yes hahaha I wholeheartedly agree
No, I am not kidding. Brains that do not work well enough to survive are eliminated by natural selection. Only brains that work well enough to survive will have their genes passed on to the following generations.You are kidding, right?
Excellent question, Tim. But a quick heads up…don’t expect a reasonable answer. The knowledge of the subject from some quarters is virtually non-existant. But I await it eagerly.Okay, let’s find the goalposts here. What would that proof look like? If you could play devil’s advocate (no pun intended knowing your position on evolution), what would a proof of evolution look like?
If you can’t define the standards for proof, you’ve set up a definition which by itself proves you to be right. Like a casino that rigs it so they always win. You have to play fair.
What proof would get you to believe there is evolution going on?
Yes we can. Lenski has done so, his E. coli Long-term Experiment is up to 50,000 generations of bacteria.“We cannot haul 10,000 generations into the laboratory,” he said.
You don’t think God could arrange such an evolution? Do you need him to create in some other explicit, dramatic manner? Whose creation is it?If one rejects belief in God and hence a Creator, then one really has no choice but to believe that life on earth evolved from microbes.
Interesting article. Glark is studying physics. He should appreciate it.I personally believe the world was created in 6 literal days (24 hour periods) that took place over >14 billion years.
The Age of the Universe | Gerald Schroeder
How does this protein know how to fold?
According to evolutionary theory, this fish’s light didn’t suddenly appear, but evolved step-by-step,
Calculations on the probability of protein sequences and folding are more like calculating the thruster cutoff point on a trip to the moon than it is like deciding when to apply the brake when approaching a red light. Hard numbers are absolutely essential for any meaningful result.
The work of proteins results from their configuration, their shape.Some small proteins reliably settle into the correct folded configuration.
It still sounds like a “touch-feely” argument to me, especially when hard numbers have been proposed (without support) by the anti-evolutionists. The fact that they even bother to propose a number for the probability of this or that happening is proof that they recognize the need for hard numbers to support their criticism.…
A long list of genetic disorders result from spontaneous mutations of the genome.
To say that randomness is behind what we observe in nature flies in the face of reality. Failing to budge until one has “hard numbers” where none should be expected is to close one’s mind to what is there.
Of course it does. I would not have expected otherwise.It still sounds like a “touch-feely” argument to me
Show us the calculations please. Odds calculated using incorrect (name removed by moderator)uts are useless.The odds which I did reference are well past the UPB which is greater than all the events in history by magnitudes.
Good catechesis imparts a healthy respect for science, and a true Catholic sense of the interdependence of faith and reason.The materialist catechesis on evolutionism has been very good.
Your lack knowledge is showing here. In effect you are saying that you can see no evolutionary difference between an amoeba (a Eukaryote) and a human (a different Eukaryote). Amoebas and humans prove stasis according to you. Go away and learn about the three domains of life: Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes. Then you might realise what a ludicrously bad error you made here.and they are - wait for it - bacteria. It proves stasis.
Please just post the whole quote please if you take issue with it.Mr. vail left out the ‘on the other hand’ part. A clipped quote taken out of context to favor evolution. Now where have I seen that before?
No, that is your job.go back over my posts and find them.
Do your calculations include the effects of natural selection? If not, then the (name removed by moderator)uts are incorrect.Incorrect (name removed by moderator)uts? - Care to revisit your dating assumptions?