Ireland repeals abortion ban!

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I feel very sad…I am emotionnally low.

I want to pray for the future babies that will be killed, the mother who will be tempted, the doctors who will coerced to do it. But motsly for the unborn.

have you got any suggestion how I could do?
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I think this stereotype is of Catholics in general.

You can swap out Ireland for countries like Poland or the Philippines or Honduras.
still, ony 9 people “voted” on the issue

not the entire nation

i stand by my statement that if the US states held individual referendums; abortion would be illegal in at minimum 2/3 of US states
They reject the Bible, they reject Sacred Tradition, they reject the Magisterium*. What’s left?
It isn’t even a libertarian view among some. A number of Mainline Protestant clergy say it’s OK to abort when the child isn’t wanted by the mother. It’s no surprise they also don’t have a problem with gay ‘marriage’, deny the Trinity, deny a literal Resurrection, deny the Virgin Birth and even think polyamory is OK.
It’s undeniable they’ve ceased to be Christian. What a mess.
*I’m a Protestant so the last 2 aren’t necessary for us but they do carry some of the Word of God with them, useful when the Bible isn’t accessible.
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O Lord, I pray for Ireland, that fair Isle that
is responsible for PRESERVING the European
Culture in the Dark Ages by the Monasteries
which retained the Literatures of the time of
Enlightenment, visit her again w/ your reward
for this and look kindly upon her children, who
are in mortal conflict b/c of this!!

Hail holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope,
to you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve,
to you do we lift up our sighs, mourning and weeping
in this valley of Tears.
Turn, then, most gracious Advocate, your eyes of
Mercy towards us and after this our exile,
show unto us the blessed fruit of your Womb, Jesus,
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
(Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be
made worthy of the Promises of Christ).
“The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot.” - Mark Twain
That should be at least good enough to convene a constitutional convention on the way to amending the constitution.
we don’t need to amend the US constitution in this regard

many individual STATE legislatures have enacted statutes that restrict abortion; some restrict abortion quite severely

so while the “cool kids” & hipsters in the blue states & irealnd vote overwhelmingly pro-abortion;

at least certain states in USA are going to remain safe havens for the pre-born

pro-life is WINNING in USA

i am ashamed & sorry the pro-life cause suffered such a catastrophic defeat in ireland

the irish peoples will reap what they’ve sown
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We do understand where the other side is coming from, and that is the dark side, aka, the culture of death. We can be respectful in dialogue, to be sure. But let’s not forget the pro-choice side favours abortion and supports reasons to kill unborn babies. We know their reasons.

We can never agree with them. Where is all your supposed dialogue and understanding between pro-lifers and pro-choicers going to lead? There is NOT going to be a Kumbaya party where we find middle ground for there is no middle ground. It is a war we are willing to fight for the lives of children. To the other side, it’s okay to “agree to disagree with them” for in their minds nothing is at stake when it comes to the life of the unborn. They “will” the child away by making up excuses about personhood or ensoulment. For us, everything is at stake. The unborn child is a member of our human family.
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wow, great post

i’ve read the pro-abortion posts here

they don’t even believe what they are saying

“a choice ’ to commit ifanticide”?


i know the average attention span here is 30 seconds or less;

hang in there for 5 minutes & try to pay attention to the “video”; cartoons will follow
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I think many feel that it is the beauty of the way the reproductive system works. It is sort of between the woman and what is going on in her body, and God if she believes in god. It is private, and by all indications it is meant to be private by the way it is designed.
This privacy is not just about a woman and her body, there is another person involved who has no choice, the child in her womb. And it is not within the power of the woman to determine whether or not the child inside her is actually a child or not.

The child in the womb does not change in nature whether or not his/her mother feels love and compassion towards him/her. The woman’s emotions do not change the nature of the child.

The notion that a child in the womb becomes a child when the mother decides that he/she is a child is nonsense. It is part of a charade designed to justify the killing of unwanted children while closing minds to the reality that they are killing children.

As far as an evolutionary mechanism to protect a woman’s emotional well-being against some of the trauma of natural miscarriages, I can understand that there may be less emotional connection with their child in their womb at an early stage. But this does not take away from the fact that they do still carry a child in their womb.
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To the other side, it’s okay to “agree to disagree with them”
To “agree to disagree” on this issue is to support a person’s right to have an abortion, but just not have one yourself.

That would seem to be about as logical as disagreeing with wife-beating, but respecting another’s right to beat his wife, although you wouldn’t do to your own wife because you believe it to be wrong. It is an, “If you don’t agree with wife beating, then don’t beat your own wife, but you have no right to tell me how to treat my wife”, approach. This approach empowers the wife-beater.
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In the US it is 60 million since 1973. And internationally it is 45 million per year.
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I don’t debate abortion here. I do debate the way it is discussed between pro-choice and pro-life people. I think the point in my previous posts was missed. If you are interested, I would suggest you go back and read them.
This isn’t an issue where we can ‘agree to disagree’ or one where there is potential for common ground. If human life is from conception, there really can be no exception. And as the killing of an innocent child is the outcome of every abortion, it isn’t something that can be left in the realms of individual conscience.

This isn’t an issue where both sides can sit down, have a good chat and come up with a compromise.
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