I do not know about that. Can you say an implementation from any Islamic country?
Here’s the news report from
Human Rights Watch:
The interior ministry regulations include other sweeping provisions that authorities can use to criminalize virtually any expression or association critical of the government and its understanding of Islam. These “terrorism” provisions include the following:
Article 1: “Calling for atheist thought in any form, or calling into question the fundamentals of the Islamic religion on which this country is based.”
It’s right up there in Article 1!!
Affiliation to a terrorist group is in Article 4… just goes to show where the priorities lie.
I’m sorry, I don’t know arabic to find an adequate original source. This is the best I can do.
So atheists say religion is fictional product!
I say that. Other atheists may just not think about it and simply stick with “I don’t care”.
Although, it does come off as a result of considering all gods as non-existent. If they don’t exist, then someone must have invented them. There’s no other way, is there?
There have been thousands of people(prophets) who informed us about God. If the religion(belief) had been merely by fictional then every prophets would tell a different story. But all prophets reported about a creator, angels and other world. There should be some differences in details but all told same main topics.
“all”? “thousands”?
What do you know about religions other than your own?
Ancient Egyptian mythology lasted for about 4000 years - with some changes along the way… did they receive the same message as your prophets? I’d wager that “no”, because, otherwise, they’d have come up with your religion, instead of theirs.
Ancient Greek mythology also lasted for quite a few centuries… at the time, they called them Oracles… did they get the same message as your prophets?
Buddha was on to something… but still not the same as your prophets.
The hindus… with their myriad variations… they’ve been around since before christianity (or even judaism)… did god tell them something different?
In Central America, the Maya had they bloodthirsty gods, in the shape of huge birds… what was going on there?!
And these are just a sample from some of the better known religions that humanity has accepted.
Many others could be brought forth…
Many others with messages contrasting your prophets… so, no, not all come with the same message.
You may say, at best, out of all the religions that mankind has ever made up (you accept that those others are clearly made up, right?), at best, one of them is true, one of them represents reality. But, considering they all require the same level of belief, I can’t tell which may be the true one. So I’m left with putting them all in the same bag.
Those prophets had proved their clams by miracles. Miracles are different from fascinations. Thousands of people saw miracles from prophets so they believed them. Non of people had believed a prophet by an easy way. They had hard consideration as I for instance always dispute my belief to understand.
yeah, of course. 100 years ago, tons of people believed this yogi was levitating:
Nowadays… well… we don’t believe them, we know their tricks.
Ignorant people can be fooled by simple tricks.
Prophets had never lied. If they were used to lie then we may not to believe them. But non of a prophet lied. Why would they lie about most importand issue.
People can speak truthfully and still say things that aren’t real.
They may have believed it.
Many people, today, make inferences from the beliefs they are taught as children and come, in turn, to believe in those inferences. It’s the wonderful world of theology.
Most of prophets had complications and difficulties because of their claims but they never had drawn back althogh some were killed.
Well… some people could see their lies…
Prophet did not claim such things to get a station or property but they spend all their property for their case.
Some, yes… some were in it for power, money, fame… some still are:
There should be some different beliefs about God. The first human was a prophet and He(Adam) told about God. Humanity race had known about God from very initally so these thoughts might take various forms by time in distinct societies.
How long did it take to come up with the ancient egyptian mythology and convince all egyptians that it was true?