This post “hits the nail on the head” concerning hell and with it the incorrect descriptions of God’s justice. Hitler, Stalin, Pol-Pot et al and their reigns of terror are a walk in the park compared to God and hell. Can’t you all see how wrong eternal brutal torture/torment/punishment is? No loving human parent would do this. Only a sadistic evil being would do such a thing. Is this really God?Hell is the endless extension of a life of nothing but misery and hopelessness made worse by the fact of relentless external physical torment as well as relentless spiritual torment. Many of the authors mentioned in my previous posts detailed the serious reasons to doubt the value of life itself, and that is without considering the possibility of endless hell!
If Schopenhauer thought this life ultimately wasn’t worth it, imagine his opinion if this life were extended infinitely and made ever so much worse. If Ivan Karamazov wanted to reject god(s) because he allows the innocent to suffer (temporarily) on behalf of the guilty, imagine his rejection if he allows most of humanity to suffer endlessly for no discernible reason. If Kafka thought this life was absurd and meaningless, how much more meaningless if we are born guilty and doomed to eternal punishment? Our situation is worse and more absurd than The Trial! Sartre thought nothing could take away our freedom, not even being chained and paralyzed. He may well have thought that even endless hell couldn’t break our freedom: but it would seem so! Hell is much worse than the Nazi concentration camps in which Sarte suffered. Hell is an endless concentration/torture camp run by god(s). Not even Sartre could claim freedom in this place, I think! Even the most courageous and noble Nietzschean ubermensch would be crushed by the sheer terror and hopelessness of endless physical and spiritual torment.
Consider what an abomination hell must be! Before it, our lives collapse into something to be detested. The souls in hell surely beg and scream for annihilation as the physical tortures created for them from the beginning of the universe by god(s) consumes their flesh only to be miraculously restored in relentless, unbearable pain and suffering. Talk about a Freudian Todestrieb! Think of all the people suffering, hopeless, crying out for death only to receive more pain and violent suffering.
Imagine the worst disasters in humanity history. Imagine the Soviet gulags, genocides, plagues, crucifixions, North Korea, etc. Imagine the tremendous suffering of all of those people, then make it relentless, then make it miraculous, then make it endless, then make it designed and sustained directly by god(s).
Now, imagine the architects and directors of those disasters. Hitler, Stalin, Pol-Pot, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong-Il, Saddam Hussein, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Osama Bin Laden, etc.
Are your three gods like them? Are those their compatriots? Are they just an infinitely greater version of them? Do you call them “good?”
Endless hell cannot be the work of one who is “good.” Believe what you want of course, but consider:
-Thomas Paine