Why are you assuming there is someone in need of my forgiveness?Such conversion, David, yes, involves conversion of the heart. We are to forgive everyone we resent. If our forgiveness is conditional, then we could hang onto resentment for the rest of our lives, for the condition may never be met. This would not be “interior conversion”, friend.
Jesus forgave, from the cross, unconditionally. The situation, and His words, are very clear, as were those of St. Stephen. As are those of Pope Francis.
This section also supports what I am saying.
This continues to support what I am saying. We can fear offending God, but God has already forgiven us. We do offend our conscience, and our conscience delivers punishment. If God is equated to our conscience, then we will fear that God is separating Himself from us.
David, I agree that there is a place for presenting the idea that God only forgives conditionally. Our conscience only loves and forgives us conditionally, and if God is equated with the conscience, which He is for young people, then the threats and instilling fear of a wrathful God may appeal to enough of their will to live beyond death (if they believe in it) that they may turn away from something terrible. However, the condition of such perception of God as wrathful is yet another conversion, another repentance to happen - later, but the sooner the better.
If unconditional forgiveness is a false teaching, then what do you have to say about this, David? Can you make these words change in some way, as you had Jesus only forgiving repentant people from the cross?
Pope Francis Verified account
God is always waiting for us, he always understands us, he always forgives us.
You are perhaps going to say that Pope Francis did not clarify “If you are repentant” and/or he was referring only to “us confirmed Catholics”. No, David, always is always. Us is all of us. That is what my heart says.
David, why not just try it? Try forgiving someone who you hold something against who is not repentant. What do you have to lose?