I’m not quite sure how much we agree or disagree. There seems to be some common ground but it appears that we do diverge from one another.
I was sure we have a lot of common ground.
But I am not quite sure anymore if you say that “works of the law” can’t be “our daily activity” in Paul’s letters.
My thinking is this : if we do things, our action would always be subject to law. If we do not break any rules then there will be no “case” nor punishments. But once I do something “funny” then “the law” will look into my “case” and judge. So I think the law is always there.
I know what you mean about “work of mosaic law”-- about “sacraficing bulls and goats”-- are not our practice anymore. Yet it does not mean the mosaic law is not there anymore, because the Ten Commandments are the “core” of Mosaic Law. The Ten Commanments are also the bases of may aspects of Church Law until today.
My view is this : Paul say that FAITH would make one “work because of love”. But the absence of faith will make one “try to be righteous by rules”.
I am sure that charity works etc are important. But the Paul’s point here is the source of one’s righteousness. One can do “good works” because he fear “rules of the Church”. But those who has FAITH will obtain their righteousness from Christ (Philippians 3:9).
Romans 3:31
Do we then nullify the Law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law.
Surely in the above Paul wrote that “the Law is still in effect” and even further, that those who can “fulfill the law” are those who have FAITH. Those who tries to do “the work of the law” fails.
Jesus also teaches us to do our works based on “faith”. Because if we believe, we will not sin.
Do you believe that God free you from your sins? This is the heart of the teaching of the Gospel.
Even if you call me calvinist, protestant, fundamentalist, etc : this is the heart of the good news. I don’t say that we “don’t have to do any good works”. I say : “good works are God’s grace after one is freed”. It is very biblical.
Romans 10:10
for with the HEART a person BELIEVES, resulting in RIGHTEOUSNESS, and with the MOUTH he CONFESS, resulting in SALVATION.
NAB Romans 10:10
For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.
NAB Philipians 3:9
and be found in him, not having any righteousness of my own based on the law but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God, depending on faith
God bless.