Okay let me get this right, so you are saying because Jesus was sinless but paid for all sin by his death on the cross, made him a sinner?You quoted, “(2 Cor. 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him)”.
I take this to mean ALL OF THE SINS OF ALL upon Himself, which I believe only God can do.
Therefore since we can only have our own sins and Jesus had EVERYONE’S SINS, no one could be more FULL OF SIN than Jesus, seems pretty simple to me and not only can and should we think about it but we can be grateful that God did this for US in the work of the Incarnation.
I don’t see how anyone can call this an “almost a blasphemy” since it is acknowledging what God did for God’s creation and it is as you quoted, straight from the bible and as I said, something that I was taught and I believe quite a few others were taught.
I think of Jesus, being True God and True Man, as being our (humanity’s) liaison between God and man.
Since Jesus was more full of sin, as it is written: “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin”, than any of us could possibly be, God accomplished for us to be able to approach God, in any condition, at any time.
Something to think of: THE CURTAIN IN THE HOLY OF HOLIES TORE IN HALF, did it not?
No matter how much some wish to sew it back together, it is not sewable, God tore it in half with God’s work on the cross.
What I am saying is that I do NOT know “all of the details” but that God has had God’s Plan since before creation and God’s Plan and God’s Will will come to Fruition.

Where do you get this stuff. Anyway Jesus was the SPOTLESS Lamb, the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.
If Jesus sinned, to begin with the scripture you quoted was just contradicted by what you stated.
Your quote states he who knew NO sin, What that scripture says and what the Church and St Paul was stating is this, he who knew NO SIN, took upon the SIN OF MAN, another words he paid for the sins of mans although he was sinless. He died not because he became a sinner, he died because he paid for the sins of sinners.
He could not be the spotless lamb of God who took away the sins of the world if he sinned. If he became a sinner he would not be the SPOTLESS lamb.