Also, I’m unaware of the beatitudes. Could you inform me on what those are please?
Oh, dear.
Riman643, I memorized the Beatitudes when I was around 8 years old in a PROTESTANT church as part of my Sunday School class. We not only had to memorize them, but we had to understand them (at least as much as an 8 year-old can understand such deep concepts).
The fact that you don’t know what they are tells me that you have some learning to do about your Christian faith. I don’t think you know as much as you think you do, and if you make the decision to ghost your parents, you will be making a serious error in your Christian walk.
Here’s an idea that might help you–until you have read and studied the ENTIRE Bible and the ENTIRE Catechism of the Catholic Church–don’t hold anything against your parents.
Also, before you decide to do anything against your parents, wait until you are around 60 years old. If you are blessed to live that long (many people don’t these days), you will have experienced enough life to know the best way to treat your parents.
And think about this–Jesus’ Father sent Him to earth to become a lowly human being and to die a tortuous death on the cross while carrying ALL the sins of every human being so that they could have the gift of salvation made available to them. But Jesus loved His Father and obeyed Him, even though He knew that many human beings would reject His gift, or accept it but not understand it and fail to allow the Holy Spirit to help them become saints while on this earth.
Perhaps your parents are like those people who just don’t “get” Catholicism and Jesus’ sacrifice. Some people have experienced some bad things (things that you don’t know about because they kept it from you so as not to frighten or disillusion you), and these bad things make it difficult to understand just how much God love us and what He wants to do in our lives.
Ghosting your parents isn’t the answer. The answer is for you to honor your mother and father, as the Commandment says, and to work and struggle and pray and fight and forgive again and again so that you AND YOUR PARENTS will get to heaven and live with Jesus forever.
Don’t you want to help your parents get to heaven ? Just because they didn’t help you is not a reason to make a deliberate decision not to help them.