Not at all - when politicians look for better solutions after things like earthquakes it is usually in terms of them making some useful contribution by way of legislative action or government funding.
This is simply, as far as I can see, a case of ‘let me tell YOU what YOU should do - and hang actually helping you to do it in any way shape or form’.
What purpose does that serve except making the poor victim, who possibly cannot financially afford the ‘solution’ or cannot implement it for other good reason, feel bad and at fault?
Excellent response of civility!~Especially when it could have been so easy to respond to the comment of “The left constantly attacks, especially the media. Looks like they are the ones pushing this country apart”…so early in the comments too…(two thumbs up)
We’re divided when we consistently look at events through the eyes of right wing, left wing and the never ending stream of main stream media opinion shows and political pundit talking heads. We’re less divided when viewing things through the lens of our Christianity when un-poisoned by the aforementioned.
This idea that persons must agree with everything this President decides or says was never what America was about. Neither was the necessity of armed guard’s at every door including houses of worship yet ironically his slogan of Make America Great Again, infers a reference to the past and days of yore. I never remembered a day when guns were like gods and a semi-automatic was needed on American soil in peacetime. I had real men in my family. Their skill didn’t require one, and we ate what was killed. I also don’t remember locking our doors, and there was always room at the table to feed another mouth, so my grandmothers saying of just that lives on for me/mine through this day. You would share anything if a neighbor was in need, wealth wasn’t determined so much on monetary prosperity as solid good ol’ fashion common horse sense. Locker room talk (as it’s been described since the early days of this Presidents campaigning) didn’t come from the lips of our fathers, at least not as they aged with a wife and expecting child all the while maintaining a moral reputation as a man of integrity!~
Right now there are court fights taking place that argue when the penalty for maintaining health care was struck down and goes into effect Jan/2019, so does the constitutionality of health insurance companies honoring pre-existing conditions. Big pharma prices remain high, but we’ll be stuck with paying for a wall and we should just be quiet about it all? I thought “Mexico was going to pay for it”, wasn’t that the battle cry of his followers? Love those corporate tax cuts (tongue in cheek), yet I doubt he has paid federal income tax at all, neither has his son-in-law.
I refuse to be blind, deaf or dumb.