heard the
celebration in the background. then i saw the women hugging and holding their signs. i remember the days when motherhood wad treasured and seen as a gift of God. this not only devalues the lives of the unborn, but also devalues the life of living children.
they are cheering for abortion legalized in Ireland so they don’t have to travel to England to get an abortion now.
I’m not exactly sure why abortion would be “needed” in the UK and Ireland. I thought Big Daddy Government passing around “free stuff” was supposed to take care of that. Guess not because England’s abortion rate is on par with the U.S.
Pro-Lifers and Pro-Choicers constantly talk past eachother.

Pro-Choice people are pro-choice, overwhelmingly, because they don’t believe a human person is created at the same point in time (i.e. conception) that Pro-Lifers do. There are a variety of reasons they believe this. They truly believe there is nothing wrong with abortion, especially in the early stages of pregnancy (or prior to implantation).

Pro-Life people make the assumption the Pro-Choice people are all just a bunch of murderous sinners who don’t care they are sinning. They judge them based on that, rather than what they are really about.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it isn’t going to be found while this dynamic is reality.
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Unfortunately, the sex abuse scandal in Ireland, rocked the Church so hard, it removed any moral credibility the Church once had.

People now refuse to listen to the magisterium of the Church.

It will take generations to recover from, if ever.

God Have Mercy

Actually I think most people at some level do realize that we are taking about a human being. Even pro choicers don’t usually support sex selective abortion.
I disagree. And furthermore, many see a human being very different than a human person. Then you will also get into ensoulment issues. My point was that most pro-choice people aren’t awful sinners. They are people who usually truly believe what they stand for.

In the last few days I have been reading through many posts relative to this issue. As an example, one poster referred to pro-choice individuals as “scum”. Unacceptable. And it goes both ways. I have heard many pro-choice individuals in other arenas refer to pro-lifers in less-than-charitable ways.

My point is that both sides need to do a better job of trying to understand eachother. Name-calling and presumption gets us where we are today. How is that working? Not great, I would say.
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George Washington’s letter
many see a human being very different than a human person.
That has never lead anywhere good.

Can you explain how it should be OK for a woman to have an abortion if she wants to, but it’s not OK if she wants one because the baby is a girl are consistent positions?
That has never lead anywhere good.

Can you explain how it should be OK for a woman to have an abortion if she wants to, but it’s not OK if she wants one because the baby is a girl are consistent positions?
Women have abotions for all kinds of reasons. I am not really interested in debating them either way. I posted to make the point that it is wrong to presume that all pro-choicers want to see legalized abortion because they are nothing but murderous sinnners. It sort of shuts down the conversation.
Hey. I am pro-choice. Would I have an abortion because the sex wasn’t what I was hoping for? No. Do I know why other people would be ok with that? No. Do I know why I wouldn’t do it? Yes. I wouldn’t do it because if I have decided to have a baby, I don’t really care what the sex is. Does that mean I expect others to feel the same way as me? No, it doesn’t.

If it is something you are interested in, I would suggest asking someone who would consider doing it. But I would suggest you don’t start out by calling them murderous scum. Which, I have actually seen people here do.
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