I would respond that what is being addressed has to do with the complexity of the physics and chemistry of life. Bear in mind that this reflects only the perceptual tip of the ice berg, that which the senses detect of a living form. The message is in how things are; how things could have been different in another universe would be beside the point.
I’m going to take this discussion a bit further to show that we shouldn’t be thinking so much about evidence based on old systems of understanding, but rather new approaches which allow us to gaze deeper into the workings of the world
The way things are can be understood in various ways. I sort of have images from childhood of interlocking bits of coloured plastic when I think of molecules, elaborated into computer generated quite complicated images of DNA and proteins. Knowing how difficult it is to get things to come together and work is enough for me to say there are other influences besides blind luck that caused these to form in the first place. And, the feedback mechanisms to keep them intact and make for variations, only contribute to the mystery and awe.
There is another way to think of matter, and that would be as information. DNA clearly demonstrates that role. If we expand that view to include all matter, we get a different perspective of what is happening here as we contemplate these matters. The colours and images and ideas as part of everything else that goes into making the conscious experience of the moment, including the feeling of pressure on your backside when I point it out, can be thought of as the result of matter, what is “out there” and that which constitutes the workings of our neural matrix. Matter is in this light, the program, and the “computer” would be the relational human spirit. From there, we end up with reality as we experience it, because matter is more than just information, it exists in its own right as a form of being, to which we can connect, and feel closer to or more distant.
Being takes many forms, from the simplest atom, with its precise attributes and behaviour to plants that grow and propagate, to animals which recognize and actively seek out food and a mate and move away from danger all instinctively, to we ourselves who possess these same qualities but within a greater capacity for reason and love. All this exists as a tension between individual existence and being part of a greater whole. It’s all particle-wave, organism-ecosystem, individual person-Beatific Vision.