Is it ok to listen to Dr Taylor Marshall?

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I own Holy Sex and it does not have a imprimatur. At least not on my copy. Not that I would recommend that book to anyone. I would not. The good news about Sex and marriage is one that is regarded as orthodox but a few parts of it are problematic in my opinion, yet contains a imprimatur. I wont get into details because it is majority off topic.

I was taught, when I went through Rcia, that in the 70s or 80s a lot of books were written that could not get imprimaturs in their local dioceses so the authors illicitly obtained them from liberal Brazilian Bishops. I learned this from a Deacon who entered the Diaconate immediately after the Diaconate was re opened here in the USA. I do not 100% trust imprimaturs. Probably not even 75%.

Okay, back on topic… I listen to Dr Taylor Marshal. I would first and foremost recommend his video where he breaks down the Traditional Latin Mass and explains the whole thing part by part. It’s 2 hours long but worth it for anyone interested in the TLM. However I can see how listening to him all the time might get depressing for lack of a better term. Constant talk about negative topics such as abuses in The Church and Church Scandal can either get depressing or make my blood start to boil. Overall, I think it is just fine to listen to Dr Taylor Marshal but I would not do it all the time.
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do not 100% trust imprimaturs. Probably not even 75%.
The fact that a screen is imperfect does not make it worthless.
Keep in mind an imprimatur is not an endorsement by the Church. It means it doesn’t explicitly teach heresy. It doesn’t mean this book adequately addresses the topic, or is the best available book.

But it still is a useful standard. A book that can’t even meet this standard - like Marshall’s - may offer thrills and chills, but likely less reliable than most that meet the standard.
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The fact that a screen is imperfect does not make it worthless.
I concur that imprimaturs are not worthless. Just not infallible. Everyone knows that there are heretical Bishops out there. So a imprimatur only guarantees orthodoxy as much as The Bishop who granted the imprimatur.

As to Marshal Taylors book not being able to meet the standard for a imprimatur ( I suppose you mean “Infiltration”) It is not a book about Morality or Theology and is not intended to be used to teach Morality or Theology so it’s not really a fair comparison to books that have a nihil obstat and Imprimatur. Only if he intended a book to be used for teaching those things would one seek a imprimatur. At least that is my understanding. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Not that I am defending Dr Taylor or his book. I have not read it.
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But for the past 1 plus year he is too much into politics in the church and even calls (asks) Pope Francis a heretic.
In all fairness he never called Pope Francis a heretic. I forget the video but when dealing with the claims of heresy, he said he doesn’t have the authority or the knowledge to officially declare that Pope Francis is guilty of heresy.

He says that if something like that were to happen, it would need to be declared by a subsequent Pope, who looking back at this current pontificate, could then make that determination.
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In “Infiltration” he explains among many other things the heresy of Modernism. He identified Pope Francis as a Modernist.

(I think I just pumped the book sales a bit).

I disagree with most of what has come out of the Vatican since 2013, last night was at a Holy Hour for Atonement for the events of the Synod.

But I don’t recommend this writer. He seems harmful.
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In all fairness he never called Pope Francis a heretic. I forget the video but when dealing with the claims of heresy, he said he doesn’t have the authority or the knowledge to officially declare that Pope Francis is guilty of heresy.

He says that if something like that were to happen, it would need to declared by a subsequent Pope, who looking back at this current pontificate, could then make that determination.
I agree. I believe that is pretty much what he has said.
In one of the panchmama videos he asks the Pope if he is a heretic…Calls him simply Francis…Utter disrespect to the Vicar of Christ. He brings people like George Neuymar who has written books like " the political pope " into his show. He calls Mr. George Neuymar “stalwart”
I don’t remember which video that was, but I seem to recall Dr. Marshall asking the general question of whether or not the Pope has committed heresy. To which I believe he answered by saying that it wasn’t for him to make such a claim or a determination.

I can’t speak to why he referred to him simply as Francis. This could’ve been intentional to convey his anger and hurt by what transpired over the entire idolatry issue. I know Dr. Marshall specifically referenced the way Pope Francis apologized only to those who were upset that the statutes were destroyed and yet offered no words of comfort or clarity to those offended that the statutes were even used in the first place.

Well say what you will about George Neumayr, but he has done some excellent investigative journalism into a lot of these corrupt members of the clergy. Which could be why Dr. Marshall keeps inviting him onto his show. His video where they talk about James Martin was very illuminating and further supports the claims that James Martin isn’t the defender of all things Catholic as some pretend him to be.
But it is exceptionally disrespectful for Neumayr who claims to be faithful catholic to write a book with the click bait title “the political pope”.
Watch the panchmama video where he asks “Francis, are you a heretic” ?
I don’t know if it is right for any good catholic to try to make money out of crisis situations in the church…Case in point…Marshall’s youtube merchandise has “Team Vigano and Dubia brothers” t-shirts in selling…Wonder if it is 100% morally correct to find money making opportunity from the crisis in church…
Well one can object to the merchandise, based upon your point of view, but at least you acknowledge that there is a crisis in the Church. I wasn’t aware that Dr. Marshall created or sold the merchandise, I was always under the impression that he ordered them or had them custom made for himself. And even though he’s made references to them in past videos, I don’t recall him pushing them or advertising them on a daily basis as a way to make money.

I just watched the video, it was approximately 14 min long. He explains why he’s asking the question at about the 7min mark. It’s based upon the actions and remarks of Pope Francis regarding not just the Pachamama idols, but things in the past as well. He’s obviously hurt and frustrated in the video, because you can see the emotion in his face and hear it in his voice.

And frankly he’s asking questions that a lot of Catholics are wondering themselves. I don’t know if you’re content with the answers that came out of the Vatican regarding the pagan idols at the Church, but I’m not. And Pope Francis did nothing to assuage the fears or bring comfort or clarity to this entire debacle.

You seemed to have singled out that one point of the video and yet the remainder of the video, Dr. Marshall is consistently reaffirming his love for the Church and all things Catholic. So I don’t understand the contradiction that you seem to be making.
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Calls him simply Francis…Utter disrespect to the Vicar of Christ.
For me, that doesn’t necessarily place on the list of problems with Marshall’s videos.

Maybe it’s just from writing a lot of theology papers or reading a lot of Catholic news. But I know that I would refer to popes by simply their name—whether Francis, Benedict, or John Paul II. I don’t think that’s inherently disrespectful, though some people can certainly do it that way.

Even referring to them by their given name (like Bergoglio, Ratzinger, or Wojtyla) isn’t necessarily done out of disrespect. Some reporters do that just so they are not saying “Pope Francis” over and over again in the same article. I do see Catholic commentators employ this in a disrespectful way, though (like calling him “Pope Bergoglio”). To me, from a rhetorical perspective, it only really makes sense to use their given name when referring to them prior to becoming pope.

I didn’t see the video, so maybe Marshall was being snide by referring to him simply as “Francis”. But I wouldn’t necessarily call him out on that.
I wonder if Taylor will ever address Cdl Raymonde Burke simply as “Raymond” or Bishop Athanasius Scheider as “Athanasius”
I wonder if Taylor will ever address Cdl Raymonde Burke simply as “Raymond” or Bishop Athanasius Scheider as “Athanasius”
🙂 I do find it interesting. It definitely would strike me as odd to hear someone refer to a bishop by their first name without any title, but it doesn’t strike me the same way with popes, or even saints. I will often refer to saints by their first name without any titles. 🤔
Be the Macabee mugs were the first or the top most post that you would have found in Taylor’s FB page until the a few days back.While the inspirational element is understandable I do think it is not right to make money out of the crisis situation…Regarding merchandise youtube will do half the job for you by pushing the ads…
I wonder if Taylor was acting in the panchamama video.Taylor also created an ocassion of sin for his followers at least once in FB. On a Sunday he posted a question “will you donate to the diocesean appeal this year?”. I thought as a trad he will be minimizing or cut off FB entirely on Sunday instead of starting a discussion in his FB page…Some of the responses are utter nasty comments about Pope and bishops… Getting into such discussions in social media on a Sunday is a violation of 2nd commandement
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