Is it ok to listen to Dr Taylor Marshall?

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It seems that women are free to practice reproductive freedom, including murdering babies but there is one exception where women are not permitted to engage in reproductive freedom- a Catholic mother overbreeding.
Let me add that Satan is pitted not against Christ only
in the FINAL CONFLICT, but against THE WOMAN. See
Gen. 3:15 , God predicted that the battle would center
around the woman birthed from Adam’s side(The Church
birthed from Christ’s riven side) and the Serpent, Satan.
No wonder all the forces of evil are being thrown in the
face of the church that Jesus Christ said HE would build
on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, esp. Peter
See Matt. 16:18
As someone who has listened to Dr. Marshall long before he started “red pilling” hard, he doesn’t have a problem with people who attend the Novus Ordo.
He has a problem with the NO and has told his listeners/viewers to do whatever they can to abandon it and bring back the traditional Latin Mass.
Tim Gordon attends the Novus Ordo.
Yes, he does. I don’t know why this is relevant.
So people can go around blaming Dr. Marshall, etc.; but let’s not forget the reason Dr. Marshall has left the mainstream: he is a victim of the McCarrick scandal.
We’re all victims of the McCarrick scandal, then. It doesn’t give us all license to encourage dissension within the Church.
I was fully awake when listening to the latest from Dr. Taylor Marshall with Michael Matt. When I switched to listening to the latest from Michael Matt I nearly dropped my iPad from sleepiness. I promptly paused the video and slept and finished listening when I awoke an hour later.
The situation we are in is rapidly changing. There are two opposing forces at work in this world right now. While people like Mike and Taylor can still speak and be heard, we should listen.
Michael Matt has always been what I call Solo Traditio: they believe that Tradition is far more important than the living Magisterium, and that anyone’s interpretation of it is equal in authority with the living Magisterium. They regard pontiff’s before 1958 as Popes, and those since then as mere popes.

Dr Marshall is more complicated than Mr. Matt, but I wonder if he too is part of, or compatible with Solo Traditio. I think this leads to countless dead ends, like Sola Scriptura.
This is not true at all. They recognize the nature and power of the church. They rightly understand that Tradition (capital T) and doctrine CANNOT BE CHANGED. The church is indefectible. Not even the pope himself can make a change to doctrine. So if doctrine appears to be changing, they are definitely right to question it.
I don’t know. I really hate to condemn anyone for one mistake. But his retweeting of the poll (where 8% trust the Pope)is the type of thing that makes me reject anyone as having any moral authority. It is one thing to question and challenge what the Pope says, but it crosses the line to attack him and his authority personally and broadly. The man is no Protestant, but that was definitely a protestant-y move.
As someone who has listened to Dr. Marshall long before he started “red pilling” hard, he doesn’t have a problem with people who attend the Novus Ordo.
He has a problem with the NO and has told his listeners/viewers to do whatever they can to abandon it and bring back the traditional Latin Mass.
Tim Gordon attends the Novus Ordo.
Yes, he does. I don’t know why this is relevant.
So people can go around blaming Dr. Marshall, etc.; but let’s not forget the reason Dr. Marshall has left the mainstream: he is a victim of the McCarrick scandal.
We’re all victims of the McCarrick scandal, then. It doesn’t give us all license to encourage dissension within the Church.
Yes - he prefers the NO and tells his listeners/viewers to do whatever they can to ATTEND the TLM (not abandon the ordinary form). He just recently attended an Ordinary Form mass in Pittsburgh - and does view it as a valid mass, even though he doesn’t like it.

One can disagree with him here, but he knows that most of his viewers are like minded to him. So he’s really encouraging the people who listen and like the latin mass (but don’t attend because it’s a far drive or whatever reason - like Tim Gordon) to attend the TLM.

I think it’s important to understand people in context, even those we disagree with.

As far as us all being victims of the McCarrick scandal, it’s true we are. But Marshall isn’t encouraging dissension. People who dissent are heretical and dissent against the Traditions of the Catholic Church.

He’s encouraging “resistance” to modernism & heresy not “dissension” to Sacred Tradition.

He’s encouraging us to stand up the heretical and lukewarm members of the clergy (not all clergy - he’s very supportive of the Bishop of Tyler, TX - for example). He’s encouraging us to be like the laity during St. Athanasius’s time, when the laity stood up to heretical bishops who were supporting Arianism and a Pope who was flirting with Arianism too.

St. Athanasius and the laity said “no” and resisted for decades until the heretics were gone.
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He’s encouraging us to be like the laity during St. Athanasius’s time, when the laity stood up
In 2019, the laity rarely stand up to wrong politicians, wrong media, wrong public schools, wrong anything secular. Instead there is a tidal wave in the culture to stand up to only
religious authority, (and Trump.)

Laity who challenge pope, bishop, pastor aren’t going against the secular mainstream, that is the secular mainstream in 2019.
Except that she survived seven prior c-sections and likely had talked to her doctor about the risks. Moreover, she isn’t free to use ABC (no one on earth is) and perhaps NFP didn’t work for her and thus she isn’t irresponsible at all, even according to the strained reasoning of His Holiness. Finally, as seems to be typical for him, his apparent animus toward those who practice a more traditional Catholic life bears out in his uncharitable comment.
He never suggested she was free to use artificial contraception, and we don’t know anything about her use of NFP. What he was saying was that there is no requirement for women to have many children in order to be considered good Catholics. Particularly if it risks leaving seven children without a mother.
It was not a statement that women couldn’t have large families; it was that they are not required to do so.
You should listen to Dr. Taylor Marshall. I also recommend lifting weights and reading the Bible. You will be better off. Dr. Taylor Marshall prays for Pope Francis every day, and anyone who says that he against the Pope obviously hasn’t been listening to his podcast.
He has a problem with the NO and has told his listeners/viewers to do whatever they can to abandon it and bring back the traditional Latin Mass.
What I have heard him say, and just the other day, was that both Masses are valid, both are like diamonds but just placed in different settings with the TLM being a more beautiful setting.
Do yourself a favor and don’t use the phrase “do yourself a favor” because it makes you sound pretentious and condescending
His video on Nouvelle Théologie was very insightful and in it they both gave an excellent summary of the theology behind many changes which have occurred and are occurring now.

In my opinion it’s difficult to unsee some of the connections he’s been making and the usual objections that one would give to refute his claims don’t seem to hold water anymore.
What he was saying was that there is no requirement for women to have many children in order to be considered good Catholics. Particularly if it risks leaving seven children without a mother.
It was not a statement that women couldn’t have large families; it was that they are not required to do so.
Mmmm… I think he went a shade further than that by his suggestion that the risk to her own health outweighed the blessing of that 8th pregnancy. First off, ANY time a mom gives birth the kids could be left motherless. Complications happen. Secondly, since Pope Francis was not her personal doctor how did he have any business stating that these kids were at particular risk? Plenty of moms have repeat c-sections. I know someone who has had many & her docs say she has a uterus of steel & she can have as many more as she pleases. I feel like Pope Francis insinuated that 8 c-sections is ipso facto irresponsible. It’s not. Pope Francis seems very willing to leave loads of “gray area” for certain people to have “wiggle room” in the church… but not so much for others.
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He has a problem with the NO and has told his listeners/viewers to do whatever they can to abandon it and bring back the traditional Latin Mass.
What I have heard him say, and just the other day, was that both Masses are valid, both are like diamonds but just placed in different settings with the TLM being a more beautiful setting.
We’ve been through this before though. And again I’d note that 1) through all of his social media outlets he has repeatedly said the OF is a failure and Catholics should abandon it for the EF, 2) when he speaks of the validity of the OF it is not supportive, and 3) his diamond setting analogy proves this.
I think it was more of an illustrative example. And it’s astonishing to me how many people feel free to question virtually everything the pope says. Often, they are the same people who would have labelled people who questioned Pope Benedict as ‘cafeteria Catholics.’
I still hold on to some of my heretical theology books (the ones that are from influential authors), but I just keep them in a separate section where no one can see them. 😄
Good idea. Thinking I could mark the binding with a 🚫 signaling caution. I wonder if anyone ever considered helping readers discern books/authors from a pre & post Vatican II point of view? I sure could use some help.

How could a website be set up and utilized to help? Just a thought question
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I think it was more of an illustrative example. And it’s astonishing to me how many people feel free to question virtually everything the pope says. Often, they are the same people who would have labelled people who questioned Pope Benedict as ‘cafeteria Catholics.’
Well I am not one of those people. I can’t speak for anyone else.
And it’s astonishing to me how many people feel free to question virtually everything the pope says
The “let’s guilt-trip Catholics who disagree with something the Pope said” is clearly not working.
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