You sound very angry and judgmental towards your parents.
This isn’t good, and might even be a sin.
It might be better for you to work on your own attitude, be kind and gentle towards your parents and set a good example for them of what a Catholic should be.
Personally, if I didn’t know anything about Catholics and I met somebody going on like you did in your first post, I’d think, “Wow, what an angry person. Catholicism doesn’t seem like a very good religion if the people who belong to it are so judgmental and bitter even towards their own parents”.
When people saw the early Christians they said, “See how they love one another”.
How about trying to put that into practice instead? You don’t have to agree with your parents’ views, but coming on here blaming them for all kinds of stuff and calling them phony and other names is unnecessary and sounds rather immature.
And “ghosting” an immediate family member, unless there is some compelling reason to do so such as they have beaten you, raped you or threatened you with death in the past so you need to get away from them to protect yourself, is also very immature.
Edited to add, it’s also not good that you’re living off these people so you can get some benefit (a degree) while you complain vehemently about them behind their back…they’re providing you with an opportunity, you owe them some gratitude even if you don’t agree with their views. Honestly you really need to stop pointing fingers at your parents and look at the three fingers pointing back at you yourself.