Is Israel Commited to Peace?

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vern humphrey:
I leave that to those who feel the need to denegrate other human beings.
Really? And who does that do you think?
vern humphrey:
  1. You attack a whole religion with a blatently biased interpretation of their beliefs.
  2. You persist even when corrected and shown the Church’s position.
Has it never occured to you that the Church can err in this sphere?
Really? And who does that do you think?
Do mirrors show your reflection?
Has it never occured to you that the Church can err in this sphere?
No, but it DID occur to me that YOU can err.
vern humphrey:
If anyone reading this had any doubts you are a bigot, you just swept away those doubts with your own words.
Calm down Vern, you’re starting to rave. In today’s world we do *not *have Christians or Jews flying aircraft into skyscrapers. We do *not *have Christian clerics preaching death to the infidel from the pulpit. Hence, you are obligated to prove your claims before you go about attempting to disprove ours.
vern humphrey:
What Muslim horror matches the Holocaust, committed by people who were ostensibly Christians?
To name just one example, in 1915-1917, the Islamic Turks killed an estimated 1.8 million Armenian Christians. This does not match the numbers killed by the Nazis during the Second World War of course, but it was only one of a long and ongoing series of horrors.
vern humphrey:
Do mirrors show your reflection?
Do they show yours?
vern humphrey:
Obviously. We’re all fallible men. But by extension you are just as likely to be in error as I am.
Calm down Vern, you’re starting to rave. In today’s world we do *not *have Christians or Jews flying aircraft into skyscrapers. We do *not *have Christian clerics preaching death to the infidel from the pulpit. Hence, you are obligated to prove your claims before you go about attempting to disprove ours…
Take a deep breath and try to follow. Just as the Holocaust must be laid at the door of those who committed it (many of whom were Lutherans, Orthodox and Catholics) and not at the door of Christianity, so must the deeds of 9/11 be laid at the door of those who perpetrated that crime – and not charged against all their co-religionists.
Obviously. We’re all fallible men. But by extension you are just as likely to be in error as I am.
The difference being I’m not the one running around with his hair on fire, trying to convince other people that a whole religion or ethnic group is somehow fundamentally evil, and then demanding someone else prove me wrong.
vern humphrey:
Take a deep breath and try to follow. Just as the Holocaust must be laid at the door of those who committed it (many of whom were Lutherans, Orthodox and Catholics) and not at the door of Christianity, so must the deeds of 9/11 be laid at the door of those who perpetrated that crime – and not charged against all their co-religionists.
You’re problem is first, that you have only brought up a single example thus far, the Holocaust (though admittedly a very big one), while there are hundreds if not thousands of incidents of Islamic violence in the 20th century alone.

Secondly, you mistakenly seem to believe that the since many of the Nazi party were raised as Catholics, Lutherans, etc, that the crimes of the Holocaust are directly connected with Christianity as a whole and somehow equivelant with Islamic terrorists flying passenger airliners into the WTC while screaming “Allahu Ackbar”.

In reality, there was little or no motivation to attack the Jews in Germay during WWII from a Christian viewpoint. Hitler, Goebbels and many other Nazis were indeed born Catholic, but Hitler was a noted Agnostic, having taken, as he said, history for his god, while Himmler and the SS, who were responsible for the actual persecution of the Jews, were engaged in Neo-Pagan racist fantasies of a “Germanic” religion.
You’re problem is first, that you have only brought up a single example thus far, the Holocaust (though admittedly a very big one), while there are hundreds if not thousands of incidents of Islamic violence in the 20th century alone…
You must have a reading problem. In all your vast research, you never ran across things like anti-Jewish riots, pogroms and so on in Christian countries? You never learned that the Jews were expelled from Christian countries like Spain and England?
Secondly, you mistakenly seem to believe that the since many of the Nazi party were raised as Catholics, Lutherans, etc, that the crimes of the Holocaust are directly connected with Christianity as a whole …
Vern Humphrey:
Just as the Holocaust must be laid at the door of those who committed it (many of whom were Lutherans, Orthodox and Catholics) and not at the door of Christianity, so must the deeds of 9/11 be laid at the door of those who perpetrated that crime – and not charged against all their co-religionists…
Yep, you’ve got a reading problem.
and somehow equivelant with Islamic terrorists flying passenger airliners into the WTC while screaming “Allahu Ackbar”…
And a spelling problem too.

But you DO have a vivid imagination, I’ll give you that. (Of course, most bigots do.)
In reality, there was little or no motivation to attack the Jews in Germay during WWII from a Christian viewpoint. Hitler, Goebbels and many other Nazis were indeed born Catholic, but Hitler was a noted Agnostic, having taken, as he said, history for his god, while Himmler and the SS, who were responsible for the actual persecution of the Jews, were engaged in Neo-Pagan racist fantasies of a “Germanic” religion.
So you’re saying a long history of persecution of the Jews is NOT connected with the Holocaust? And that professing Lutherans, Catholics and Orthodox did NOT serve as SS members and auxiliary guards?

You really have a strange idea of history!
The Black Knight:
Better than having no conception of history at all .
Given both your wierd, hate-filled version, and the obvious gaps in your historical knowledge, I consider THAT a complement.

You’re a one-trick pony, and no different from any other bigot – so no need to carry on. I’ve done all that is required of me to correct your errors.
vern humphrey:
Given both your wierd, hate-filled version, and the obvious gaps in your historical knowledge, I consider THAT a complement.

You’re a one-trick pony, and no different from any other bigot – so no need to carry on. I’ve done all that is required of me to correct your errors.
Gee, Thanks. :rolleyes:

Btw, Why do you use “bigot” so much? Do you like the sound?
The Black Knight:
Gee, Thanks. :rolleyes:

Btw, Why do you use “bigot” so much? Do you like the sound?
What other word is there for people who condemn a whole religion, demand other prove them wrong, and present a twisted version of history to support their hatred?

The events of 9/11 do not condemn all Muslims – in fact, events after 9/11, where more Muslims have died fighting on our side than Americans, refute all claims that somehow all Islam is responsible.
vern humphrey:
What other word is there for people who condemn a whole religion, demand other prove them wrong, and present a twisted version of history to support their hatred?
Hospitaller suggested you read the *Endless Jihad *article on the mainsite. Since you don’t appear to have been able to find your way over there yet, here it is to spare you the trouble.

Endless Jihad

*** When, as Pope, I visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in 1979, I halted before the monuments dedicated to the victims. There were inscriptions in many languages: Polish, English, Bulgarian, Romani, Czech, Danish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Yiddish, Spanish, Flemish, Serbo-Croat, German, Norwegian, Russian, Romanian, Hungarian and Italian. All these languages spoke of the victims of Auschwitz: real, yet in many cases completely anonymous men, women and children. I stood somewhat longer before the inscription written in Hebrew. I said: “This inscription invites us to remember the people whose sons and daughters were doomed to total extermination. This people has its origin in Abraham, our father in faith (cf. Rom 4:11-12), as Paul of Tarsus has said. This, the very people that received from God the commandment, ‘You shall not kill,’ itself experienced in a special measure what killing means. No one is permitted to pass by this inscription with indifference.”

Today I repeat those words. No one is permitted to pass by the tragedy of the Shoah. That attempt at the systematic destruction of an entire people falls like a shadow on the history of Europe and the whole world; it is a crime which will for ever darken the history of humanity. May it serve, today and for the future, as a warning: **there must be no yielding to ideologies which justify contempt for human dignity on the basis of race, colour, language or religion. **I make this appeal to everyone, and particularly to those who would resort, in the name of religion, to acts of oppression and terrorism.
The Black Knight:
Hospitaller suggested you read the *Endless Jihad *article on the mainsite. Since you don’t appear to have been able to find your way over there yet, here it is to spare you the trouble.

Endless Jihad
As I said, a one-trick pony. There’s a lot more to history than an article posted on the web.
vern humphrey:
As I said, a one-trick pony. There’s a lot more to history than an article posted on the web.
Indeed. a lot more.

Like this


And this


and this


and this


By the way, Endless Jihad is an official part of Catholic Answers, written (I’m assuming) or approved by Karl Keating. If you don’t like the facts as they stand perhaps you should start seeking a forum more congenial to your naivite.
The Black Knight:
Indeed. a lot more.

Like this


And this


and this


and this


By the way, Endless Jihad is an official part of Catholic Answers, written (I’m assuming) or approved by Karl Keating. If you don’t like the facts as they stand perhaps you should start seeking a forum more congenial to your naivite.
And if you don’t like the facts, perhaps you should join a different species.
Ah yes, insults. The coward’s substitute for actual thought.

That’s bad old man, very bad.
Ah yes, insulting a whole people and their religion. The coward’s substitute for actual thought.

That’s bad old man, very bad
vern humphrey:
Ah yes, insulting a whole people and their religion. The coward’s substitute for actual thought.

That’s bad old man, very bad
And now you can’t even be bothered to think up your own posts! Boy, you’re just going from bad to worse, aren’t you? 😉
The Black Knight:
And now you can’t even be bothered to think up your own posts! Boy, you’re just going from bad to worse, aren’t you? 😉
And now you can’t even be recognize it when someone holds up a mirror! Boy, you’re just going from bad to worse, aren’t you?

Go peddle your hatred to someone else. I ain’t buying it.
vern humphrey:
And now you can’t even be recognize it when someone holds up a mirror! Boy, you’re just going from bad to worse, aren’t you?

Go peddle your hatred to someone else. I ain’t buying it.
Vern, neither myself or the Black Knight have expressed hatred towards anyone. We have expressed a legitimate concern that Islam as a cultural force is inherently violent from its doctrine to its practice. We have presented articles and links to support our side of the debate.

You, on the other hand, have made constant use of snide remarks, claims of “bigotry”, and pointles sarcasm. Your attitude is consistantly “hatefull” as far as any definition would put it. You have (deliberately or otherwise) missread my arguments, attributed false intentions to me, and disregarded any evidence that threatens your position in the debate.

You have not presented any evidence to support your unfounded claims, apart from your continued insistance that because Moslems are fighting against other Muslims in the WOT, that somehow vindicates the religion in its entirety.

Now, I would be most obliged if you would present some information to support your contentions, or else admit that the weight of evidence is on our side.
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