About a month or so ago, I read some of the sermons of Saint John Vianney the priest of Ars. In one of them he shares a story of a man who made a pact with the devil. He told Satan to help him succeed in the world and in return he would give him his soul when he died as long as Satan let’s him know three days before his death that he will die in three days. The man thought he was brilliant and would deceive Satan as his plan was to repent and confess all his sins before he died and the three days notice would provide him with plenty of time to do so.How can they not experience regret at the same time as experiencing the pain of loss? How can they not experience regret when they are in endless physical pain?
Although Satan is a liar, he did tell them man three days before he died that he would be dying. The man had become so much the results of his actions that he did not find interest in repenting and confessing - he just felt much too weak. However, when the topic changed about his business and material possessions - he was alert and interested. The man never repented nor confessed and died. (I may have written about it in this thread as I was reading the sermons).
The frontiers of hell are here on earth PumkinCookie, and so are Satan and his demons. Perhaps, Judgement Day, Hell will be more confined. Here on earth now, we can see how people can end up in a state of existence/ a state of being, so obstinate, so evil, self loving, envious etc… that they do not want to turn back - it’s who they are and they like it. With every step (actions, decisions, thoughts etc) many are making, they are “marching straight into hell” (Saint Anthony Mary de Claret).
We cannot judge, God will be the judge, God is the Just Judge who knows all. Many people do bad things for the wrong reasons, or as a result of circumstance beyond their control and may find themselves in a bad place sinning out of ignorance, incapacity, victimization, etc…but, others have arrived in similar states on account of their own use of their own free will.
It has only been this past year, that I have come to understand how people choose hell. I see people choosing it here on earth by choosing, for instance, a certain lifestyle and way of life even though they know God exists and the teachings of the Catholic Church are true. Many will choose similarly at the particular judgement - they will choose hell. People will want to keep loving themselves and will for all eternity.
I agree with Father Fortea’s understanding that God mitigates the suffering in hell.
I like the way Socrates put it: “The justice we get from miserable people, is exactly the knowledge that with every miserable act they commit; they become more and more like themselves”.