Why did Jesus have to die to liberate us from the power of evil? Didn’t Jesus die for our sins? Didn’t Jesus die to open the gates of heaven that God had closed because of Adam and Eve’s sin? There is contradiction in the bible over sacrifices. Deuteronomy 12:31 and 18:10 is against burning humans as sacrifice but Hebrews 9:21: “Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” and Hebrews 10: 8-10 “First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them”—though they were offered in accordance with the law. 9 Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all”. If that is not human sacrifice, what is? And, God’s will for Jesus was that He sacrificed Himself. Jesus chose to do it but it was God’s will that He do it.God never needs human sacrifice. Jesus chose to suffer and die for us to liberate us from the power of evil. He quoted Hosea:
I find that very strange because throughout my Catholic schooling including being taught by De la Salle Catholic Brothers for 5 years; we were taught that the Jews were responsible for killing Jesus. The Antisemitism was very strong in the teaching. The Roman Catholic Church actively promoted Antisemitism since its inception right up until late in the 20th century. What our Church did over those approx 1,700 years to Jews is absolutely disgraceful. The Church is now a strong supporter of religious tolerance towards Jews. Please see: religioustolerance.org/vat_hol11.htm religioustolerance.org/vat_hol13.htmIt is certainly not the Church’s teaching that the Jews were responsible.
The real answer as you know well is that I do not accept Adam and Eve, original sin and hell regardless of who teaches it. I am a Christian Universalist on hell. I believe that Jesus’ words on hell and eternal torture are mistranslations of ancient scriptures. Jesus is my moral compass and I constantly check whatever I do in life against that compass.The real question is whether you accept His teaching…
I believe I have mentioned this to you before but I‘ll repeat it. You are the one stating that Adam and Eve existed and with that original sin. You are stating the positive and not me. Therefore the onus is on you to prove it. Just stating: “Then how do you explain the blood-stained history of mankind and the lust for power at all costs?” is not evidence. Please provide historical and biological evidence to prove that they existed and we all descended from them.Then how do you explain the blood-stained history of mankind and the lust for power at all costs?
So if someone dies and says: “I choose not to be independent anymore”; they do not go to hell and can go to heaven?The fact that we are not God’s slaves and can choose to pay the price of independence for as long as we choose…
You questioned me as in: “Was the account of the Creation in Genesis inspired by God? “Was Moses inspired by God?” “Were the prophets inspired by God? “Was Jesus mistaken in His references to the Old Testament?”The writers of the Old Testament were not infallible.
I quoted from the Old Testament to prove that Moses and God wanted women and children killed and virgins raped, so you now say: “The writers of the Old Testament were not infallible”.