Is Allah equivalent to Yahweh?

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I would have no need to do this. I would help them as best as I could and preach the Gospel to them if they were not a believer. Simple as that. One does not need to divorce the two.
Again, I merely said that spiritual needs come before physical needs. A relationship with the one true God, the Triune God, is more important than food, as the desert fathers would tell you. Hence why God calls us to fast and perform ascetic devotions as that. To help us see that He is more important than food and water and shelter. We as believers should definitely give such things if we can in being loving to our neighbor as our self, but giving hope through the Gospel still outweighs the current life’s lack.
As St. Paul said, “to die is to gain.” We should have a view of giving hope and relationship to others through God, not material things.
But again, we don’t need to divorce the two like you asking to do.
Please reread what I wrote. Never said to just talk. Thank you
There is at least some possibility that Islam, if not arising of Syriac monophysitism, was at least heavily informed by it. Not all historical Christians were Chalcedonian, and the schism during the Council of Chalcedon was over the Oriental churches refusing to accept the Orthodox Christology. So that being the case, it’s almost certain that the Oriental churches worship the same God as Orthodox and Western Churches, and by extension, Islam would as well, though Islam moved from monophysitism into a more Arian view of the nature of God (though Islam is clearly an entirely different tradition and has entirely different roots than Arianism).
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I know full well what you said. In effect: Sermonising takes precedent over immediate practical help…‘spiritual needs come before physical needs’.

If this is your preference, then fine. Each to their own. It is not my preference, and so we must agree to differ.

Thank you for your time.
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Sermonising takes precedent over immediate practical help
No, never said sermonizing. I am not giving a Sermon like a lecture. It would be giving hope through the Gospel as St. Paul did. Not divorcing the two, spiritual and material needs, but having a mindset that says spiritual is priority, for the salvation of souls is better than the damnation of souls:
" For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent?
But no need to divorce the two as you seem to imply
immediate practical help
Whats more immediate and beneficial, helping one get something to eat (Which is good and we should do) or showing the Way, the Life, and the Truth? Jesus Christ, and a relationship with Him is more important than having a meal in the grand scheme of things.
God Bless
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Misleading thread title! The two are the same. The human terms used to name them are different, and understanding of God’s nature varies greatly, but there is only One.
Again, I merely said that spiritual needs come before physical needs. A relationship with the one true God, the Triune God, is more important than food, as the desert fathers would tell you.
This is more important; but only for the believer.

Can you find any Gospel passages that say; you will find salvation by the way you evangelise?

You will find Gospel passages that say you will earn salvation by helping the less fortunate.
Misleading thread title! The two are the same. The human terms used to name them are different, and understanding of God’s nature varies greatly, but there is only One.
Amen, despite all our differences, the same God hears all our prayers.
My point isn’t necessarily about earning salvation by evangelizing. It’s more about salvation through believing in God. Truly loving our neighbor won’t stop us from just helping those who are less fortunate, it will lead us to proclaim the true life saving message, the Gospel. It’s more about a relationship with God than anything. And one could make an argument that helping those with a spiritual need is just as important as helping those a physical need. But, I am in the camp that we as Christians should do both 🙂
This is more important; but only for the believer.
I disagree completely. Relationship with God is the most important thing for everyone. John 17:3 “This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and the one whom You sent forth, Jesus Christ.” Knowing God, the word there meaning knowing God intimately, is eternal life. So it is just as important for a believer or non-believer. And trying to separate that is nothing but bad and non-progressive for the Catholic Church. Our goal should be to bring people to God so that they may find eternal life with him. Not just to help people so that we may make to Heaven, but to help others that they may make it to Heaven.
I would say that allah is synonomous with god (and God in some aspects) but not to Yahweh with any sort of universal acceptance…

Many would believe Allah to be the same as Yahweh, others that allah can be a description of Yahweh and others that Allah is a false description of Yahweh.

All of this depends on one’s own background, language and colloquial use for the word ‘Allah’.

One can only answer the question from one’s own frame of reference for the word ‘Allah’.
No, because YHWH is the triune God. Excluding the Son and the Holy Spirit from the Godhead means you do not worship YHWH as he has revealed himself through the incarnation of the Son and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon his Church. Not only are they ontologically different but the morality revealed in Islam is very different from that revealed in the Old and New Testament. The same God doesn’t teach two different moral codes.
The God of Abraham had a son. Allah had no son. Can’t be the same.
I am Arabic. Roman Catholic. Arabs in my country who are Roman Catholic including our Arabic priest has used Allah in prayer and in mass. It’s a word in a language.
“Bis mil Abi, ou Ibi, ou Rouho Kudus, Allah e wahid”
– means “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God is one!”

This is frustrating – though not your fault. Most poeple who dont know think the Arabic language belongs to Islam. That is not so. What do you think the Arabs who are Catholic speak in mass in Jordan? In Isreal, in Egypt and etc? Arabic!
Most people don’t understand that the Arabic language doesn’t belong to Islam! As I posted before. I am Arabic and Roman Catholic. My family in the middle east attend mass and have an Arabic Catholic priest. Allah is used and has been used for generations by our family tree — all Roman Catholic Israeli, Jordanian and Egyptian arabs.

It’s used in the sign of the cross, in greetings and etc.
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Most people don’t understand that the Arabic language doesn’t belong to Islam!
This is really important. It also seems like many Muslims believe it is some sort of cultural betrayal for an Arab to be anything other than Muslim.
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We all worship the creator of all that is seen and unseen, there is only ‘One God’.
No. Allah is a substanstive meaning “God”. Christian Arabs say Allah in their prayers when we say God.
YHWH is a NAME. Is The Name ( Ha Shem) of God, not a substantive. God as a substantive is called Adonai (The Lord) in the Bible. Adonai may be the equivalent of Allah for an Arab in an Arab Bible.
If you are asking in the sense of the Muslim religion, is God depicted in the Qur’an then my final answer is also no, He is not. If He was, would not Muslim respect as Christian and Jews do, the Old Testament? Do Muslims read Psalms other than to bemuse some hypereccumenical effort? Since not, why not? The Qur’an is not in continuous Wording from the Gift of the Holy Spirit since it constantly attempts to replace the Bible by pretending to complete it (neither do Christian Saints’ works aim to complete the Bible.nor does the Torah or the Talmud aim to complete the Bible afaik). By it’s entire claim Islam is a fraud (read Heresy) and in that sense the God (“Allah”) in the Qur’an is not real, it is an idol. Please also note how the Bible concentrates on self-sacrifice and unity in sacrifice with God while the Qur’an concentrates on building a wordly kingdom and self-justification different hence in opposition of the Holy Scriptures.
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